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- This topic has 26 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
Ariel Ashira.
March 29, 2018 at 7:47 pm #69423
Welp. The other one got too long for me to post in. So… here’s #2 of my forum for stuff! Anyhow:
A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen
Part 4: The Raspberry King
Warren, Catwing, and Riddlewit turned to see a tall girl with long, caramel hair and stormy grey eyes. She was wearing an olive jacket, jeans, and combat boots and was striding towards them determinedly.
“Who are you?” Warren asked. The girl walked up to the fountain and stopped, crossing her arms.
“King Daeus, of course,” she said sarcastically. Then she smiled warmly. “I’m actually Aspen. I’m a Shield-wolf. How is the Griffin?” Warren blinked, taken aback. Kingdom Pen kept getting more and more interesting: catwings, Griffins, Cheshire Catwings, Chasm Beasts, centaurs, and now Shield-wolves!
“Alia is taking him to Eskrey,” Riddlewit replied.
“Then we must go as well,” Aspen declared heroically. “We must remind the KaPeeFers of the Evil that slumbers inside the Treakle Peaks.” With that, the air around her shimmered. Warren gave a low growl as Aspen’s form melted like ice and was replaced by a beautiful white wolf with silver-blue eyes. The light from the fountain made her fur look blue-ish, and she stepped forward. Warren sniffed the air experimentally, but the wolf in the place of Aspen still carried Aspen’s particular scent-signature.
“Are you still Aspen?” he asked tentatively. A low grumble emanated from the wolf’s chest, and with a shock Warren realized that she was laughing.
“Sorry if I startled you,” the wolf answered. “I am still Aspen. Now, let us be off!” She leapt over Warren and Riddlewit’s heads and streaked out of Kapeeferton. Warren and Riddlewit glanced at each other, then bolted away after the Shield-wolf.
Warren’s paws pounded into the stone-paved road as he ran into the borders of Eskrey. As he passed through the gates, he slowed to a stop as he took in the magnificence of the capital. There were hundreds of buildings pressed together, but somehow it didn’t seem crowded. At the center of the city, atop a small hill, a magnificent castle rose up to the sky: Castle Regnis, home of King Daeus, the Princesses Emma and Kina, and Knight Kate.
“Wow,” he breathed. “This is amazing.” Riddlewit noticed him staring at Regnis and tapped his head.
“Warren!” the flying squirrel sat on his head and waved her paws across his line of vision. “Don’t stop now! We have to get to Regnis!” Warren blinked.
“Right! Sorry!” he barked and bounded forward, nearly knocking Riddlewit off of his head and earning him a “OI! WATCH IT!” from the flying squirrel queen. He wound through the streets until he reached the road that led up to the gates of Regnis.
When he reached the closed gates of Regnis, Warren sat on the stones of the road and whined. Riddlewit floated down to the ground next to him and looked up at him.
“How do I get in?” Warren moaned, discouraged. “The gates are locked!” Suddenly, the gate opened and a guard clad in metal armor exited the castle courtyard. Her shield bore the name SeekJustice, and a flock of origami cranes fluttered around her head.
“Do you have an appointment?” the guard asked. When Warren shook her head, she said “Then you cannot enter.” As she was about to enter back into the castle, Riddlewit jumped up and floated in front of SeekJustice.
“We need to see King Daeus immediately,” the queen declared. “I am Queen Riddlewit of the Flying Squirrels of the Kingdom of Pen and this is Warren, a KaPeeFer. We helped rescue Ezekiel, the Griffin of FileWriter, and the Griffin arrived with Alia sometime before us. We must see the King!” The guard looked them up and down dubiously, then gave a high-pitched whistle. Gusts of wind shook the hill, and at first Warren thought that there was a windstorm. However, a beautiful, gigantic dragon with golden scales rose up over the wall. Warren cowered in fear before the magnificent sight and prepared for the worst to come. The dragon opened her mouth and:
“WARREN! Hello again, my friend!” Snapper boomed and landed next to the castle guard. “Alia arrived with Ezekiel about half an hour earlier. Hurry, King Daeus has just called for a special council in the ballroom.” As she turned and opened the gates, the guard ran forward.
“I’m sorry for all of the confusion, by the way,” the guard apologized. “I’m SeekJustice!” She ushered them through the gates and into the courtyard of Regnis. Warren, Riddlewit, and SeekJustice then wound their way around a fountain and through the throngs of KaPeeFers until they reached the doors of the castle. Aspen, in her human form, then walked out of the magnificent double doors.
“Warren! Riddlewit! Come on, the council is about to start,” the Shield-wolf said. She pushed open the doors and allowed the golden retriever and the flying squirrel to enter, then rushed inside.
Warren exited the hallway into Castle Regnis’ gigantic ballroom and gasped. The arched ceiling stretched up as far as he could see, and beautiful glass chandeliers hung from hooks on the ceiling. The chandeliers, however, did not sport candles: the chandeliers boasted glowing raspberries that gave off a warm, golden light, much like the light that had surrounded Warren when he had entered the kingdom.
That feels like so long ago, he thought, smiling a little. Suddenly, a consciousness poked into his head next to his own. As he jumped back mentally, he heard a kind voice.
Warren, the mental voice said. It’s me, Alia. Hurry, you and Riddlewit must be up at the front, since you two and Catwing were the ones who rescued Ezi. And he is doing fine, don’t worry. Warren thought he heard her smile.
He and Riddlewit, who had apparently also heard Alia’s message, then wound their way through the throngs of people to a table near the front of the ballroom. Already seated at this table were Catwing and Alia. Then, a drumroll sounded and a man walked forward to the stage. He wore regal purple robes and had brown hair and eyes. And upon his head rested a crown with a…raspberry?…on top. Catwing motioned with a paw for them to sit down, and the golden retriever and the flying squirrel both took their places at the table.
“KaPeeFers!” King Daeus, for surely anyone with a raspberry crown in the Kingdom of Pen surely must be King Daeus, announced. “Knights of the Realm! Writers! Authors! GIF-Hiders! Order must be called!” The multitude of KaPeeFers began to quiet down, and Daeus motioned with his hand. At the signal, SeekJustice and a girl in an old-fashioned Sheriff’s uniform with a brown skirt escorted a black/brown-and-white Native American horse with feathers in her mane up to the table. On the horse’s back rested a litter, which carried Ezi. SeekJustice and the sheriff then helped the litter off of the horse’s back and onto the table. As the litter was placed on the table, someone shrieked. A girl with dark brown eyes and long brown hair rushed up, dropping the notebook and pencil that she had been holding, and cradled the poor Griffin’s head in her arms. Ezi gave a sleepy caw and blinked, nuzzling the girl with his beak.
“Ezekiel will be fine, FileWriter,” Daeus said kindly. “Thanks to Warren Luther, Catwing, Queen Riddlewit, and Alia, who brought him here just in time.” FileWriter looked up at Warren, her eyes shining with a light film of tears.
“Thank you for saving him!” she said and moved back behind the table.
“Now, onto the second matter that we are here today to discuss,” the Raspberry King announced. “It has been brought to my attention that Evil resides deep within the Treacle Mountains. Now we must decide how to counter it.”
Riddlewit, Queen of the Flying Squirrels of the Kingdom of Pen
Ezi the Griffin
With References To:
The Evil
@sam-kowal @kaya-young @supermonkey42 @allison-grace @emma-flournoy @notawriter @kate-flournoy @mnvalentine @that_writer_girl_99 @ariel-ashira @dekreel @everyone-elseKapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)March 29, 2018 at 7:49 pm #69425@kaya-young Did it work for you? Hmm…
Thanks! 🙂
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)March 29, 2018 at 8:07 pm #69433@warrenluther04, it’s great. I can’t choose a favorite part because they’re all really good.
so…how do they counter it??? (don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone else)
WIP - Decisions
Kapeefer til we're old and greyMarch 29, 2018 at 8:25 pm #69441@warrenluthor04
“It has been brought to my attention that Evil resides deep within the Treacle Mountains. Now we must decide how to counter it.”
😀 I can’t wait for this adventure
Nice installment
*Giarstanornarak tries to melt chair*
Also, Daeus has 22 turtles in his signature.March 29, 2018 at 8:37 pm #69448@warrenluther04 Oh, wow. I didn’t see this and I accidentally posted this part on your original thing…
OHHH, usually posts disappear because for some reason they are filtered out by the system as spam. It’s happened with me when I try to edit long posts
Anyway, I might as well copy and paste my comment here, too XD
Oh… my word. THAT WAS AMAZING! I love how you described the castle and the city!! SO well done! Why do these keep getting better and better?!?! 😀 😀
And YOU REFERENCED THE GIF-HIDERS! AAAAAAAH! Wait, so that’s like a class now?? 😉
You can pronounce it however you want.
March 29, 2018 at 8:38 pm #69449@warrenluther04 Yay! Another lovely part!
I was already in my seat because I vanished right?
Little fact: Cheshires can ‘teleport’ short distances. It takes less energy than actually going from Here to There. Which is great for taunting someone. Or confusing them. I don’t do that a lot.
[Yes, I am forming the history and science of Catwings and Cheshires to avoid problems as I read your parts. Thank you. It is helpful. :3 ]IMMA KAPEEFER! Til we're old and gray!
March 29, 2018 at 9:01 pm #69454@warrenluther04 Yay I was referenced! 😉 This is awesome! I get so excited every time kapeefers are introduced 😀
I'm a Kapeefer 'TIL WE'RE OLD AND GREY!
www.jennaterese.comMarch 29, 2018 at 11:42 pm #69492@warrenluther04 This was excellent! I loved it! 😀
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
March 30, 2018 at 9:01 am #69524@warrenluther04 I just realized…the Kapeefers haven’t really gone on a real adventure yet, so it will be exciting to see how they counter the Evil in the Treacle Mountains.
Great installment! 😀
(I must say, I was slightly confused when this story showed up in my inbox three times! 😀 )
A Kapeefer for life!
Compendium of KP Literature: kapeeferliterature.wordpress.comMarch 30, 2018 at 9:20 am #69526@warrenluther04 Ah ha!!!! I love this…! Thanks for using me. *shakes your paw*
A dreamer who believes in the impossible...and dragons. (INFJ-T)
March 30, 2018 at 10:48 am #69529@warrenluther04 I just realized that I forgot to comment on your last installment! And after asking you to tag me and everything! *embarrassed face* Oh well, I’ll say that both of them are great. 😉
And I got to work with @seekjustice !!! Hooray! I don’t know if most people realize how much Seekjustice and I talk since it’s usually really late at night on Writers’ Corner when no one else is up. 😛
@dekreel Yes, GIF-hiders is a class now. I suppose in a similar manner to bumbling henchmen or wise jesters. 😀 Congratulations."Sylvester - Sylvester!"
March 30, 2018 at 1:11 pm #69540@alia Thank you! (But some parts are probably better than others… I just don’t know which one. I think I like this one best right know. Cuz Riddlewit.) 😉
Unfortunately, I cannot answer that question at the present time because: I have no idea. Whatsoever. 🙂
@sam-kowal 😀 Me too. 🙂 Thanks!
@dekreel That’s fine. I got really confused. Thanks! Ohh…that’s what happened. 🙂 Thank you! …they do?… *blinks* Yep. GIF-Hiders. Although, I’m not sure whether or not this series takes place before or after your stories yet, soo…
@catwing Thanks! Probably…. Hmm. Fun fact of the day! Thanks! 😀 I have a question. In the Catwing Christmases the Wiser died, right? WHAT DO I DOOOOO????? I had him greet me! AUGH! 😐 🙂
@jenwriter17 Yup! Don’t worry, you’ll be in it more than just a reference. 🙂 I do too. 😉
@skredder Thank you! (Did you get the part where you were referenced? It might have been in Part 3.)
@supermonkey42 Oh…yeah! I’m excited too. I haven’t planned this out yet. 😉 Thanks! 😀 Whoops! 😅 I was confused as well when my story showed up in my inbox from Dekreel. 🙂
@ingridrd Thanks! And thanks for letting me use you as a character! *accepts paw shake* *wags tail happily*
@rochellaine Oh, it’s fine. I forgot to read three of Dekreel’s KPA parts until she re-tagged them for me. 🙂 Thanks! Yep. The Regnis Guards and the Realization Squad will probably work together more often… *swishes tail mysteriously* *knocks over something*What time zone are you? ‘Cause if it’s Eastern time sometimes I’m on when it’s like 11 there but it’s only 8 here. 🙂
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)March 30, 2018 at 1:43 pm #69548@warrenluther04 You’re right, I’m in Eastern time, but when I say late at night…I mean 12:00-3:00 a.m. 😮 😀 I stay up really late…
That’s also because that’s the time Seekjustice is usually on because it’s afternoon for her in Australia. If you go take a look at Writers’ Corner you’ll see where we talk into the “wee hours of the morning.” 😛
I’m usually on Writers’ Corner for an hour or so at about 3 or 4:00 Eastern time (or 1:00 PST) and then from around midnight until I decide to go to bed.
"Sylvester - Sylvester!"
March 30, 2018 at 1:49 pm #69553@rochellaine Okay. Wow…. 😮 I rarely stay up that late.
Oh, yeah. When you have people in different hemispheres it can be kinda difficult to catch them. 🙂
I’m on whenever I find the time, which will drastically decrease as spring break ends and school starts up again. 😐 Ah well. I should still be on KP on the weekends though…. 🙂
Kapeefer 'Till We're Old and Grey!
ENFJ-T ... I think (haven't taken the quiz in awhile)March 30, 2018 at 2:15 pm #69567@warrenluther04 Yep, I caught the reference! 🙂
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
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