by kingdompen | Oct 25, 2021 | Characters
By Karissa ChmilThey say that the light is brighter when surrounded by darkness, that a noise is louder when everything was only just quiet, and that pain is sharper when it comes directly after comfort.The same is true for characters.Maybe your protagonist is loyal,...
by kingdompen | Oct 22, 2021 | Characters
By Daisy TorresThe oceans part. The Earth (or whatever your fictional world is) quakes. The people stare in awe as your head-strong, snarky Female Protagonist walks through the sea, draped in an ethereal, bubbling dress of water.She’s here. She’s sarcastic. She’s...
by kingdompen | Oct 20, 2021 | Characters, Uncategorized
By Bethany FehrWhen it comes to writing interesting characters, one of the most common pieces of advice is “give your character flaws.”Generally, I think this is good advice. But what if I’m writing a hero—a character who is defined by good characteristics? Are those...
by kingdompen | Oct 19, 2021 | Contests & Opportunities, KP Updates
So many courageous KeePers have taken up their swords, bows, and surprisingly effective ice-cream cones, to take down the Dragons that have been plaguing the Kingdom of Pen.To honor their bravery, (and to create some friendly competition) we've created a leader...
by kingdompen | Oct 18, 2021 | Characters
By Grace A. JohnsonThis may seem hard to believe, but when you have brothers, watching Pride and Prejudice and Hallmark romances is unacceptable. Instead, you waste a week of your life bingeing the original Spiderman trilogy and are left with the image of Tobey...