Critiques needed, Needs Name

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  • #187509
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 591

      I was supposed to write a story for a writing class and I had to use the words: apple, train, elephant, paper, and banjo. So I wrote a poem story. Here it is:

      There once was a girl named Jojo
      Who quite hated the banjo
      But she danced about and didn’t shout it out
      That it was her birthday

      Now came to her was Elephant
      Who doesn’t make a rampant
      But is quiet and soft, though tallest of them all
      Never was a jerk

      Elephant brought her a gift
      And so played her a riff
      T’was a song by Train, which she liked the most
      Made her very day

      Elephant thought of a trick
      He took an apple that he pick
      And threw it up then catches it in mouth
      Jojo laughs the more

      Now I’ve run out of paper
      I’m sure I’ll see you later
      To tell you some stories about the wonderful things
      That you read before you sleep


      If you want to give some feedback, I will more than gladly take it.

      Bestest Teddy Bear
      #AnduthForever (Lord Willing)

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 591

        @rae can you tag people, I hate tagging.

        Bestest Teddy Bear
        #AnduthForever (Lord Willing)

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4177


          can you tag people, I hate tagging.


          @highscribeofaetherium @ellette-giselle @theducktator @linus-smallprint @loopylin @whalekeeper @the_lost-journal POEM!!!!!! ↑↑↑


          Goat babysitter atm 🐐💤
          #AnduthForever (💕)

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