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        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @joy-caroline. I’m only going to assume that means you like it. xD

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          OF COURSE it does!! Like any normal reader, I love getting my heart broken.

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @joy-caroline. AWW, Thank you!!! 🙂

            Haha, IKR!? xD xD xD We just love to have our hearts broken over fictitious characters! XD

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              You’re so welcome, girl!!

              Precisely. XD

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @freedomwriter76 AHHH YES!!!

                GLAD THEY’RE OKAY! I mean as okay as can be!


                do they ever get away from hitchens…or does hitchens get what he deserves?!?!




                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @godlyfantasy12. Thank you so much!!!! 😀

                  Hmm…I’m not sure what happens to Hitchens yet…but yes, Nathan and Dawson get away. 😉

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @freedomwriter76 *choir sings* HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAAAAAAAHHHH!!!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      @joy-caroline. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @godlyfantasy12. Alright, I think Part 4 was the last of it for now, but there will probably be more later, lol. xD Y’all are writers…y’all understand, lol. XDXDXD

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                        Oh Dawson…*sniff*

                        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @koshka. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😀

                          And…yeah…poor Dawson…but have no fear, for he is redeemed! 😉

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @joy-caroline. @godlyfantasy12. So…here we go with more writing. xD

                            So…this one will be in parts as well, lol. XD But anywho, this is for another possible WWII WIP about five brothers who are in an Anti-Nazi resistance ring in Nazi Germany. But anywho! Part 1!

                            A dinner party…Leo hated even the idea. But, of course, he didn’t get a say. Nor did his brothers.

                            Adolphus and Dietrich…he was sure they had gotten a say.

                            “Don’t ruin this for Mother and Father. All of you.” Annalise warned.

                            Steffi bounded into the living room. “Uncle Hans is coming for dinner and Aunt Eleanor is coming with him this time!”

                            “And Uncle Hans is bringing an old friend of his and his family, so you better be on your best behavior…or else.” Adolphus warned, walking by.

                            Leo fought back the retort on his lips. It would only cause more trouble for him and his brothers.

                            Adolphus, Annalise, and Steffi stalked away.

                            “They’ll pay one day…” Jakob muttered. Vowed.

                            “Jakob…” Joshua sighed with a shake of his head.

                            Leo nodded. “They will. For everything they ever did.”

                            Joshua sighed again. “You have to learn to forgive, both of you.”

                            A doorbell rang.

                            Leo sighed and motioned for his brothers to follow him.

                            “It’s wonderful to be back, Felix. We haven’t done this in way too long.” Hans said with a smile, shaking his brother’s hand.

                            Eleanor had disappeared with Frida, Annalise, and Steffi.

                            “Oh, and Felix, this is my old friend that I had mentioned…”

                            “Franz. Franz Schind. My…wife and daughter disappeared with the other women already.”

                            Felix laughed. “That is quite alright. Women can do odd things. Oh, and these are my sons Adolphus and Dietrich…” He continued, going on and on about their military positions, duties, and accomplishments. Adolphus’ in the SS, Dietrich’s in the Luftwaffe.

                            Then, his gaze finally flittered over to Leo and his brothers. “And…those are my other sons. Leo, Joshua, Jakob, Reuben, and Wolfgang. Now, would you like to sit in the main parlor until dinner?”

                            Franz glanced at their coats and then them with utter contempt.

                            But…the young man beside him smiled, a long, thin scar on his left cheek giving his smile a small tilt. And his smile…was warm. Not the cruel and sadistic smiles Leo was used to.

                            But…the man was wearing the same uniform as Adolphus, Felix, and Hans.

                            Franz turned to face Felix. “I’d enjoy nothing more.”

                            They walked away, talking, and Hans, Adolphus, and Dietrich followed.

                            But the man with the smile didn’t follow them.

                            Instead, he headed towards them.

                            Leo put his arm out in front of his brothers, instinctively protecting them.

                            “Hello. I’m Riker. You’re…Leo, correct?” He asked, still smiling, extending his hand for Leo to shake.

                            Leo stared at his hand for a moment.

                            Riker chuckled, but unlike most, his laugh wasn’t mocking in any way. “Are we just going to stare at my hand?”

                            Leo shook his head. Shook Riker’s extended hand. “Sorry about that. Yes, I’m Leo.”

                            Riker smiled again and shook his head. “No need to apologize. It’s absolutely fine.”

                            Leo nodded and motioned to his brothers. “And these are my brothers.”

                            Riker shook hands with all of them, shaking each brothers’ hand.

                            “Adolphus and Dietrich are…your brothers then?”

                            “Step-brothers.” Jakob replied.

                            Riker nodded. “And your sisters?”

                            “Those are just our sisters.” Reuben replied. Shrugged. “And Frida is our step-mother.”

                            Riker nodded. “I’m assuming that’s why they aren’t wearing…those…” He whispered, motioning to the stars.

                            Leo took in a deep breath. Prepared for the worst. “We’re half-Jewish. Our mother was Jewish.”

                            “That’s why no one likes us.” Wolfgang added.

                            Riker slowly nodded. “I’ve…figured that out…” Riker trailed off and bit his lip.

                            Leo saw something he knew all too well in Riker’s eyes.


                            “But you have no reason to worry about me. You all seem like kind men. Besides, it doesn’t matter to me what someone looks like.” Riker smiled. “After all, isn’t it the inside that counts?”

                            Joshua nodded and grinned. “It sure is.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. @koshka. @joy-caroline. Okay, so…I have 2 other scenes, lol. XD These are actually in my current draft of Freedom’s Fire. Towards the beginning of the story, so everyone is only beginning to get to know Leon/Riker…so…any thoughts so far? 😉

                              “This happens too often now.”

                              Leon nodded.

                              He’d awoken in the alleyway with the sun setting above him. He’d been out cold for hours.

                              “Okay…the blood is gone. But this medicine might sting.” Aadelheide warned, giving him a warm smile. Leon smiled back.

                              She applied the medicine, and stinging pain ensued.

                              Leon bit down on his lip, hard, to stop the hisses and groans that threatened to escape. “There. All better now.”

                              Leon smiled. Looked up at her.

                              Aadelheide bent down to give him a kiss.

                              Their lips met, just as loud, small footsteps sounded. “Daddy!” “Dada!”

                              Leon stood, pulling away from his wife’s kiss much sooner than he’d wanted. “Isabel! Albert!” he cried.

                              His oldest two ran at him, arms outstretched, as Aadelheide cautioned them to be careful.

                              Leon lifted them both into his arms even though his fresh bruises protested.

                              He gave each of them a kiss on the forehead.

                              He set them down and took Elias into his arms.

                              A tiny thing, only a few months old. Albert was almost two. Isabel was six.

                              Leon kissed Elias’ forehead.

                              “I’m going to put the babies to bed and then head home.”

                              Leon turned to his mother-in-law. “Thank you, Louisa.”

                              She smiled and took Elias back into her arms. “Anytime, dear. Isabel, Albert, do you want a story?”


                              Louisa laughed and smiled.

                              “I’m going to give you two a few moments of privacy. To…talk.” She whispered, giving Aadelheide a knowing glance. Aadelheide nodded. “Yes. Thank you, Mutti.”

                              Louisa left with the kids, and Leon turned to face his wife. “What was that…look about?”

                              Aadelheide smiled faintly. “Leon, you might want to sit down.”

                              “I’m fine, Aadelheide…did something happen?”

                              Aadelheide nodded. “…I had to speak with the Gestapo today.”

                              Fear clutched Leon’s chest.

                              The Gestapo? The Gestapo was feared throughout Germany, second only to the SS. “What did they want?”

                              “…For me to divorce you.” Aadelheide replied quietly.

                              The grip on his heart loosened a little. “We did break the Nuremberg laws…” Leon whispered. Jews and Germans were forbidden from marrying. “They can throw us in hard labor prison just for that.”

                              “They wanted me to divorce you. And if I did, they promised they wouldn’t come after me.”

                              Leon nodded. “It would be safer for you.”

                              “And leave you and our kids? Never.” Aadelheide argued.

                              “It would keep you safe…and maybe you could help the kids.”

                              “But that would still leave you.” Aadelheide replied, standing her ground.


                              “Leon Jedediah Wagner, I would never leave you to save myself.”

                              “But if you can…to stay safe…”

                              “Leon…” Aadelheide grabbed his arms. His brown eyes met her blue.

                              “I would never divorce and leave you to save myself. We are one now. And God will protect me and our kids…whatever that looks like. We promised each other, remember?”

                              Leon nodded. “I remember.”

                              Aadelheide smiled. Let go of his arms. “We promised each other to stay with each other and never leave each other…” their fingers locked, their foreheads met, and together, they finished the vow, “…’till death do we part.”


                              The sounds of laughter, cheers, talk, and arguments all merged together in the air, mixing with the smells of smoke and alcohol.

                              Riker sat in a chair at a table as Hans, Erich, Kurt, Hilda, and other SS officers chatted, smoked, drank, and played cards.

                              “Riker, take a drink.” One of the officers offered, his words slurring together.

                              “Riker doesn’t enjoy drinking much. He is an odd one in many ways.” Hilda mused.

                              Laughter sounded.

                              Riker cleared his throat and stood. “I will be right back. I’m going to go get a drink.”

                              Hans laughed. “Finally, Riker will join us in the celebrations!”

                              Riker walked away, towards the bar. What was the big problem in him not drinking?

                              Riker sighed and leaned against the wall close to the bar, waiting for another SS officer to finish ordering.

                              The officer turned to face Riker. “Are you with Hans?”

                              “Uhm…yes.” Riker replied. Who was this man?

                              The officer smiled. “I decided to get a drink before heading over.”

                              “They have plenty to share.”

                              The officer laughed. “I’m sure. But I don’t drink.”

                              “…I don’t either.”

                              The officer raised an eyebrow. “Really? Well,” he turned to the bartender, “make that two waters then.”

                              The officer turned to face Riker again. Stuck out his hand. “Fin Müller.”

                              Riker took his hand. Shook it. “Riker Schind.”

                              Fin nodded, smiled, and took the two glasses from the bartender. Handed one to Riker, then gave the man a few marks. “Looks like we’ll be the only sober ones at the table then, huh?”

                              Riker laughed. “Probably so.”

                              Yelling rose from another table, and Riker almost jumped out of his skin. “Riker…are you alright?” Fin asked.

                              His gray eyes were soft and caring, so unlike Hans’ and…and…His. “I’m fine. Sorry about that. It just surprised me.”

                              Fin nodded. “…Alright then.”

                              Riker followed him back to the table.

                              “Ah, Fin, welcome!” Hans greeted. Stood. He shook Fin’s hand.

                              “I couldn’t miss this special occasion, could I?” Fin asked with a smile. Hans laughed. “No, you could not. Have a seat, Fin, would you?”

                              Fin sat down in the open seat between Hans and Riker. Riker sat back down.

                              The yelling from another table only got louder.

                              The smell of alcohol filled Riker’s nose. His hand tightened around his glass. Images threatened to rise.

                              ‘No. Riker don’t go back there. Don’t go back there.’ he reminded himself.

                              He wouldn’t.

                              He couldn’t.


                              Riker jumped.

                              Hans was giving him a glare. “Did you hear a word I just said?” His coal eyes shot daggers, and Riker’s heartbeat sped up.

                              “…No, sir.” His gaze fell.

                              “Scatterbrained…” Hilda muttered to one of the officer’s wives. She laughed.

                              “See? He’s never paying attention. He isn’t good at interrogations and won’t handle them the right way.” Hans took a sip of his drink. “Riker is too soft. I have no need of him if he can’t do simple interrogations. Fin, I can transfer him to you. Maybe it will toughen him up.”

                              Fin coughed.


                              Hans laughed. “You heard me. I’ll have to fill out the paperwork, but maybe working with you will toughen him up.”

                              ‘A baby…’

                              ‘Nothing but a weakling.’

                              ‘Poor boy’s parents must be ashamed…’

                              “I guess that’s what we will do then.” Fin replied with a faint smile.

                              Hans grinned. “Good.”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @freedomwriter76 AHH LUV IT BUT I ALSO DON’T BECAUSE I KNOW ALL LF THE LAIN THEY GO THRU 😭


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @godlyfantasy12. Thanks! 🙂

                                  Yeah…the book’s been spoiled for you. xD But to be fair, yours has been spoiled for me…so…now we’re even! xD 😉

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