
  • Christine Eaton posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago

    Hey girl!! How are you? I haven’t talked to you in a long while and that needs to change 😀

    • Hey Christi!! I’ve been meaning to message you myself but just hadn’t got around to it yet. 😀 I sent your letter yesterday, so you should be getting that soon.
      I’m still really booked with things I’m needing to do, and there are other things I’ve been thinking and concerned about, but I’d pulled myself into a better mood a few days ago. I think it’s starting to wear off. 😛 I’m going to keep trying to maintain a UN-despondent attitude though.
      How ’bout you?

      • @emma-flournoy
        Oh yay! You know how much I love snail mail <3 (I'm actually planning a kind of surprise for all of the writing team by sending them letters) I've been really good! There are day-to-day struggles I'm dealing with, but it's been just me wrestling through some issues and a lot of prayer. But it's really nothing major. I have officially finished high school! So my summer has now started, and I'm so happy! I have lots of free time these days…Let's see, what have I been up to? Drinking a lot of tea for starters. I went to Disneyland on Friday and stayed till it closed at midnight, and I had a friend of mine sleep over. Mostly just theater rehearsal. My Sunday was excellent, there was a storm that rolled in and my church just started a new sermon series on the book of Ester which I am excited about. I got to Skype Rolena for over an hour that day, and today I got to talk to Sarah for a little while (which was to see that she was still alive and well in Costa Rica–I've got a nice package I'm sending her as well) So I really haven't changed much.

        I'm glad to hear your attitude is better. I pray for you, love. I'm off to bible study now so I'll talk to you later my sweet Emma!

        • Wow, sounds like you’re doing great. 😀 CONGRATULATIONS on finishing school!! Hope your next few weeks are just wonderful.

          Thank you so much, as always, Christi. I love to hear from you, and thank you for continuing to pray for me. <3 I'm still praying for you too.
          Have an incredible evening. 🙂

          • @emma-flournoy

            Well, my days have been wonderful so far for sure. Which of course I’m sure I’ll tell you all about when I send you my next letter. Yours should be here by tomorrow I’m sure.

            I absolutely love hearing from you, little sister of mine, as well.
            I’m currently learning how to have joy truly, not just fake it, over these past few weeks and I plan on sharing what I have learned with you in my next letter (which will probably be a long one no doubt :D)

            But my mom is calling me to do some chores, so I’ll talk to you later, Emma. <3

            • Oh good, I can’t wait. 😀

            • @emma-flournoy
              Well hello, my dear friend 😀 I hope you are having a fantastic day! I just wanted to let you know that I dropped your letter off in the mail this morning. Also, yesterday was my last rehearsal for Beauty and the Beast before tech week! That starts on Monday. And then the shows that Friday and Saturday. It’s all happening so fast; I can’t believe it! So if you could keep that in your prayers, it would be greatly appreciated. Well, I must be off, I’m going to Skype with Hannah Carmichael here in a few minutes.

    • @Christi-Eaton Yay-yay. 😀

      WHOO-HOO FOR YOU! I’ll definitely be praying, and tell me how it goes!
