Does anyone here write poetry or haiku’s ?

Home Page Forums Other Art Forms Poetry Does anyone here write poetry or haiku’s ?

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  • #179621
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      I love it so much! <3

      This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4296

        @loopylin @people @etc

        This poem doesn’t make much sense by nature soo XD But it’s fun to say out loud.

        – Sensory Overload –

        The cheeto dust sticks to my fingers.

        Zappy plastic casts itself through my chloroplasts –

        A science fiction invasion.

        Suddenly life consists of balance,

        Yin and Yang,

        As the tang of cheese and sweat give voice to

        The utmost trepidation.

        Butter becomes a face mask, a cask

        I am an octopus gassed, with all the arms in

        The world. Given this proposal,

        You better know the senses squishing

        Against me.

        Skin shines with craters, wrinkled slime, stars, sucked

        Down the garbage disposal.

        "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3073


          lol love the poem


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2818

            @whalekeeper I could have sworn I responded to this earlier.
            I love it. You somehow managed to make me grin and cringe at the same time.

            Official KP archivist ✨

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @mineralizedwritings @loopylin

              Thank you 🙃

              "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                • Total Posts: 153



                I’m an outcast

                By the choices I’ve made

                I thought it’d be cool

                I thought I’d be great

                Yeah, I’m an outcast

                Guarded away

                From the garden where I spent my best days


                Now I’m living in pain

                Giving birth in the rain

                To Cain

                And Able

                Cursed is the ground

                Changing all that’s around

                Thorns and sharp teeth on animals

                I thought it’d be great

                But there’s such pain –oh


                I once knew good

                But now I know evil


                At the Creation Museum in Kentucky, we walked through the story of history. The beauty of the Garden of Eden. The now dangerous animals you could play with like dogs. It’s cool that all the verses they used to describe how it was were actually prophecies of what Jesus is going to restore it to.

                Then the Fall, mankind chose to disobey God and evil entered the world. Thorns. Killer dinosaurs. Pain. Murder. War. Destruction.

                Yet by Jesus living a sinless life and dying in our place, we can be restored. The God that had to drive Adam and Eve out of paradise and set a guard is the same God who sent His Son to bring us back to Him, cleansed by Jesus’ blood through faith.

                One day Jesus will return and will lead the believers back to His new eternal Kingdom.

                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 153

                  Joseph or Jesus?


                  Arrested in the garden

                  Working for the King

                  My brother has sold me

                  The rest are sleeping

                  Abandoned in this cell

                  God’s will be done

                  He can take evil

                  And turn it to good

                  While dreams

                  Keep me awake

                  I was meant to rule

                  Is this the way?


                  to be restored

                  to the glory I laid aside

                  Favorable dream

                  In Three days restored

                  The wine, like Christ’s blood,

                  lives on for the world

                  But death once sufficient

                  as last supper bread,

                  Will no more be broken

                  But gloried instead.

                  While dreams

                  Keep me awake

                  I was meant to rule

                  This is the way


                  to be restored

                  to the glory at my Father’s side

                  I’ll take the cup given to me

                  I’ll bring my family thru to safety

                  I’ll endure this for the joy

                  To serve as God’s own boy

                  While dreams

                  Are coming true

                  I was meant to rule

                  This is God’s way


                  Now I’m restored

                  to the glory at my Father’s side

                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 153

                    Life upon the Darkness

                    Once again wrapped in cloth strips
                    And laid down on hewn out stone
                    But now soldiers guard the entrance
                    And Christ lay there all alone

                    A sword had pierced her own heart
                    Where Mary kept her treasury
                    She knew God’s Son had come to save us
                    Yet they’d killed the King of kings

                    A Great Light upon the darkness
                    Beaming tender God’s mercy
                    Come to give to us salvation
                    And to guide our feet in peace

                    And to grant that we might serve Him
                    Without fear of wrath of death
                    Yet the Sabbath comes and all is quiet
                    In the tomb is not a breath

                    Hear now, shepherds, angel’s praises?
                    Come run, fishermen, behold
                    “Glory to God in the highest!
                    Jesus rose as He foretold!!”

                    Let’s go tell it on the mountains
                    Good news, great joy for all the lands
                    Christ’s the only way to heaven
                    Immanuel is “God with man”

                    A Great Light upon the darkness
                    Beaming tender God’s mercy
                    Come to give to us salvation
                    And to guide our feet in peace

                    Merry Christmas!

                    Stepheroni and Cheese
                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 329


                      That’s beautiful!

                      Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                      The Ducktator
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1388


                        I love that sooo much!

                        Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

                        The Ducktator
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1388


                          What language is your forum signature?

                          Any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it hard enough.

                          Stepheroni and Cheese
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 329


                            “Io non ho bisogno di denaro.
                            Ho bisogno di sentimenti.”

                            It’s a verse from an Italian poem I’ve forgotten the name of. It translates pretty much to “I don’t need money. I need feelings.”

                            Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 153


                              Let my words be few
                              With all Your power in view
                              Your love and wisdom too
                              Oh let my words be few

                              Let my words be few
                              You know our needs before I do
                              In long-suffering or trials new
                              Oh let my words be few

                              Let my words be few
                              You know the times are soon
                              When You will judge righteous due

                              You’ve got this
                              In Your control
                              So let my words be few

                              Ecclesiastes 5:2
                              “Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few.”


                              I wish my tongue could pray as I ought

                              To bestow upon my Saviour the praise due Him.

                              Rather weakness I find

                              And a distracted mind

                              That dwells on work, my friends, my hobbies,

                              And my small ambitions [that] I hope to change the world with.

                              Did not the Christ say to seek first Him, His Kingdom and His righteousness?

                              Then unto me the rest gracious be.

                              Why, O heart, do you not give all to the King that asks?

                              And promises grandeous palaces with Him to come?

                              Almighty Father God,

                              Thank You for welcoming a child such as I

                              Help me be Thine forevermore.

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