Do your characters tend to be more extraverted or introverted?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      Do your characters tend to be more extraverted or introverted?

      I’d like to say that I have a pretty good mix of both, as the contrast between characters adds nice dynamics, but after a little thought it might not be as equal as I thought.

      When I first started writing, most of my characters were more on the extraverted side, but since then it’s kinda flipped.

      It’s probably because before I liked my characters doing very out-going crazy stuff, and now I like writing lots of inner monologues, and dialogue with lots of subtext. So most of the characters I write now end up thinking a lot and saying little, haha.

      What about you? Do your characters tend to be more extraverted or introverted?

      Linyang Zhang
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        @kathleenramm I feel like I usually plan for characters to be a little more reserved but they end up being more extraverted to keep the story moving along and the scene interesting, haha. I always need a bit more dialogue.

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          Haha, same as you actually. My old characters were more extroverted, but now they lean toward introverted. I’d call them internally extroverted and externally introverted 😉 (say that five times fast). Lately, my (main) characters aren’t real people persons (or would it be people people?), but engage more in, like you said, inner monologues. Their introversion isn’t really for lack of confidence, but more because… they don’t like people XD

          Save for a few, of course. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a story!


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            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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            Mine tend to be a pretty good mix of the two. But I love throwing the two into the same scene and the frustrations that can result from the clash.

            But also thinking more about it my protagonists are almost without fail an introvert…

            But I also have some Introverts who are talkative. These characters talk to cover up how nervous and awkward they really are and so few but their closest friends truly know how stressed they are.

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              • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
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              @kathleenramm Oooo that’s tricky. The novel I am planning for now has an introverted main character and an extroverted antagonist, which should be fun. I think when I was younger I went for more extroverted characters, but I’m looking forward to exploring introverted ones as I feel they are easier to lend to Mysterious Backstories.

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              Elishavet Elroi
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                I honestly don’t exactly know, but I think they are usually like me on that respect: they are either a weak E or a weak I. In other words, a wee bit shy, but with a love for people.

                Or perhaps they are in a strange position that forces them to pretend to be VERY extroverted, like walking up to a random stranger and commenting on said stranger’s boots, while in the process interrupting a rather private conversation kind of extroverted.

                Or maybe another character is not naturally shy, but deals with a bit of an identity crisis and a demeaning situation. Thus, the E is covered by an I.

                Oh, how I love my characters! 😉

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                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                  I’m ambiverted so I feel like my characters go more towards that and total introverts. However, I think I should start bringing in total extroverts. I can never see myself as a total extrovert but I can see myself as a total introvert so I think that helps. Lol. 😉

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                    Most of the time they’re ambiverted. So I have a mix depending on who they’re conversing with.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      For example, my most recent character is a total loner at school but get her with her best friends at church and she’s a loud mouth. Lol. Yes, I can “insult” my characters. Lol 🤫

                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @kathleenramm hmm curious, I went to write my answer and was like “introverted” but as I was writing realized that’s not technically true.

                        few are a few percentages above on the introversion scale making them a tad ambiverted. Such as November and Nyx, tho they’re mostly Introverted.

                        This is due to how November sees himself, and how he is with others, though he can come off as Extraverted occasionally with some of his mannerisms (such as being kinda funny and humorous) and Nyx can come off as this way with his ability to speak his mind, but in truth he’s more introverted.


                        Grimm, Paxton and Ara are more introverted, BUT, as the series progresses, Ara grows more and more extraverted (tho she still keeps her meekness in a good way)



                        Lyn and Luna are definitely extraverted lol

                        Luna and Jocelyn are Extraverted,


                        Corvina is a bit like Nyx in that she’s more introverted and prefers to not be social, but won’t hesitate to speak her mind/lash out, etc, but this is not extraversion necessarily. In truth she probably would be more extraverted if she hadn’t had the childhood she had (same with November). She actually becomes MORE introverted later.


                        And Arthur (in the second series) is definitely an extravert XD)


                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                          Hmm. I have an interesting range.

                          Zlatan in an introvert of sorts. He’s a very intense character who needs time alone but is also a strong leader.

                          Vulkasin is a complete extrovert, who has a thousand acquaintances and only a few close friends. (Somewhat due to circumstances)

                          Wilkins is an I. He needs one or two close friends, and a little time alone. He doesn’t do well in crowds and is a poet at heart.

                          Daithí is interesting. He has trained himself to avoid connection with people as both a way of survival and a coping mechanism, but naturally he would be an extrovert. Thus he comes across as harsh, irritable, and even cold when in truth he’s conflicted, lonely, and depressed.

                          Mikkel is a weak E. He needs people on a daily basis, but he isn’t the person to normally walk up to a random stranger.

                          Cécile is an introvert who loves people. She’s quiet and somewhat reserved, but deeply compassionate. Thus she’s a ‘good listener’ who doesn’t talk about the things closest to her much.

                          First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                          Fork the Gork

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                            @kathleenramm @sarafini @koshka @godlyfantasy12

                            Let’s see . . .

                            My characters Christopher, Elena, Alexander, Cara, and maybe Briana are extroverts. Andrea, Michael, and Jade are introverts.

                            But sometimes a character changes throughout the book, you know? I’m more of an introvert myself, so it’s funny more of my characters are extroverts . . .

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                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                              That is funny. I’m more of an introvert, but I am one of those who don’t mind people, and want one or two close friends. That bleeds over into my characters a lot. =|

                              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                              Fork the Gork

                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                                When I was little I was super introverted (like I didn’t want to walk around church by myself, I was that shy). Now I do like having people around and getting a weekly dose of society lol 🤣

                                Dark is the Shadow, and yet my heart rejoices.

                                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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                                  @kathleenramm @sarafini @koshka @godlyfantasy12 @starofthenorth

                                  My MC Elinor (A Dream Come True) is an introvert, as is my current MC Brooke (Swallowtail Summer). But Elinor’s brother Aedan is probably an E, and so is Brooke’s sister Claire. Brooke’s friend Ruby is probably a little of both . . . maybe a weak E? She used to be more E, but after the tragic thing that happened to her (I won’t spoil) she’s more introverted.

                                  Personally I’m an extrovert (the only one in my family!), an ENFJ to be specific. But I can feel more introverted and shy at times, so I guess that helps in writing both Es and Is.


                                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Arien.

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