Anyone else love Moodboards/Aesthetics?

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      Sorry for the late reply… school. And driver’s Ed. Β Β  -_-

      I get the big cities thing! I love the outdoors (was a birdwatcher before my family stopped going on birdwatching outings together, it’s not exactly safe to go alone) but for me I can’t spend too much time away from the city, lol perhaps it’s because I was born in a big city who knows.


      I want to stay in one someday too, they look amazing. One time at a outing during the night, my parents got out to switch drivers, and we all saw how pretty the stars were. It was sooo mesmerizing! It was perfectly clear, and we were in the middle of nowhere so there was no light pollution. It was just AHHHH indescribable!!! 🀣 We think God had us get out there, because we never would have noticed the stars if my parents didn’t want to switch, and it was the perfect night too.

      Yup. Same. I need to start saving up for a car sometime too… and it’s not going to be a toyota FJ crusier. If I can find a decent one that isnt too expensive, I could settle for a Honda element, but still… that might be too expensive.

      Ooh a lego bus set? I used to have a lego friends camper set I loved! It had a trailer behind, and the whole thing opened up really well. I loved the fact there was storage under the seat πŸ˜‚

      I’ll attach a photo of my mood-board-ish thingy’s. One of those is a character sheet (I think I posted it on this forum already, like a ways back) And the other is a filled in page of a writing book a friend got me. It has prompts and stuff in it, it’s really good for fleshing out your world building. This page was to put your character’s in. I used a colored pencil, and afterwards thought it be cool to try to smudge some of it because it looked good on one character… I used water… and uh… smudged some of them pretty bad πŸ˜‚

      I maybe won’t do that again lol

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by MineralizedWritings. Reason: I can't tag properly -_-

      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        Ok, i’m doing the other pic separate so KP doesn’t eat my post.


        "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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          I didn’t really know what I was doing, I was just bored. xD

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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            Ugh, school. πŸ™„ I’m doing driver’s Ed too! I have my fifth drive tomorrow.

            Bird-watching sounds so cool! Hopefully, you can do it again someday. It sounds like you have some good memories. I don’t live in a big city but it’s growing bigger. Lots of new houses. So glad about the place I live in, though, because you don’t have to go far to be in nature.

            Glassy dome things! Yeah, they’re really cool. And, wow, the night sky is just amazing. I have a lot if memories star gazing with my family. One of the more recent times we went down to the beach at night, laid on towels, and star gazed. And it’s so incredible when there isn’t any light pollution. God’s creation really is amazing!

            Haha, I don’t really know anything about cars… just that I love the VW microbes and that they drive. xD I just want something comfortable and hopefully cheap for my first, then maybe I’ll have more of an opinion.

            … :l I have a friends lego motorhome set. And a lot of others. I like my legos. πŸ™‚

            Your first one looks so good! It doesn’t look too smudged, but it could just be the camera. I love the colors you used and the character. Oh! I recognize the second one! You showed it to me earlier. But I still love it, especially the style you did it in. Your art looks so good!

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              I’m doing driver’s Ed too!


              I just did my first drive, but I’ve been driving on my student permit (ok, now I’m driving with a student permit paper copy now because my wallet and keys were stolen at the climbing gym 😭) for a couple months.

              One of the more recent times we went down to the beach at night, laid on towels, and star gazed. And it’s so incredible when there isn’t any light pollution. God’s creation really is amazing!

              I don’t live in a big city but it’s growing bigger.

              Same, people from California are moving to our town, and it’s growing.

              Ooh that sounds great! And yeah, God’s creation is amazing. πŸ˜€


              … :l I have a friends lego motorhome set. And a lot of others. I like my legos. πŸ™‚

              Legos are sooo great lol. I used to have a lot, and my sister and I combined ours into one giant bin (oh the agony of searching for the one lawn-mower handle) and I remember raking through the bin to find the perfect piece. We gave them away to a family that would use them a lot more then we would, but lol, legos have a special place in my heart πŸ™‚

              Oh! I recognize the second one! You showed it to me earlier. But I still love it, especially the style you did it in. Your art looks so good!

              LOL NO!! I didn’t mean to send it twice 😭😭. Sorry I can’t keep track of what drawings I have shown which people. Thanks though! πŸ˜…

              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                Oh no, It got stolen! I’m sorry!

                In Idaho, you have to finish all six drives before you get your driver’s permit. So, two more drives with the instructor and I’m on the streets 😲 You also have to have six hours of time as the passenger watching another driver so I’ve been doing all my drives with a friend. It’s been a lot of fun.

                Yup. A lot of them are from California. And Washington.

                Legos are the best! My brother and I have all of our legos in a big storage closet (the big closet), along with our lightsabers, blasters, and very small collection of comic books. We hang out there a lot. (Although, not now with all of this SCHOOL) For some reason, the ceiling is getting lower as I get older. Wonder why. xD

                It’s no problem! I love seeing other people’s art!

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2972


                  Yeah, thanks. I guess I won’t leave my backpack alone like that again πŸ˜… Kinda disapionted because I made the wallet πŸ™ and it had 30$ in it. πŸ™


                  For us it’s 10 hours night driving, 40 hours day driving, drivers ed, and five drives. Then we get to drive unsupervised with a license. And after that no kids under 20 in the car unless immediate family. You can skip a lot of that if your over 18 though.

                  Yup. A lot of them are from California. And Washington.

                  Oh uh…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… That tooootaly wasn’t my family… lol we are from Washington and considered moving to Idaho. People from California driving up our prices… so we wanted to move. We still want to move lol. Idaho is great πŸ™‚ It feels like a second home to me, we’ve camped there, and sometimes drive over to Coeur d’ Alene (it’s only like 30 min away) to go to the little shops.

                  Random but funny story: While driving around (in washington) we saw a idaho license plate that said “CYA” Lol, I guess they are happy about their move πŸ˜‚

                  Legos are the best! My brother and I have all of our legos in a big storage closet (the big closet), along with our lightsabers, blasters, and very small collection of comic books. We hang out there a lot. (Although, not now with all of this SCHOOL)

                  That sounds like a blast! My sister grew out of toys wayyyy before I did, so we didn’t play lego’s together that much as we got older.

                  For some reason, the ceiling is getting lower as I get older. Wonder why. xD

                  Yup. Just can’t get into those little spaces as easily. (Ceilings stop shrinking!!)



                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @theloonyone. You’re so welcome! πŸ˜€

                    . Your art is soooo good! πŸ™‚

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      Thanks!! πŸ˜ƒ

                      "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 446


                        Oh cool, you made it? What is it made of?

                        We have to take the driver’s Ed class, then our six hours of driving and six hours of watching with an instructor, then 50 hours or six months of permit driving, 10 at night. Then you take the tests and you get your license!

                        Oh, don’t worry, come to Idaho! We love the nice people. xD My cousin’s family just moved here from Washington, too. Yeah, I love Idaho. What! I live ten minutes from Coeur d’Alene! The shops are fun too, but somehow I rarely go with how close I live. I just don’t go shopping a lot. Where do you go camping? There are a lot of good places around here. Haha, that’s funny. I’ve got to love Idaho!

                        Well, my brother is four years younger than me, so… we play together all we want. Just not as often now with life being so busy. It also doesn’t help that the closet is used for storage, too, so we just fit ourselves where we can. We’ve been playing in that closet for a while. xD I love it.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          We have to take the driver’s Ed class, then our six hours of driving and six hours of watching with an instructor, then 50 hours or six months of permit driving, 10 at night. Then you take the tests and you get your license!

                          Oh ok, that’s pretty similar too us.

                          Leather! Leather-work is unfortunately a bit of an expensive hobby, I’m lucky my parent’s support me in it. I usually still have to pay for some of the price of the leather, because I like to use the good stuff lol. I’m upset it was stolen… but it’s a good excuse to make something.

                          It’s really funny to me we are having this conversation πŸ˜‚ literally today we were discussing going over to ceour d’alene for one last visit before my older sister moves out. Just idk get ice cream or something together. We went camping way up in the northern tip once, close enough we could drive too Montana for awhile then come back too the site. I had wanted to see a grey jay (I guess Canada jay, they were renamed upon becoming Canada’s national bird.) I prayed about it for awhile, and we got to see some on that trip! I know people call them a nusence, but we really enjoyed feeding them walnuts.

                          Playing in the closet sounds great. My sister and I used to have a corner of our room with a tower of cardboard boxes, we cut doors in between them and pretended it was a palace for the my little ponies. Honestly, I considered it a early form of writing. We made up our own story and fantasy aspects. So much fun.

                          "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 446


                            Leatherworking sounds so cool! I can also see how it would be expensive. 😐 What else have you made?

                            That’s so cool that you got to see the bird! And there is some good ice cream in Coeur d’Alene. That sounds like a lot of fun to do with your family!

                            I used to have a cardboard castle, too. My childhood is chock-full of pretend games. I agree, it definitely is an early form of storytelling! Somehow it always ends up pretty dark. xD I think kids have an obsession with orphans and death or something. 🀣

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2972


                              Leatherworking sounds so cool! I can also see how it would be expensive. 😐 What else have you made?

                              Yeah it’s a lot of fun! I made a binocular case, and cut up the old one to use as a pattern. I used the old logo and incorporated it into the new case. I kinda went ham with the price on that project… just had to have a piece of that lovely Buttero leather for it πŸ˜‚. It’ll probably be awhile before I do something like that again, likely wasn’t the smartest financial choice. But lol, it was fun.

                              Do you do crafts or make things?

                              I used to have a cardboard castle, too. My childhood is chock-full of pretend games. I agree, it definitely is an early form of storytelling! Somehow it always ends up pretty dark. xD I think kids have an obsession with orphans and death or something. 🀣

                              LOL really? That’s so different from us! We never had character’s die, and we had very few orphans if any. Honestly, if we had kept playing longer I could see that starting too happen. Around the time my sister started to grow out of it, our story just got kinda boring and we weren’t enjoying it anymore. If we kept going a few more years, I’ll bet we would have made it edgy to add some interest 🀣.

                              Now that I think about it a do believe we played out a war once. We had this thing we made up that the unicorns could shoot liquefied minerals out of there horns, and they would shoot it at the bad guys πŸ˜‚. It’s hilarious looking back on it, what a morbid way too die, but we never considered that. I think actually they would pry them out of the solidified mineral and put them in jail πŸ€”. Idk, it was a interesting plot line though.

                              "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 446


                                That is so cool! Crafting is the best when you can use what you made. But yeah, it can be expensive. I craft a little but mostly just draw. I don’t do one thing a lot, but occasionally try making new things.

                                ~Edgy Pretending~ πŸ˜† It’s true, though. Kids can be dark. 😳 That is a morbid way to die. That’s cool, though! Liquified mineral shooting out of the unicorn’s horn. Yeah, that’s cool. And a cool plot line! 🀣

                                I finished my drive! I only have one more and then I get my permit. Kinda scared

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2972


                                  I don’t do one thing a lot, but occasionally try making new things.

                                  I’d love to see some of it if you want too share πŸ˜€

                                  That’s cool, though! Liquified mineral shooting out of the unicorn’s horn. Yeah, that’s cool. And a cool plot line! 🀣

                                  Thanks lol! As far as plot goes, there wasn’t much. But it was really fun too make up random corridors and have a practically endless imaginary castle. We used to drop blankets on the ground and shape it too make a part of the castle. lol boredom is so easily solved as a kid.

                                  I finished my drive! I only have one more and then I get my permit. Kinda scared

                                  Hey great job! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I’m sure you’ll do great, but yeah, a bit nerve-racking.

                                  "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

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