Anyone want to provide an opinion for my school assignment?

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      @looylin @whalekeeper @princesachronicle22 @smiley @hybridlore @esther-c @freed_and_redeemed




      I need responses from friends and family members for a discussion post for my environmental science class. ANyways, I don’t really want to bug my family but I will if I don’t find something that works here LOL

      Thanks if you do contribute ;P

      The question is…

      Do you believe climate change is something humanity should be paying attention to (yes or no – AND why)?


      I just need three responses plus my own. And no obligation, if you don’t respond here I will probably be able to find other people to ask.

      Also this is not a arguing platform XD I only need responses it doesn’t matter what your opinion is. This isn’t a climate change discussion. If you see a opinion here you disagree on, don’t reply to it. It’s pointless. Actually, maybe don’t reply to eachother at all because I know this one can get heated 😂


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          I believe that people focus on climate change too much. It’s natural for the earth to shift and change. If natural disasters linked to climate started to pop up that were more than the usual, I’d be concerned, but since that hasn’t happened, I don’t think much about Climate change at all.

          Sorry if that was confusing.


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          Cloaked Mystery
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            I agree with @rae. It’s a normal cycle. There have been ice ages for crying out loud! I’m not going to say it’s not a problem at all—I’m not well read on this subject—but at this point I don’t think we have to worry about it.

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            The Ducktator
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              I think earth scientists should pay attention in case it becomes a problem, but the earth is always changing. It’s certainly not as big of a deal as a lot of people make it, and right now there is no need to be concerned.

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                @theducktator @jonas @rae

                Thanks guys! I only needed three so that will due 🙂


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                  @mineralizedwritings I believe that we should pay attention to it, research it, and take care of the earth to the best of our ability.  We are called by God to take dominion over the earth and we are still learning to do that well.

                  The problem I have with the whole climate change thing is all the fear and guilt people have about it. We are part of creation and belong here and I think a lot of people are pushing the idea that we are some kind of pest or corruption and that nature is this pure and innocent thing that we’ve ruined. This way of thinking is really harmful. We should be talking care of creation out of love and a good sense of responsibility, not out of fear and guilt and self-disgust. 

                  I’d suggest reading A Different Shade of Green by Gordon Wilson if you’re interested. I haven’t read it myself, but I’ve heard talks he’s given about the same subject.

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                    @mineralizedwritings whoops didn’t see your last post. Sorry you can ignore all that

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                      Aw man if I had only waited like a little longer to do my assignment I could have included yours! XD thanks anyways!


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                        Aw man, I wish I could have replied sooner before the others replied because I did a persuasive speech along the lines of this topic for school this past year. XD Oh well, lol. But if you want to do deeper research into this, I highly suggest the Answer in Genesis website. They’ve got some great stuff that I’ve used in the past.

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