Anyone else love Moodboards/Aesthetics?

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  • #119973
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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      That makes total sense, although perhaps an interesting system of genetics.

      Wait…what incident?


      Of course, I understand that you didn’t necessarily do anything, but you are the author, so…

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

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        @koshka still not entirely sure….but I’m thinking she probably loses control…

        I mean…these are shadow powers we’re talking about…dark elven powers, and she has the full of them, whereas corvina only has half (and y’all have seen how powerful Corvina is…)


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          YALL ITS TIME TO INTRODUCE MA OWN BOYS!! @freedomwriter76 @elishavet-pidyon @koshka


          GRIMM’S SONS!!! And let me just say…


          THEY ARE CUUUUUTE!!! (Especially the first two…like my best friend was like “I have a crush on Grimm’s sons now XD)

          So Grimm has 4 sons…


          Fraternal triplets, and then a youngest son. So without further ado let’s go!


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            Lucien Fennec Beowulf!

            He has dark brown hair cut to the middle of his neck, a small braid (like the pictures below) and green emerald eyes.


            Lucien is the oldest triplet. He is a Shifter (all the boys are) and his wolf form is the one that resembles his father the most. A dark grey with dark patches of fur (like the picture) and dark markings on his maw, neck and paws.

            Lucien is fun, sneaky, a bit of a trickster and a flirt, but also courageous and kind.


            (I imagine him dancing with Hadassah in the top right picture, and holding his brother I’ll introduce next in the lower left picture XD!)



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              The Second Born-


              Caden Lowell Beowulf!

              Blond hair with a singular small black streak, golden olive green eyes. His wolf form is sandy-gold with cream accents and he acts more like a big puppy dog then anything else.

              He’s fun, joyful, very close to his two brothers, Lucien and Fenrys and is also willing to lend a helping hand and listening ear.



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                The Third Son-


                Fenrys Conan Beowulf!

                Short, softly spiked black hair with silver highlights, cobalt blue eyes, fair light skin. His wolf form is white with silver accents and markings.

                Fenrys is a lot like his father; quiet, reserved, but courageous and with a heart of gold. He loves deep, and is actually very heartfelt deep down.

                However…he has a bit of trouble at home…or in his own mind he does…

                Born with a limp, Fenrys believes this is why his father is a bit…distant when it comes to him.

                In truth, this is far from it…

                The real truth is, Grimm loves him very much, just as much as the other boys, but….

                Fenrys…reminds him so…so very Much of Mirella…

                The same nose. The silver in his hair…his wolf form, just like hers…his smile.

                Its just…a bit difficult.

                But Fenrys doesn’t know this, and so he thinks it’s because of something else. So he tries harder, only putting himself in more dangerous situations, and making it even harder for his father to watch…

                It’s an endless loop…and it’s putting a strain on everyone…



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                  And lastly!! The “runt” of the litter!!


                  Benji Phelan Beowulf!

                  Benji’s the baby of the family, in every way. He’s still really little, and is the spitting image of his father.

                  Black hair, cobalt blue eyes.

                  The only thing that’s different is his wolf form. It’s a deep, pitch black, which makes him a bit hard to see in the dark….


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @godlyfantasy12. They’re all soooo CUTEEEEE!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖

                    My favorite is already Fenrys…xD

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      @freedomwriter76 thank u!! My favorites are Lucien and Caden!


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 did u see Corvina’s girls on the page before this one?


                        Hadassah is my favorite, and after her Kiri (what symbol can be used to make the I make the Ai sound?? XD cuz idk…)


                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76


                          AND NOOOW!!! Arabella and November’s children!!!! AHHH!!

                          Meet their firstborn, a son!!



                          At the behest of November, the first two children were named after Arabella (🥰🥰🥰)

                          Aaron has brown hair and brown eyes like his mother. His hair is very wavy, almost a bit curly but not quite, more like tousled.

                          Aaron is kind and caring, and a leader like his mother, though he also carries some of her doubts and inner struggles as well.

                          The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…

                          He has a bit of anxiety when it comes to public speaking and crowds, though not near as bad as what Ara once had, and he’s able to move past it if he forces himself.

                          Still, a ton of people can fire him out, because he is an introvert at heart, and much prefers reading in the Athenaeum (library) to public events.


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                            And now, only a year apart from Aaron, their daughter,



                            Aria has dark brown hair in wavy curls, and blue eyes. She looks much like her mother, and carries herself in the same way.

                            Aria is the more quiet, reserved one of the bunch, speaking only when needed, and usually the responsible one in the group.

                            She, like her brother, is a natural born leader, though she seems to take to it better then Aaron…or at least it seems that way to him.

                            Aria is very much a warrior at heart, in love with the call of action and skilled in archery and swordplay-though she’s given her father many a scare over the years with her “practicing.”

                            Aria is extremely close to her brothers and fiercely loyal. She, like Aaron, also prefers reading and staying home to large get-togethers, though she’s always up for a good laugh with friends and family.



                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @godlyfantasy12. You’re Welcome! And yes, I did see her girls! I just still like Fenrys the most. xD 💖💖💖

                              BUT OH MY GOSH!!!! Aaron and Aria might be fighting him for my hearttttt!!!!! Especially Aaron…okay, so I like the guys, alright!? xD

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                And…the youngest of the family-


                                Brenven Kiran Nadir!


                                Brenven (or Bren) is the youngest, and Ara insisted they name him after November. And for good reason.

                                He’s practically his spitting image.

                                With curly ginger hair, though slightly darker due to Ara’s brown being in the mix, baby blue eyes, and dimples, the boy is cute as can be!


                                Bren is sweet, cuddly and maybe a bit naive. He loves people and adores animals. Creatures of all kinds! He inherited his father’s loving spirit and gentleness, and his radiant smile as well.

                                However, along with being the spitting image of his father in both body and spirit, he also inherited his father’s Elven Blood, specifically the Fire Elf that resides deep within his bloodline.


                                Unlike November, however, whose Elven Flame was tampered with as a child, Bren’s is left uninhibited, and he develops powers at an extremely young age….

                                Leading to…quite a bit of chaos…

                                For everyone.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 AHHH SAME!!!!



                                  and now…u can Add Bren to the list!!!


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