KP Updates Articles

Woah look! There’s the Dragon Slayer Leaderboard!

So many courageous KeePers have taken up their swords, bows, and surprisingly effective ice-cream cones, to take down the Dragons that have been plaguing the Kingdom of Pen.To honor their bravery, (and to create some friendly competition) we've created a leader...

Announcing Dragon Slayer Article Contest!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so excited to announce... The Dragon Slayer Article Contest!Share your knowledge and experience through articles to help other young writers write better stories for Christ, while also winning prizes!Each article you submit and/or get...

June 2021 Theme of the Month!

And so.... once again another month passes, and a new month begins. We wrapped up our last theme of the month, and now it's time for a new one! This month, we will be covering....Crafting Formidable VillainsAs they say, the hero is only as good as the villain....