
  • Emma Flournoy posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago

    @Ethryndal Yo, look at this. I dunno. Just because. XD Was it really as bad as your first impression? I mean, is there any possibility it would be better upon second watching?

    • WHY DOES EVERYONE LOVE IT SO MUCH??? *pulls hair* I swear, it wasn’t just a picky first impression. *freaks out* It wasn’t. IT WASN’T! I’m generally the less picky one in our family, to be honest, but we ALL (even dad, who doesn’t give a hoot for story structure) thought it was bad.


      Granted, it wasn’t ALL horrible. There are a lot of things in that article that I agree with. But I refuse to bend to the idea that Humor = Good story and Funny = Good Character. Give me another few thousand words, and I’d write a persuasive essay on it.

      Sadly though, everyone else seems to love it. Which means that no matter how right or wrong I may be, probably no one will ever trust my movie opinions ever again.

      Blargh. *frustrated muttering*

      • 😂

        Being the supportive friend that I am, I find this all quite hilarious. What’s good at this point is, since I haven’t seen it, I happily can’t disagree with you. 😀 So I’ll take your word for it. *best Edmund accent* “Wul, I believe you.”
        *stares* “You do?”
        “Sure! Remember the time I told you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?” *smirks*

        • Just… just… MEAN. *pathetic sniffling* You don’t care about me.

          Do be aware though that Edmund was totally wrong in that scene, since there actually WAS a land in the wardrobe, so you’re not really promoting your case any.

          See who’s smirking now. *smirks*

          • *is horribly defensive* I DO SO! *pathetic sniffling*

            *smirks* Of course. Edmund is usually totally wrong. Until we see him in Prince Caspian, and then he’s one of the only right ones. And then we get to VotDT, and he’s mostly wrong again. Blergh.
            But YOU must be aware that that first smirk was Edmund’s, not mine. His necessary smirk for the scene. So there. *smirks* That was me.

            Also, congratulations. I had ‘Biddle Frankenmore’ stuck in my head for hours after I first heard it.
