Couple RP!

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  • #180852
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 4732

      @rae @theducktator @princesachronicle22 @theshadow

      all righty, time to drop my charries into this universe! Since they’ll likely be referring to each other by their callsigns, I decided to refer to them as such also. They may introduce themselves to other characters with their names, however.

      Also, I’ll probably be writing from first person, because that’s what I’m used to when writing Huntress’s POV in the actual fic.




      My eyes blinked open in response to a bright light. I adjusted myself to a sitting position, looking around, a little confused. Where was I?

      Wooden walls and floor, the latter covered by rugs. A window, from where the light, presumably sunlight, had awoken me. A half-open door.

      Sniper lay on the floor a few feet away, his back to me. I crawled over and shook him. “Hey. Wake up.”

      He opened his eyes, his shades askew on his face. “Huntress, I told ya–huh?” With that, he also straightened, readjusted his glasses and hat, and surveyed the room the way I had. “Where the heck are we?”

      “I don’t know.” I confessed. “But we’re not tied up, they haven’t taken our weapons, and the door’s open. I have no idea who took us here or why, but they aren’t worried about us escaping.”

      “That’s no indication they’re friendly.” Sniper stood up and took out his knife, cautiously stepping toward the doorway with it out in front of him. I followed, my hand hovering over the sheath of my own blade. He pulled the door open, strode out, and yelled “Show yerselves, ya mongrels, or I’ll scatter bits of ya all over four counties!” with his weapon held up threateningly.

      I rolled my eyes. “Yelling insults at them is probably not going to help us any if they’re hostile.”





      I have a feeling all the other characters heard him being annoyingly loud no matter where they are in the house. It’s between you and your charries’ personalities whether they wanna investigate or flee.

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3560

        Btw, since Silvanis is around half naga, he sleeps curled into a human ball. He also has an extra long torso if your charries are the type who notice such things.

        He also by this time, uses his energy a lot, where before he mostly used weapons.


        Silvanis & Callum

        Silvanis shifted in his sleep, before starting awake. Seeing the unfamiliar surroundings, his hair was caught up in a wind not created by nature, his red eyes glowed a white with a trail of something like smoke from the corners, and his skin and the air around him were bright white. The only piece of him not brightly glowing was his metal left arm and shoulder.

        Seeing his son sprawled next to him, he called out his name. “Callum! Callum, wake up!”

        Callum stirred, then sat up, alarmed by Silvanis’s energy form. He looked around him. “Stars! How’d we get here?”

        “I don’t know. I must have slept deeply for once last night, didn’t see anyone.”

        “Show yerselves, ya mongrels, or I’ll scatter bits of ya all over four counties!” the voice, sounding not too far away, caused Callum to graw his dagger that glowed red, and Silvanis to fist his hand, the brilliancy of his energy growing in intensity around his hand.

        “Dad, did you make another enemy?” Callum stood, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

        “No idea, but I’m gonna meet this guy anyways.” Silvanis rushed down a set of stairs and to the door of the strange building, his speed boosted by his energy, leaving Callum behind.

        “Scatter me across four counties, huh? Hah! I’d like to see you try!” He mocked, seeing the one who had apparently yelled.

        “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 306

          @rae @theducktator @princesachronicle22 @keilah-h

          Alright, I’m going to start with Eldred and Rosalind and probably do Trevor/Azalea later today or tomorrow. Also, I will not be adding the wolf since that’s another character to keep track of lol.


          “Eldred, wake up.” The voice seemed to come from far away as Eldred slept in that strange state of half awake and half asleep. “Percival and Aurora are missing.” “Percival?!” Eldred sat up immediately, eyes wide open, and looked around.

          He was in a wooden room, with red carpet on the floor, and Rosalind stood a few feet away from him. “Where are we?” Eldred asked, standing up. “I am not sure, but we are not prisoners here.” She stuck out her hands as proof. “And my dagger is still with me, so it cannot be one of our enemies that brought us here.” Eldred reached for his sword, and felt it there, still sheathed.

          “Percival and Aurora are not here, however.” Rosalind repeated, the worry in her voice evident. “Wherever they are, I am sure Percival can hold his own.” Eldred reassured her. He kept his voice calm to hide his own rising worry. God, please protect Percival and Aurora. He prayed silently, grasping the cross around his neck.


          “Perhaps we were kidnapped and brought here for reasons we have yet to find out.” Rosalind mused, to keep her mind off of her friends. She moved to the door, but Eldred stopped her. “Rosalind, wait. I should go out the door first, in case this is a trap.” Rosalind nodded as she took a few steps back.

          “You do not have to be paranoid about these things all the time.” She reminded him, smiling faintly. “It is my duty to protect you.” Eldred responded. He turned the knob, when the two heard a shout.

          “Show yerselves, ya mongrels, or I’ll scatter bits of ya all over four counties!”

          Eldred grasped his sword’s handle, and looked back at Rosalind. “Stay here, Rosalind, and if I do not come back, please be the one who does.” With that, he opened the door and stepped out. God, if there is any danger, please protect Eldred. Rosalind prayed, trying to stay calm. One long moment passed, and she heard voices talking outside. Then the door opened slowly, and Rosalind braced herself as she grabbed her dagger.


          "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

          The Ducktator
            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 725

            @princesachronicle22 @rae @keilah-h @theshadow

            Here are Bob and Natalie! I’ve never RP’ed before, so hopefully I know what I’m doing.😅I will probably do Stephen and Joy later.


            “G’morning Serpentine,” Bob mumbled to the duck beside him. No, Serpentine had abandoned him. Bob shoved her out of his mind and pulled his head out from under his wing. Natalie! The exact duck he was trying to avoid! What was the queen doing here? For that matter, where was “here” anyway? Bob drew his sword and looked around what appeared to be a simple wood cabin, human sized. Had they caught him? Was Serpentine with them? But if he had been captured, he wouldn’t have his weapon. He tried the door. It opened to somewhere Bob had never been. This had to be a trap of some kind, but no humans were in sight. “Quacky!” he gasped. Where was his daughter? If she was eaten…no, she was at a sleepover with Amethyst’s ducklings. Amethyst would protect her. Bob sighed and strode back to Natalie. His duty was first and foremost to defend his queen, even if she was the second to last duck he’d wanted to be alone with.


            Natalie Mallard was never very awake in the mornings, but she was sure she had fallen asleep in a silken nest in the Underground Village, not…whatever hard thing she was on. She moved her wing a little. A cabin floor?

            “Sylvia, I swear, if this is one of your ridiculous quests, I’m going to clobber you,” she quacked, rubbing her eyes.

            “I’m not Sylvia, Your Majesty.” Bob said. His sword was drawn.

            “Hello Sir Robert Gadwall the 23. What’s going on?”

            “Please call me Bob, Your Majesty. I’m only the first Robert Gadwall.” He looked faintly amused. Good. “They didn’t take our weapons and the door is unlocked, so it’s probably a trap of some kind, or some odd magic,” Bob continued.

            Natalie gave him her best saucy look. “I’ll call you Bob when you call me Natalie. This ‘Your Majesty’ stuff is getting ridiculous.”

            “It’s proper. You do seem to be an expert on ridiculous.”

            He was always so sad and serious. Annoying him was fun. “You are an expert on boring. Are you aware that I could have you decapitated for not addressing me the way I wish to be addressed?”

            Bob rolled his eyes. “You are too sunshiny and naive to decapitate anyone.”

            “Show yerselves, ya mongrels, or I’ll scatter bits of ya all over four counties!”  someone shouted suddenly.

            “Speaking of decapitations,” whispered Natalie. “It appears we aren’t alone.” She drew her sword, trying to keep her wings from shaking. She was not naive, and she wouldn’t act it. “Shall we investigate?”

            “Your Majesty, you should stay here.”

            Natalie ignored him and flung open the door. “Coming, Your Grumpiness?”

            Bob sighed. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

            • This reply was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by The Ducktator.

            Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3560


              Congratulations on your first rp!

              Oh, and this is random, but our duck Beauty made a nest in our hayloft a couple weeks ago so we should have ducklings sometime not too far away 🙂

              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

              The Ducktator
                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 725


                Thanks! And please send duckling pics when they’ve hatched!

                Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4732

                  @rae @theducktator @princesachronicle22 @theshadow I love how literally everyone is freaked out by Sniper’s loud proclamation


                  Huntress & Sniper

                  “Scatter me across four counties, huh? Hah! I’d like to see you try!” yelled one of the people that’d joined them, no weapons in hand but glowing energy enveloping his hands in a way that reminded me of one of Medic’s charges. Probably as powerful, too. He didn’t seem human, but neither was he an animal.

                  A few other creatures were alerted by the commotion as well. A man came out of another room with a sword raised, and two ducks apparently wearing clothes watched us.

                  Sniper walked up to the one that’d replied and held his blade inches from the man’s chest. “I didn’t want to get blood on my knife this early, but you’re givin’ me no choice, mate.”

                  Mick Lawrence Mundy, you are GOING to get yourself killed again, and in a place like this it’ll be permanent, I thought, shoving his knife to the side and standing between him and his foe. “Can you not?” I snapped. “We can’t figure out why we’re here if we’re dead, with none of Engineer’s or Medic’s inventions to save us.” I turned to the creature. “I’m sorry for his actions. He’s….never been particularly friendly to…..anyone really.”

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3560



                    The man held a knife to his chest. “I didn’t want to get blood on my knife this early, but you’re givin’ me no choice, mate.”

                    A small confident smile creeped up Silvanis’s face. You won’t be able to kill me, fool. My power would kill you before you could get any closer. Silvanis crossed his arms against his chest, causing the white light to engulf his metal arm, as a woman stood between him and the man who challenged him. She chided him, before turning to Silvanis.

                    “I’m sorry for his actions. He’s…never been particularly friendly to…anyone really.”

                    “Don’t apologize, it’s not like he can kill me anyways.” He answered coldly. Silvanis mostly powered down, leaving his right fist only slightly glowing and his eyes pink from the decreased light, but his left arm and shoulder shown as brilliantly as before. Silvanis considered pushing the woman before him aside and showing this man who really was going to get scattered across four counties. Fairy wouldn’t like that though. Silvanis pulled in an unnaturally deep breath, and let it out, fully powering down, besides his left arm that remained the same. “I take it neither of you understand what’s going on either.”

                    “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 306



                      “Show yerselves, ya mongrels, or I’ll scatter bits of ya all over four counties!”

                      “Scatter me across four counties, huh? Hah! I’d like to see you try!”

                      Can a guy not get sleep around here? Trevor thought groggily as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Wait, where am I? He looked around and spotted Azalea.

                      “Wake up.” He said, crawling over to her and pushing her a little – maybe a bit too rough. “Trevor, please don’t wake me up like that.” She murmured as her eyes fluttered awake. She sat up, and, with one look around the room, she asked, “Trevor, where are we?”

                      Trevor shrugged, “Not sure. One minute we’re on The Boundless and the next we’re here.” “How did we get here? Wait, do you think Rachel and Austin are okay?!” Azalea questioned, concerned. “Eh, I don’t know.” Trevor smiled. “They’ll be fine, you know them.”

                      Azalea nodded slowly, as if still convincing herself of it. Then another thought struck her, and she turned pale. “Do you think we’re being held hostage?” She whispered. Huh, I probably should have thought of that. Trevor shook his head. “Nah, we would be tied up if we were. And I still have my knives, so I think we’re free to go. Come on, let’s see if anyone else is here.” He stood up and held out his hand, and pulled Azalea up.

                      The two walked to the door and stepped out, and there they saw a few different people, each ranging in appearance. Well, not all of them were people, two were ducks wearing clothes, and both had swords. Trevor grinned again, This day is about to get so much better. 


                      "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 802

                        @rae @theshadow @keilah-h @theducktator

                        XD great RPs y’all, those were fun to read 😁

                        I’ll try to get another one out here soon, but I can’t make any promises sadly.

                        So it seems that every couple has been given their own cabin automatically, so I was wondering if maybe they could be personalized somewhat? Like each cabin has the couple’s names and maybe preferred interior? I dunno, just thinking out loud over here😅😂

                        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                        And guess what? His is eternal (:

                        The Ducktator
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 725

                          @princesachronicle22 @rae @keilah-h @theshadow


                          As soon as Stephen began to awaken, he knew something was wrong. For one thing, he was on the floor. For another thing, he didn’t have dog breath in his face.

                          “Fillard Millmore?” he said groggily. Where was his Golden Retriever?

                          Stephen sat up. He must have fallen out of bed, somehow. Joy was about a foot from him, curled into a ball, auburn hair everywhere. He adjusted his hat, trying to figure out what happened. Last night, he and Joy had roasted marshmallows with their families. Then, they’d separated, and gone in to their houses. Yet, somehow they had ended up asleep together in a little cabin. Was this a prank? Athanasius might do something like this, but he’d have to have enlisted parental assistance.

                          Stephen opened the door, expecting Joy’s brother to jump out with a phone. “Athan, this isn’t funny.”

                          But Athan was nowhere in sight, and this was definitely not the neighborhood woods. Stephen looked down. He was dressed, which was a relief. His phone was in the pocket of his pants, and his gun was in his belt. What on earth? He slept in his underpants, and never with a gun.

                          “Stephen?” Joy sat up and shoved hair out of her face. “What happened? Were we kidnapped? My family doesn’t have much money for ransom. I’m hungry. Why is my enormous box of mini resin ducks here? I don’t sleep with it. Not usually at least. And I have Sir Pent of the Order of Stuffed Snakes here. Do you have coffee? I need coffee.”

                          Stephen grinned. Joy was still Joy. “I don’t know what happened, I don’t know why the mini resin ducks are here, and I don’t have coffee. Sorry”


                          No coffee? What kind of a place was this? “Coffee is an essential part of life,” Joy grumbled. “Same with Cinnamon Life and a piano. So, as for what happened, either we are being pranked, this is some reality survival TV show, we fell into a fantasy novel, or we are being trafficked.” Considering Stephen had his gun, the last seemed the most unlikely. Joy did a cartwheel.

                          “How will we explain to our parents that we accidently spent the night together in a little cabin who knows where? Not a very likely story.” She flipped over to stand on her head. “Does this place have cell service?”

                          Stephen pulled out his phone. “No.”

                          “We can’t call home, I guess.” The situation was beginning to look bad. “Everything’s not awesome! Everything’s not cool, and I feel so depressed! Everything’s not-”

                          Joy stopped singing and flipped to her feet. “Somebody just shouted something.” She started hopping on one foot. “It sounded menacing.” She missed home. Even that time she had fallen off the roof had been better than this.

                          Stephen frowned and put his hand on his gun. “Something about scattering bits of us over four counties.” He peered out the window. “Looks like there’s going to be a fight. With swords! And the one guy’s arm is glowing weirdly.” He closed the curtains. “We should lay low.”

                          Dear Lord, don’t let us die please. Joy’s heart was pounding, and the cabin felt way too small. She hated being trapped. Stephen looked worried. Stephen wasn’t often worried. If she fainted, that would be humiliating. Where was some coffee? Joy flipped upside down again and started to sing. “I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Three in One and One in Three. I bind this day to me for ever. By power of faith, Christ’s incarnation-”

                          “So there isn’t going to be a fight,” said Stephen. “And there are ducks with swords wearing clothes out there. I think we fell in a fantasy novel.”

                          “Well.” Joy flipped back to her feet and flung open the door, brandishing Sir Pent. Maybe this would be fun. “Come on, Sir Stephen! Let us commence our quest for coffee and befriend these weirdos! I call being the Chosen One!”

                          “Very well, My Lady. With your valiant stuffed snake and tiny ducks, my gun and trusty hat, and our mutual desire for breakfast and odd friends, no one can defeat us! Let’s goooo!”

                          Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4732

                            @theducktator a stuffed snake? Cute!! I have a few of those.

                            Also the coffee thing is hilarious. Sniper will agree with Joy on that once he’s not busy fighting everyone lol.

                            ooh that’d be kinda cool.



                            Huntress and Sniper

                            “Don’t apologize, it’s not like he can kill me anyways.” the glow-armed creature muttered, but he relaxed and lowered his weaponized limb. “I take it neither of you understand what’s going on either.”

                            “I don’t think anyone here knows what’s going on,” I confessed, looking around at the semi-random assortment of creatures around us. There always seemed to be two, usually a male and a female.

                            “Anyone else interested in fighting?” I asked, looking around and giving a look to Sniper when he opened his mouth to speak. “Not you.”

                            No one moved, and most of the ones who had weapons out lowered them, including a human couple who’d just joined and were wielding a stuffed snake.

                            “Okay then.” I said. “Since we’re all apparently stuck here, we might as well learn each other’s names. Would anyone like to go first?”

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3560

                              @keilah-h @theshadow @proncesachronicle22 @theducktator

                              I’ve tried to write an rp for Fairy and Evelyn a couple times now, but it hasn’t worked out, so let’s just say Callum found them and is standing with them among the spectators.


                              “My name is Silvanis Falkon. That young man right there is my son Callum.” Silvanis  paused for a second, seeing the blond and the frizzy-haired women next to Callum. “The woman with the glasses is his girlfriend Evelyn and the one wishing she had a cup of boiled weeds right now is Fairy Ward.”

                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4732


                                Huntress & Sniper

                                “My name is Silvanis Falkon. That young man right there is my son Callum. The woman with the glasses is his girlfriend Evelyn and the one wishing she had a cup of boiled weeds right now is Fairy Ward.” the glowy-armed one explained.

                                Boiled weeds? I thought, confused, but I didn’t say anything.

                                “I’m Jaylen Espion.” I told him. “And the one who threatened to scatter pieces of you everywhere is Mick Mundy. We’re mercenaries and have been referring to each other by our callsigns, Huntress and Sniper, so you can use those names if you want.”

                                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4732

                                  Also here’s a drawing of my characters that took me like 3 hours to do this morning. They’re not wearing their hats, but this is a decent impression of what their clothes and features are like. I’m pretty proud of it to be honest.


                                  (It’s actually a scene from the fanfic they’re in. You know, the average interrupted romantic confession.)

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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