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  • #128849
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 20

      Sooooo, hi again! I’m glad that you clicked on my page. I’m new. Go figure. And I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.  So I’m writing here for no apparent reason, other than to show the world I exist. So, um, I like to write! I finished a few novels, half of them suck, and the other two are pretty good. I’m glad that I could be here and see you all! Writing has been a passion of mine since 4th grade, when I first began a dragon book. Sadly, I did it on a school account that got deleted, but I didn’t give up faith or hope, and now I have a few complete works!

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 446


        No! The dragon book is lost!

        Sorry… I had to. Anyway, hi! Welcome to Kingdom Pen! I’m theloonyone

        What are your novels about? I’ve only finished (finished is a strong word, it’s more of a really rough draft) one novel, but it’s something. And I am heartbroken to hear of the dragon book’s demise… But great job keeping at it!


        Anyway, some newbie questions!

        1. What kind of writing do you do? Do you have a favorite genre?

        2. Stranded on an island. If you like music, what are five songs or five albums that you would want to have if you were stranded on an island? Basically top five, whether through quality or sentiment.

        3. Stranded on an island but five books.

        4. If you could make any activity an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for?


        Welcome to Kingdom Pen again! I hope to see you around!

        And I’ll tag some people to say hello!

        @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @freedomwriter76 @folith-feolin @lightoverdarkness6 @felicity @microphage6032 @koshka @all-the-other-people-that-I-didn’t-remember

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2826


          Hello! I’m Loopy. I like writing mostly fantasy and drawing. That’s awesome that you’ve finished some novels! I’d love to hear what your favorite ones are about.

          Newbie Questions:

          1. Do you have a favorite tv show or movie?

          2. What’s the most recent book you read, and did you like it or not?

          Official KP archivist ✨

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6727

            @gold_hummingbird AHHHH HIIII!! It’s me V.L!!


            is Lesli Mintz. So good to see ya here!!!

            also yes be prepared to answer a ton of questions as u introduce yourself to KP, our Keepers tend to get a bit carried away when meeting someone new (we’re an excitable bunch XD)


            Really there’s not much to learn, this place is here for us all to have a ton of fun, share our writing, give critiques if wanted/needed, encouragement, funny memes, art etc!


            We have a roleplay with our book characters going on called the Character Castle, and someone can explain to you how to do it if you’d like to join.


            Sometimes we have alternate universe Roleplays with our book characters, just for fun.


            no one has to join anytbing, we just do crazy stuff for fun and when we’re bored. Feel free to share whatever you like. I’m usually on here pretty often but who knows 😂 we’re a bit crazy but what writer isn’t?


              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
              • Total Posts: 20

              Half of my novels are fanfictions, which I could change to be my own original stories, and the other half are fanfictions.

              1. The type of writing I do is action, fantasy, and a tiny hint of humor.

              2. Chainsmokers – Something just like this; Owl City – When can I see you Agai?; The Fat Rat – Back One Day; Italobrothermusic – Boom; and Egzod, Maestro Chives & Alaina Cross – No Rival.

              3. Dragonflight – Anne McCaffery; Johnny Tremain – Esther Forbes; The False Prince – Jennifer A. Nielsen; Ivanhoe – Sir. Walter Scott; and Masterminds – Gordon Korman.

              4. lol, coming up with the most book ideas in the shortest amount of time.


              What about you? 🙂

                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                • Total Posts: 20

                Hi, Loopy!

                1. I do like the Dream SMP, although those are just streams, ant not technically a show or a movie. XD

                2. The most recent book I read was The Three Musketeers, and it took me 2 weeks to read it all. I did not really enjoy it, although it had given me two book ideas. XD

                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 20


                  Okay, I was a little confused about all the questions, but that makes more sense. I wasn’t worried that you guys were weird, and so I just answered them anyway. XD

                  Cool!! An RP space! I’ll definitely have to check that out!

                  Gwyndalf the Wise
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 404


                    Hi! I’m Gwyneth Wise on CWW.

                    And I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.

                    Cool, cool.

                    So I’m writing here for no apparent reason, other than to show the world I exist.

                    XD I have received your proof.

                    So, um, I like to write! I finished a few novels, half of them suck, and the other two are pretty good. Writing has been a passion of mine since 4th grade, when I first began a dragon book. Sadly, I did it on a school account that got deleted, but I didn’t give up faith or hope, and now I have a few complete works!

                    Nice! (Although not so nice about the deletion =[ )

                    I’m glad that I could be here and see you all!

                    Glad you can be here too!

                    Aaaand now for the questions, mwahahaha!

                    1. If you are currently working on a story, what is it about? If you’re not currently working on it, what was the last one you did about?

                    My brain is fried so I can’t think of any more questions…

                    Nice to meet you and God bless! =)

                    "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                    (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6727

                      @gold_hummingbird yeaaaaa…… u don’t have to answer them, of course lol…it’s not like we’ll hunt you down or anything… *turns*




                      PUT DOWN THE PITCHFORKS GUYS….




                      THAT MEANS YOU LOOPY!



                      Ahem, anyway! Hope you have fun, and we’d love to hear about any current project your working on, or if you’d like to hear about ours, you’ll quickly learn that we all LOVE TO DISCUSS OUR WIPS.


                      (or maybe that’s just me….)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2826


                        Chainsmokers – Something just like this; Owl City – When can I see you Agai?

                        That’s the kind of music I used to listen to! Good taste 😌

                        Official KP archivist ✨

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2826


                          Awww… *drops pitchfork and shuffles away*

                          Official KP archivist ✨

                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 20

                            Hi, Gwyn! 

                            The story I am working on is called Of a Flock. It’s a fanfiction now (About Dream), but I’ll change it to make it original. But it’s basically a story about a teenage boy who is running from the law. A large bounty is over his head, and five Hunters are constantly chasing him, determined to get the money. The book starts with him getting wings.

                            Now everything that he knew about life is upside down and twisted. As he is a magpie, his “bird-brain” takes over when he sees anything shiny, and he immediately wants it. It also pops up during great emotion, scattering his usual calm and cold reactions. His wings are tiny, not yet full grown, like they should have been because most avians are born with their wings.

                            He doesn’t know who he is, or what to call himself, and he no longer feels safe with the sudden new dangers around him, and his fresh wings to take care of. Especially now that he is playing in a harsh competition of something like Minecraft where he has enemies from day one. At least he has his partner in their team of two, who is only three years older than him, but he can’t help but feel like the pink-winged avian could be a father. At least, until he realizes why that person wanted to protect him. And now he doesn’t want anything to do with him.

                            So, yeah! That’s my current story. I am on Chapter 11 and close to 30K words. How about you? 

                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 20

                              Thanks! X)

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6727

                                @gold-hummingbird THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!!!


                                I watched a few Dream SMP animatics and loved them but I can’t/won’t watch anymore due to language and just…yea…

                                And I also can’t read fanfic because it’s obviously not kosher


                                SO UR WIP SOUNDS AMAZING!!! (Wait so is it still fanfic or u making it ur own WIP?)



                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                  • Total Posts: 173


                                  Hi! Nice to meet you! I’m fairly new here too! I love your name!

                                  I’m currently a full time barista, bird and people loving home school graduate who is learning Spanish.

                                  Some questions for you:

                                  1)What is your dream job?

                                  2)What is your favorite bird?

                                  Hope you have a great time on here! Looking forward to if you share your stories with us!

                                  Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

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