Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!!

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  • #178010
    The Ducktator
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1395

      @jonas @freed_and_redeemed @stephie @highscribeofaetherium @whalekeeper @grcr @esther-c @anyone-else-my-brain-feels-like-tapioca

      Hopefully this works, my last attempt was marked as spam. (Wyoh, you child of a half-baked potato!) Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! In honor of this, here is a prayer by Saint Patrick, which is also my dad’s favorite hymn. It is called Saint Patrick’s Breastplate, and I highly recommend looking up a recording. Unfortunately, my dad has not been able to find one with all the verses, which is why I’m posting them below.

      I bind unto my­self to­day
      The strong name of the Tri­n­ity,
      By in­vo­ca­tion of the same
      The Three in One and One in Three.

      I bind this day to me for­ev­er
      By pow­er of faith, Christ’s in­car­na­tion;
      His bap­tism in the Jor­dan riv­er,
      His death on cross for my sal­va­tion;
      His burst­ing from the spic­èd tomb,
      His riding up the heav­en­ly way,
      His com­ing at the day of doom
      I bind un­to my­self to­day.

      I bind un­to myself the pow­er
      Of the great love of cher­u­bim;
      The sweet Well done in judg­ment hour,
      The serv­ice of the se­ra­phim,
      Confessors’ faith, apos­tles’ word,
      The pa­tri­archs’ pray­ers, the pro­phets’ scrolls,
      All good deeds done un­to the Lord
      And pur­i­ty of virg­in souls.


      I bind un­to my­self to­day
      The vir­tues of the star lit heav­en,
      The glo­ri­ous sun’s life giv­ing ray,
      The white­ness of the moon at even,
      The flash­ing of the lightn­ing free,
      The whir­ling wind’s tem­pes­tu­ous shocks,
      The sta­ble earth, the deep salt sea
      Around the old eter­nal rocks.


      I bind un­to my­self to­day
      The pow­er of God to hold and lead,
      His eye to watch, His might to stay,
      His ear to heark­en to my need.
      The wisdom of my God to teach,
      His hand to guide, His shield to ward;
      The Word of God to give me speech,
      His heav­en­ly host to be my guard.

      Against the de­mon snares of sin,
      The vice that gives temp­ta­tion force,
      The na­tur­al lusts that war with­in,
      The hos­tile men that mar my course;
      Or few or ma­ny, far or nigh,
      In eve­ry place and in all hours,
      Against their fierce hos­til­i­ty
      I bind to me these holy pow­ers.

      Against all Sa­tan’s spells and wiles,
      Against false words of her­e­sy,
      Against the know­ledge that de­files,
      Against the heart’s idol­a­try,
      Against the wiz­ard’s ev­il craft,
      Against the death wound and the burn­ing,
      The chok­ing wave, the poi­soned shaft,
      Protect me, Christ, till Thy re­turn­ing.


      Christ be with me, Christ with­in me,
      Christ be­hind me, Christ be­fore me,
      Christ be­side me, Christ to win me,
      Christ to com­fort and re­store me.
      Christ be­neath me, Christ above me,
      Christ in qui­et, Christ in dan­ger,
      Christ in hearts of all that love me,
      Christ in mouth of friend and stran­ger.

      I bind un­to my­self the name,
      The strong name of the Tri­ni­ty,
      By in­vo­ca­tion of the same,
      The Three in One and One in Three.
      By whom all na­ture hath cre­ation,
      Eternal Father, Spir­it, Word:
      Praise to the Lord of my sal­va­tion,
      Salvation is of Christ the Lord.

      Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1466


        Oh, interesting! 😀 I may have to look it up later. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!


        • This reply was modified 1 year ago by -GRCR-.

        you're unique—just like everyone else.
        i've got your nose.

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Heyy I love that song! We sang it in church today as a congregation. It was fun :]

          Official KP archivist ✨

          The Ducktator
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1395


            We sang it at church too! All the verses. By the end my throat kind of hurt.😂 It was worth it though.

            Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

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