Contemporary writing

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  • #199552
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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      Hello, how’s everyone today?

      So, I’ve got two ideas for separate contemporary novels and was wondering if any of you have written contemporary. The two I have in mind are set during summer, and I’m not really sure how to make them interesting. I want something akin to The Penderwicks and have them be wholesome, sweet, and not too terribly heavy (reserving that for a darker one). So, any tips on writing contemporary?

      Tags (feel free to not answer if you want to): @theducktator @ellette-giselle @whalekeeper @linus-smallprint @raxforge @rae @loopylin @hybridlore@the_lost-journal @keilah-h @anyone else

      “Our house is full of ducks!!!!”

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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        I’ve written a handful of contemporary (not finished them though lol), and I’m by no means an expert in this field, but I’d say it really comes down to adding conflict, even if it’s as simple as a strained relationship with a family member. I don’t know your characters, and I’ve also never read The Penderwicks so it’s hard to know how to suggest some specifics. If you’re looking for something lighter than family or friendship problems, maybe you could swing the route of clean/cozy mysteries. That’s always a fun one to do with a summer setting and there’s a lot of options (visiting an elderly relative’s home and discovering some historic thing that leads into a search for more details about their past; a string of break-ins around town and your characters band together to try to figure out who is doing it).

        If you’re able to share more details about the stories you were thinking of, I might be able to give some better suggestions!

        "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

        The Most Esteemed Feathered One
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          Tagging @esther-c

          I shall be a vestibule of unhampered sanity.

          The Most Esteemed Feathered One
            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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            *subscribes* I’m plotting a contemporary romance series, but I haven’t actually written any yet. Will your books be middle grade or YA? I would say have at least one continuing conflict through the series like how in The Penderwicks on Gardam Street, (my favorite), they have the Save Daddy Plan, or in the 1st  Vanderbeekers book they’re trying to convince their landlord to renew their lease, or the Saturdays (not contemporary as it takes place in the early 40s, but it’s similar to the Penderwicks) revolves around the ISAAC club.

            I shall be a vestibule of unhampered sanity.

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @theshadow I’ve never written contemporary before, actually. All of my stuff has been sci-fi or fantasy.

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                *bursts in through the door and tumbles onto the ground* *hops up and dusts self off* Did I hear someone mention ConTEmPoRarY fiCtIOn??? 👀 I’m here for it 😎

                First of all, make sure you’re reading contemporary!!! Especially within the little genres that you want to focus on. I can’t stress how helpful this is. I know some authors are like “read 40 books in your genre before writing” but that’s just crazy and I don’t have time for that. So! I like to be reading contemporary fiction books as I’m writing my WIP, specifically books that deal with the same type of stuff I’m writing. For example, I’m currently working on a YA novel that takes place in the 90s and has a lot to do with high school. I previously read a YA novel that took place in the 80s and am currently rereading for the gazillionenth time the Christy Miller series, which focuses a lot on the high school experience. So you might not always find books that have little things that correspond to your WIP, but look for books with the same vibes. And different ones too! You might find inspiration or learn some new things with how that specific author writes.

                Second, I 100% agree with what Trailblazer and Ducktator said. Make sure you have conflict!! (Even though I think every story should be character-driven), I’ve found that contemporary tends to be driven more by the character’s internal conflict (which could translate to or be influenced by external conflict) rather than action or a crazy plot.

                I have to admit, writing wholesome, sweet, quiet stories but still making them entertaining can be difficult. But I know you can do it!! Rely on conflict, but also don’t forget to include the scenes that will make readers melt a little bit or bring a smile to their face.

                I wish I could add more, but for some reason I can’t think of any other advice for a moment. If you’re willing to share, I’d love to hear your ideas so I could give some more pointers that are specifically geared towards what you’re thinking!

                Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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