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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      @koshka @savannah_grace2009

      I agree as well!

      • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Andrew. Reason: I'm bad at it

      "You're more boppable."
      #AnduthForever (Lord Willing)

      The Most Esteemed Feathered One
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1260


        during COVID, our church received a lot of attention when our church took a stand and our pastor was thrown in prison.

        @ellette-giselle @loopylin @not-sure-who-else

        I don’t think it’s wrong to consider Christianity a relationship, but I think it’s wrong to say it’s not a religion. It is a religion; it’s just the only true religion. I tend to avoid the word “relationship” because it sounds so…casual.  (Does that make sense? I’m not sure how to phrase it.)

        But I also feel like a lot of people see religion and freak out, like “oh, I could never be religious” or “you’re so religious I can’t hang out with you” or think of being a Christian as being perfect.

        I’ve seen it used in this way too. It’s annoying, and I can see why that would make people shy away from the term.

        I think if you can’t tell me who God is and you can’t tell me how you came to believe in Him then you aren’t really a believer. (The Bible supports me on that one. 😉 )

        I definitely agree here. 🙂 Though I’m not sure I could say how I became a Christian, since I’ve been raised so my whole life, but I guess that in itself is my answer.

        I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

        Stepheroni and Cheese
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 287

          Okay y’all I’m going to finally answer all the questions!

          1. I’m Catholic! I go to a French Catholic parish, which is super interesting because there are a lot of people from different places. France, African countries, a certain French speaking province somewhere, etc.

          2. Long story short, I converted to it myself.

          Long story long:

          I was raised Christian, but we weren’t really sure which denomination, because everywhere we went there were issues. We kind of tried a couple out and then decided to just stay home. When I was about eleven years old, I met a friend who wasn’t the most amazing influence. She didn’t like religion (there’s that word again!) and I became persuaded that I was bisexual and perhaps nonbinary. Then, we began going to the French Catholic parish we’re currently part of. However, I slowly came to the truth. I was baptized in February 2023 and had my first communion. I read a book about family which said that only a man and a woman could be married, which was a huge wake up call. So I did a ton of research.

          A ton of research.

          And I was convinced.

          The disturbing thing is that this happened when I was twelve. Twelve. Years. Old. It’s what is so dangerous about woke culture: it can really get into the heads of kids.

          My family and I have all basically converted to Catholicism at this point, but it was our individual decisions.

          3. 73 books! I can’t name them all for the life of me XD

          4. Everyone in my immediate family is Catholic. I have a lot of Catholic relatives on one side of the family, and the other side are mostly protestants of various denominations.

          5. They are the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist), the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and the Anointing of the Sick), and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Marriage and Holy Orders).

          6. Well, there’s a lot of confusion about this. Jesus is always at the top; of course He is! But He’s given the Pope some power over the Church in order to help Him lead His flock on earth. The way I like to see this is like how my parents give me and my siblings authority over certain rooms in the house. If I tell my sister “wash your lunch dishes; they’re still on the counter,” it’s the same as if Dad told her to.

          7. Oooh this is a hard one. I don’t know I think that Esther is my favourite! She has such strong faith, and yet we see her courage waver as she invites the king and Haman over again to a banquet…that makes her relatable. I guess I see even bible stories through a writer’s lense XD

          8. When my parents tuck us in for bed (yes, I’m a teenager. No, I’m not ashamed to admit that my parents still tuck me in) they always ask us either “what was your favourite part of the day?” or “when did you feel closest to God today?” Then we reflect on our days, and it’s an opportunity to practice gratitude and to converse a bit as a family.

          Also, during Advent, we have this Davidstea 24 days of tea calendar, except that my mom repurposed it so that the little containers have little bible readings up until the birth of Jesus.

          Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 748


            Nice to see a fellow catholic 😊

            I was raised Christian, but we weren’t really sure which denomination, because everywhere we went there were issues. We kind of tried a couple out and then decided to just stay home. When I was about eleven years old, I met a friend who wasn’t the most amazing influence. She didn’t like religion (there’s that word again!) and I became persuaded that I was bisexual and perhaps nonbinary. Then, we began going to the French Catholic parish we’re currently part of. However, I slowly came to the truth. I was baptized in February 2023 and had my first communion. I read a book about family which said that only a man and a woman could be married, which was a huge wake up call. So I did a ton of research.

            A ton of research.

            And I was convinced.

            The disturbing thing is that this happened when I was twelve. Twelve. Years. Old. It’s what is so dangerous about woke culture: it can really get into the heads of kids.

            My family and I have all basically converted to Catholicism at this point, but it was our individual decisions.

            Okay, my eyes grew wider and wider reading that! Until my mouth dropped! That is such a crazy story! I first found it interesting how you were the one who took the step into Catholicism! AND how you were skewered away from the truth and then stepping out of the dark and into the light! That was (even if it was very short) a wild ride!

            . 73 books! I can’t name them all for the life of me XD

            *SIGH* same.

            They are the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist), the Sacraments of Healing (Penance and the Anointing of the Sick), and the Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Marriage and Holy Orders).

            It’s so fun to meet another Catholic on here! I love how you even cauterized them!

            Well, there’s a lot of confusion about this. Jesus is always at the top; of course He is! But He’s given the Pope some power over the Church in order to help Him lead His flock on earth. The way I like to see this is like how my parents give me and my siblings authority over certain rooms in the house. If I tell my sister “wash your lunch dishes; they’re still on the counter,” it’s the same as if Dad told her to.

            Yeah, that’s a good way to put it.

            When my parents tuck us in for bed (yes, I’m a teenager. No, I’m not ashamed to admit that my parents still tuck me in) they always ask us either “what was your favourite part of the day?” or “when did you feel closest to God today?” Then we reflect on our days, and it’s an opportunity to practice gratitude and to converse a bit as a family.

            Reading that made me cry a little. Sorry, but my parents used to do that… now they don’t because we are all a lot older.. 😢


            Stepheroni and Cheese
              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
              • Total Posts: 287


              It’s so fun to meet another Catholic on here! I love how you even cauterized them!

              Ummm….I copied and pasted that from the first result on google XD

              Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3041



                during COVID, our church received a lot of attention when our church took a stand and our pastor was thrown in prison.

                Honestly, my first response was, “Wow! That is so awesome!!”  I know, I’m nuts.

                But you’ve seen what I write and I honestly admire stories like that so, so much! So I don’t feel glad that he was put in prison, yet I really admire it and……. ugh. How to explain my wild thoughts!!

                A pastor I really respect once said, “The problem with pastors today is no one is trying to kill them.”

                Honestly, pastors, and the people of the church, really are starting to drift and view their faith as a sort of hobby that comes with a Sunday morning concert, speech, and hangout time.

                If we were really being threatened, I think we would take our faith more seriously!

                The best church time I have had is when our church went underground during COVID. We wanted to honor the government, yet not when they banned us from meeting, because that goes against God’s commands. So we started meeting in an old hey barn. We would get there, eat breakfast, have church, (sometimes for close to three hours) and then we would eat lunch, hang out and fellowship, have a psalm sing, fellowship some more, eat dinner, and then go home sometime at night. It was really a time of change, especially for the younger people in our group. I watched four young men rapidly grow in their faith and I think everyone cried when they were baptized in the nearby river. It wasn’t that I don’t think they were Christians before, but all at once they took it really seriously, and you could find them sitting under a tree after church with their Bibles seriously discussing what they had learned. For me and several others I talked to, Church had this odd feeling of importance and deep value when we knew people were trying to take it from us.


                So, yeah, there’s my wild ramble.

                I don’t even know where it started anymore or what point I was aiming for………..



                Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                Stepheroni and Cheese
                  • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                  • Total Posts: 287


                  Wow, that’s incredible! Covid-19 was really something. It was also entertaining. I mean, as a kid, I didn’t fully understand it, nor could I really change anything, but it was almost funny to watch someone call the Freedom Convoy a “national occupation.” I mean, you gotta laugh about things when the alternative is to kind of do the opposite of laughing.

                  Pray, thou shalt simply add ketchup unto the mac'n'cheese.

                  Ellette Giselle
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3041


                    lol. Right?

                    My brother pulled this one when we went to the store…….

                    It was funny. He did it so perfectly that they actually just left him alone.

                    Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4133

                      @linus-smallprint @ellette-giselle

                      A pastor I really respect once said, “The problem with pastors today is no one is trying to kill them.”

                      One of our foreign pastors was killed a week or so ago, and the pastor closest to him got a death threat. There is always this real sense of “oh, somebody in our church may have actually known him,” or at least been very familiar with his work.

                      I certainly don’t think every pastor needs to feel attacked, since my father and the two retired pastors in our church take their job seriously. But there are hardships within our own church which still bring new strength to each of us. I still remember the day we got ready to move out of our building. We had several leading members sick or in grief, and one of our kids had just gotten a cancer diagnosis. I was struggling to know what to say to his family, since they were my best friends.

                      That’s when I realized life within a church can be rough, no matter how mean or accommodating your government is. Because the humans within your church are just as sinful, and just as susceptible to declining.


                      Covid-19 was really something.

                      Hehe, I feel like this could be a topic of debate, except no one really cares about Covid anymore. We complied with most of the rules, not for the authorities’ sake, but because some physically weak people were legitimately scared and we wanted to respect that. For church meetings, we chose to livestream the service for a few weeks.

                      There has been no news for Silksong for today...

                      SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2818



                        Personally I don’t think it’s wrong to say it’s not a religion…

                        But we also have different denominations and my church has done sermons where my pastor has taught that Christianity is a “relationship, not a religion” so it could just be how I was raised. I respect your opinion and I’m not going to judge you or anything just because we call the faith different things.

                        But in the end, it doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as you know the truth and you have Jesus as your Savior!!!

                        I also understand about it feeling casual…but then again I’m also the person who will talk to Jesus about anything and everything and see Him as my best friend…like if I’m blasting rap music I picture Jesus in the car with me in the passenger’s seat jamming out with me XDXD

                        I also talk to God in a “casual way”, for example I ask him all the time for help finding things, for example, “Dad? Can you help me find the tape??!?!”  (he did help me find the tape, it was under my bed lol!) (and yes, I call Him Dad, which is Biblical because Jesus called God “Abba” which literally means “Daddy” so I don’t believe that’s wrong either)

                        I think the reason I talk to God in a more “casual” way is because yes, He is the King of the Universe, but I think He also wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. We all have different and unique ways of relating to Him and He didn’t create all of us the same. I feel like some people are more comfortable talking to Him the way I do, and some have different ways they talk to Him.

                        When I say I talk to God in a “casual” way, I don’t take Him for granted, and I definitely don’t forget that He’s God, and I’m not, therefore we’re not equals. But He does want to be involved in my life, so I guess that’s just my unique way of letting Him!

                        Idk if that makes sense, but just thought I’d share!!!! sorry if it was a rant lol



                        This lady thrives on the divine grace of Faith and the rich embrace of caffeine.

                        Ellette Giselle
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3041


                          oh wow.

                          yeah no I know not everyone should be getting death threats who leads. Our pastors aren’t currently being hunted or threaten, but it was just the general idea that so many churches and pastors and believers don’t take their faith seriously

                          Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                          The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1260


                            The best church time I have had is when our church went underground during COVID. We wanted to honor the government, yet not when they banned us from meeting, because that goes against God’s commands.

                            Wait…Are you in the United States? Or not?


                            Personally I don’t think it’s wrong to say it’s not a religion…

                            To clarify, I meant incorrect, not morally wrong.

                            But in the end, it doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as you know the truth and you have Jesus as your Savior!!!

                            I definitely agree!

                            I do talk to God somewhat casually, but I also call him God and say amen. XD So I get what you’re saying about how He wants to be involved with our lives, and I have been taught that. I’ve also been taught that He is to be worshipped with reverence and awe, which is why I tend to avoid the word relationship, even thought it is that too.

                            like if I’m blasting rap music I picture Jesus in the car with me in the passenger’s seat jamming out with me XDXD

                            The passenger’s seat? If Jesus were in my car, he’d be driving, because I’d crash it.😂 Few things would be more humiliating than crashing the car with the King of the Universe in it. XD

                            “Hair. Mouth. Cheese of yak. Come, Sintar, bRiNg a MeLoN.”

                            *visible confusion*

                            I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                            The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1260


                              When I was about eleven years old, I met a friend who wasn’t the most amazing influence. She didn’t like religion (there’s that word again!) and I became persuaded that I was bisexual and perhaps nonbinary. Then, we began going to the French Catholic parish we’re currently part of. However, I slowly came to the truth. I was baptized in February 2023 and had my first communion. I read a book about family which said that only a man and a woman could be married, which was a huge wake up call. So I did a ton of research.

                              A ton of research.

                              And I was convinced.

                              The disturbing thing is that this happened when I was twelve. Twelve. Years. Old. It’s what is so dangerous about woke culture: it can really get into the heads of kids.

                              That’s horrifying. I’m so glad you came back to God.

                              I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                              Ellette Giselle
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3041


                                I am, but the city district banned all meetings over ten people of the same family and three who are not related, and people were getting fined and arrested. Our city can be pretty corrupt.

                                Man is born for the fight, to be forged and molded into a sharper, finer, stronger image of God

                                The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1260


                                  That’s unconstitutional!

                                   all meetings over ten people of the same family

                                  What about people with 12 or so kids? Did they just sell a few to the circus?

                                  Our city can be pretty corrupt.

                                  Aren’t you in Kansas or Nebraska or somewhere in that vicinity? I always thought that area was better, but I guess not.

                                  I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

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