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@mariposa Ooh, a Western. That’ll be fun. 🙂
That’s a super cool collage! I’ve been doing some collages too.
This is a collage for my serial story named Partners in crime. I’m still posting the story on my blog. I use PhotoScape free version for my photo editing. It’s a super awesome program. I’m also doing a #wipjoy on twitter and this is a collage I came up with for my taming of the shrew retelling
@cloudy Wow, those are epic. 👍🏻
@jessi-rae and @mariposa
I use unsplash for all of my images, and the quality there is amazing. And they’re royalty free.
@cloudy *gapes* Very nice indeedy.
A dreamer who believes in the impossible...and dragons. (INFJ-T)
@mariposa Oooh…intriguing!
A dreamer who believes in the impossible...and dragons. (INFJ-T)
@ingrid *blushes thank ye
@cloudy Hey, unsplash is what I use to find images for the graphics on KP! 😁
All of those are awesome! @mariposa @cloudy @that_writer_girl_99
IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!
I have a collage to unleash upon the world! MWAHAHAHA!!!! *lightning flashes in the background (even though it’s sunny out)*
Meet Newman Holt, the MC of a story I shall write someday. He’s an older gentleman who’s way too content with life to go on an adventure… until he becomes the heir of a pirate ship.
Blog: https://weridasusual.home.blog/
@daughteroftheking Wow! Your synopsis sounds exciting! 😃 Do you have a title for the book?
@mariposa @cloudy @daughteroftheking :-O Those are AWESOME. Why aren’t I on this topic more often…?
You can pronounce it however you want.