Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!)

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  • #144692
      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
      • Total Posts: 103

      (TW- Pain? suffering? a bad injury)

      Chapter 14




      Pain surrounded me.

      Pain shooting from my shoulder, burning, stinging like it was ripping me apart. Black dots clouded my vision, panic shaking my body, not understanding what had and was happening.

      All I could feel was pain. Pain, and hot blood on my back. The hard floor against my chest.

      All I could hear was the buzz in my head. The shrieks of pain that escaped my lips. The echo of my slamming heart.

      All I could see was blurs and blackness flashing before my eyes. The cracks in the floor. The flickers of light from the window. Flickering like a weak light that was about to be stomped on, crushed, destroyed.

      All my life all the memories flashing before my eyes, and in all of it, there was pain. Pain on the bed, as they left me there for hours. Pain as I slept in my first cell. Pain of starvation. Pain of being chained up. Pain of loneliness. Pain of not being strong enough. Pain of getting beaten up.

      Pain. It made up all my life.

      And it was going to end it too.

      Click. I froze, terror tightening around my chest. Click. That was the noise that came right before the pain. They were going to put me out of my misery. Time seemed to stand still, my heart pounding with a cry of no. It had pleaded for death for so long, but now it was terrified.

      I tensed and waited for death to come as an avalanche of pain.

      A blood curdling scream sounded instead, muffled noises of struggle. The front door opened with a creak, I shrieked as the person ran over to me, the floor creaking under their feet. Was this what death was supposed to feel and sound like?

      The person put a hand on my back, I shrieked again as the fire like pain intensified. My head buzzing so much it didn’t feel like the shriek came from my own lips, but someone else.

      “I’m so so s-sorry.” His voice broke near the end. And for the first time I felt relief. It was the man.

      For a minute it was a bit quiet, the shaking, gasping sobs from me, and uneven choked breaths from the man. Was he afraid? I had never heard him sound like that.

      “It’s going to be okay. It will. Just remove the arrow. It’ll be fine.” He whispered, almost sounding like he was trying to convince himself of that. My mind flickered back to the touch on my cheek, the whispered words. That was the first and last time he had spoken to me. Until now.

      But then reality hit me. Remove the arrow. The thought of that getting removed sounded more painful than the excruciating pain it was causing right now.

      I shifted, but holding back screams stopped. “N-no, p-please…” I wanted to live, but now I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t sure if I could handle that much pain.

      With another shaky breath, he whispered “It’s going to be okay. Y-you’ll die if I don’t remove it. I need to. I’m going to have to cut it out.”

      Cut it out? With a knife? My fear crushed me with such a force I couldn’t breathe.

      “Just, breathe. Okay? Deep breaths.” His voice was low and soothing, almost convincing part of me that it would be okay, while the other part wanted to fight in fear and panic of the terrible pain that lay ahead.

      He swallowed so hard I could hear it, as he got up and opened the cabinet and drawers, searching for the supplies he needed. I tried my best to not imagine the knife he found to cut into my flesh, but it came, no matter how hard I fought it. I was shaking uncontrollably by the time he settled down by my side.

      With another deep breath he whispered. “It will be okay. It will.”

      I shrieked arching up my back as the cool blade started cutting through my flesh. His other hand held me down, and I could almost feel him flinch at my scream.

      “S-stop! Stop! You’re killing me!” I sobbed as he kept cutting all around the arrow. Pain, feeling like my shoulder was being ripped to pieces.

      “Deep breaths, don’t hold your breath. I’m going to pull it on the count of three.”

      I struggled to take a deep breath, dread and fear gripping my chest, crushing it, like it was trying to ground me to dust.


      No, no please. No. I can’t handle the pain.


      Please, you’re going to kill me. No. I can’t. I can’t.

      He jerked it out, pain shooting through my body, stars blinded my vision, as I lost consciousness.


      Never turn your back on a truce, because no one hesitates on an open opportunity to strike.

        • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
        • Total Posts: 103

        (TW- mentions of blood, wounds, murder of a child)

        Chapter 15


        Pressing cloths against the wound tightly, I checked her pulse. Hands shaking, I could still feel it faintly. It’s okay. She just went unconscious. She’ll be okay. Right?

        My heart slamming in my chest, my breath tight against my ribs disagreed. Pictures flashed in my mind, pictures I tried to hide away. The other girl who lived in this house. All smiles and full of laughter. Dark curls surrounded by blood on the floor. Falling unconscious. Never waking up again. I never even got to say goodbye.

        A tear slipped out of my eye, but I was too busy putting pressure on the wound to wipe it away. I somehow let it fall. A memory falling with it. A memory I had kept locked inside. Locked in so long that it was sharp, the tear feeling like a knife sliding down my cheek, cutting, burning as I let it out. Like fire dripping down my face, as another, and another rained down.

        No, no. I tried to fight the tears, but I had opened a floodgate that I was unable to stop. You’re a man. Don’t be a baby and cry.

        My mind flashed back nine years, her words echoing in my head “Daddy, does it make me a baby to cry?” she said as she buried a small bird that she had found.

        I had pulled her close, the head of curls tucked against my chest “No darling, tears are just letting go of the feelings we can’t express in words”

        Shaking my head, bringing me back to the present, I pressed down a different cloth, as the blood was soaked through the other.

        I swallowed. Letting go. I looked at the girl, the girl I had been hiding from, the girl who I decided I was too much of a monster to be around. And where did that leave me? Her being hurt.

        Why was I so stupid? This was all my fault. I flinched, my hands were still shaky from her screams, and her begging me not to do it. She was so terrified. Not of me. But of the pain. Of being hurt more. Because that’s all she got at the camp, pain. And so far, that’s all I had given her. Staying away from her. Not giving her love or comfort. Just her needs, and then didn’t even protect her. I was just as bad as the general. My insides ached, more fiery tears licking down my face. How could I be so blind?

        “I’m s-so so sorry.” I choked on a sob. How could I have done this?

        “I will make it better” I swore to myself, “I will fix this.” But could I fix all the damage I had created? Would it always be there?

        I will protect her. Comfort her. And love her. Chest clenched, as I started wrapping her wound with bandages. Did I have any love left to give her? Or had it all drained out of my shattered sharp shards of a heart? Did I even know what love was anymore?

        I tied off her bandage, slipping a pillow under her head. Why couldn’t I just fix the sharp shards of my heart with a bandage? Instead anytime I tried to fix it, the sharp shards just cut me again and again leaving me aching and bleeding inside.

        Wiping up the bloodied floor, my eyes caught a bit of white on the arrow. I frowned picking it up, a piece of paper attached to it. Heart pounding in my head as I recognized the handwriting. The same handwriting that gave a threat before Charlotte- I stopped swallowing hard. Chest clenched as the sharp words blinded my eyes.

        Return the girl in 3 sun downs. Or else. 

        Never turn your back on a truce, because no one hesitates on an open opportunity to strike.

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 103

          @power @freedomwriter76


          enjoy some angst of 3 new chapters. I’ll put more on tomorrow 🙂

          Never turn your back on a truce, because no one hesitates on an open opportunity to strike.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156


            ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!?!?!?!? 😭😭😭😭😭

            why do you do this to meeeeeee????



            just kidding 😆

            but still


            anywhoooo….I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! 😍😍 (wish I had gotten to it sooner! 😭) I love the way this story is going…AND ROGER, OH MY GOODNESS, I LOVE HIMMMMMMMM 😍😍😭😭

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 365


              Apparently, I somehow missed your newest chapters. 🤨

              Bwahhaha!!! The plot thickens!

              (On a side note, aren’t bow magnificent weapons? The farther away you are from your opponent, the less likely you are to end up with a knife in the ribs.)

              You will love what you spend time with.

              SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2841


                Oh my goodness I love your story! I have to find out what happens next! PLEASSSE post the next ones!!!!! You have to publish this!!!!!! It’s amazing!

                This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

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