
  • Rochellaine posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago

    Hi everyone! Several of you already know about my website, but I’d like to make a formal announcement. So, here we go…
    Announcement: I have a website!
    Okay, that’s over with. 😀 The address is and I have all my published books listed there, as well as a couple posts on a very new blog…so if you’d like, go ahead and look it over. 🙂
    I have one request, and that is, if you decide to comment on the blog, (this is NOT a request that you comment…just a request IF you comment,) please don’t mention KP, since the original intent of my website is for business, and though I’d like the blog to be fun, I don’t really want my “Rochellaine” character known outside of KP. That way I’ll be known as a businesslike author rather than a crazy disbeliefing sheriff. So no dragons, melting chairs, puppy milk, or other Kapeeferisms if possible. 🙂
    That doesn’t mean you have to pretend I don’t know you though! 🙂 If you do comment you can let me know who you are, of course. (Anyway, this ONLY applies for those who want to comment, which probably most of you don’t, so ignore it if you like.) But someone was confused when I told them this earlier, so if it doesn’t make sense I can clarify.

    Thank you guys!
    @jenwriter17 @seekjustice @dekreel @sam-kowal @alia @ariel-ashira @catwing @ingridrd @supermonkey42 @kaya-young @anyone-else

    • @rochellaine. Wonderful!!! So exiting! I am already subscribed to your emails there. And I will be sure not to bring up anything KP related. 🙂

      • Thanks! 🙂 Yes, it is terribly exciting. The first day after I hit “publish” I was pacing around the house with my stomach bumping up and down. 😀 Now I’m a little more used to it, but it still feels a little funny to realize that I actually HAVE a website!

    • @rochellaine I know I already knew this, but just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! starting a blog is so exciting 🙂

    • Cool! The site looks nice. I will heed your warning carefully. 🙂

    • @rochellaine I love it! Your site looks awesome. 🙂

      • Thank you! I’m glad you like it. And since I knew you might be reading the post about my western I tried to add a little information which I hadn’t told you before. 😀 Did I do that, or was it all old stuff to you?

    • Congrats! *grins*
      I shall not mention this @rochellaine of whom you speak if I comment. 🙂

      • 😀 😀 Haha. There! We were talking about probably not recognizing each other when we meet again, and I bet you didn’t recognize my picture on the welcome page! But then, no one except my close family could recognize me in that picture with my sunglasses on…

        • Uhhh… Sunglasses, different hairstyle with bandana. You are disguised.
          You have used that picture before for one of your colleges. 🙂
          True, true.

          • Yes…I might change that picture to one that shows my face sometime, but at the time I was trying to set up all the pages quickly and that was the only good one I’d already had saved on my computer, so up it went! 😀
            And yes, I used it for my Chara collage because she looks a lot like me. 😉
            Oh, and my mom said we MIGHT be able to go to the Georgia conference. She has to figure a few more things out, but now that I’ve asked her about it she said she’ll do it if possible! And she said actually that TTD would be easier for us to do than the other one, but I’ll let you know if we’re actually going to be at either one.

            • Okay. *shrug* it’s fine though.
              Yay! That would be cool.
              Also we are going to the Pure Life Conference at the end of April. You?
