For the Poets Among Us…

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  • #92743
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      Thank you 😀!! It was more or less inspired by my WIP:)

      • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Abigail.M..
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1789

        @abigail-m You’re so welcome!

        Linyang Zhang
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1700

          I was reading through my collection of poetry (written maybe 2 or 3 years ago, the most recent) and wow, they sure are dark…I don’t remember writing such story-inspired ones in the recent times…here’s a villanelle I wrote. I used to write a lot of villanelles. Too many.

          Late Night Chills

          Shadows dance across the window sill
          The breeze takes my breath away
          Outside, black trees sway in the wind

          The cold is creeping up my spine
          My lungs are filled with ice
          Shadows dance across the window sill

          The wind picks up
          Howling, just before midnight
          Outside, black trees sway in the wind

          There is no one out there
          I am left alone
          Shadows dance across the window sill

          I run, and I am caught
          By branches, in the night
          Outside, black trees sway in the wind

          The hands are reaching for me
          By my ankle they drag me down
          Shadows dance across the window sill
          Outside, black trees sway in the wind

          Lately, it's been on my brain
          Would you mind letting me know
          If hours don't turn into days

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1789

            @devastate-lasting Wow! I’ve never heard of a villanelle before, but yours is so haunting and beautiful!

            Linyang Zhang
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1700

              @gracie-j Thanks! A villanelle is a format of poems that I used to be obsessed with, haha…I don’t think I can remember how to write one now…

              Lately, it's been on my brain
              Would you mind letting me know
              If hours don't turn into days

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1789

                @devastate-lasting You’re welcome! I may have to try writing one someday!

                Daisy Torres
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 691

                  This is such a great idea!!! I’ll share one I just recently did! I love poetry so I’ll probably be posting here fairly regularly XD


                  There is a woman who walks her path alone, and in her wake burns fire and smoke, marking, illuminating, casting shadow on all she nears.

                  And she is restrained.

                  There is a man who dares to be strong when others are not. His mind is a place few dare to tread—not for fear of death, but for fear of understanding.

                  And he is not heard.

                  These are the girls with spoken opinions, who do not hide behind the shield of a screen, but wear their words like crowns.

                  These are the boys who are as old as you or me, but wisdom made them ancient. They see the traps the trapper sets and try to warn the prey.

                  And they are–



                  Feel free to add any input!!

                  "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                  Daisy Torres
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 691

                    @devastate-lasting oooohh I LOVE that <3 Beautiful job. And also same about writing a lot of dark poetry XD Not anymore, but when I was like 13, I was just shoving my bleeding heart in people’s faces like “Isn’T iT pReTtY???”

                    "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1789

                      @daisy-torres Whoa! That is BEAUTIFUL!

                      Linyang Zhang
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1700

                        @daisy-torres Lol yeah I was so edgy as a 13 year old…if one of my poems didn’t have death in it or something I mean… *laughs*

                        That’s a great poem! I love it!

                        Lately, it's been on my brain
                        Would you mind letting me know
                        If hours don't turn into days

                        Daisy Torres
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 691

                          @gracie-j aww thank you so much!!!

                          "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                          Daisy Torres
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 691

                            @devastate-lasting Right?? XD Idek why that’s where my mind went, I think I was just trying to find “new” territory or something and for whatever reason I felt like death and shadows were a great place to start???? Idk, but that was an… interesting period in my life as a poet.

                            Thank you!!

                            "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

                            E. K. Seaver
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 344

                              Uh… I wrote this one a couple of days ago. I keep documents on my computer titled “Poems 2019/2020/2021” and this is the first one of 2021.

                              Two Kinds Of Hurt

                              I wish I were hurting like you were

                              It sounds stupid, I hear you, I know

                              But when you’re hurting people feel bad for you

                              When I’m hurting they say “Get up, you’ll grow.” 

                              Those mistakes all happen to you,

                              You’re beaten and broken by your friends

                              My mistakes are ones I cause myself

                              But the shrapnel from my bomb is my end

                              I wish I were hurting because of someone else

                              I wish that I wasn’t forced to apologize 

                              I wish that I didn’t have to stand on broken legs

                              And people would see past my perfect disguise.

                              The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.

                              E. K. Seaver
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 344

                                Also here’s one I’m working on for a story I’m writing. It’s sort of like a prophecy but also clues for a scavenger hunt.

                                In castles old once stood the crown

                                though creeped and crumbled underground.

                                Lay wait in dark for fairies old

                                a midnight house with hor’rs untold.

                                Wait not for mysteries you first sought

                                for what you think is fully not

                                And nothing quite is as it seems

                                and black is left of the whitest queen.

                                The moon rests in the sky alone

                                Come keep and weep the heart of stone.

                                Worlds beneath and midnight sky

                                use the key to stab the eye.

                                When all is done and all is made

                                And two rot together in one grave.

                                Once some feel pain and others death

                                Will safe night darkness take a breath.

                                • This reply was modified 4 years ago by E. K. Seaver. Reason: Do not question my decision

                                The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 765

                                  Hey everyone.. I came to this topic a little late XD because I don’t really consider myself much of a poet, but have written a few pieces. I’ll share one I wrote about dandelions here.

                                  Sway, sway, sway all day

                                  Drifting gently on the plumes of May

                                  Hard to get rid of, never welcomed to stay

                                  But they soon in the fall retire and go away.

                                  Once again, they come in June 

                                  and close up tightly by the light of the moon. 

                                  They crane their necks to hear the loon 

                                  that cries gently over by the pontoon. 

                                  Now it is fall, the dandelions will leave

                                  Their seeds and remainders blown up by the eaves. 

                                  Oh, goodbye, my little flowers,

                                  I’ll see you next year, when summer is ours.


                                  Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed that! I wrote it last year, I think. I don’t write much poetry… just wanted to share that though.

                                  • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Kads.

                                  staring at the fields
                                  if nothing's really real
                                  i'll make the winter now my home

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