freedom posted an update 3 months, 3 weeks ago
@rae @ellette-giselle @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @whalekeeper @hybridlore @highscribeofaetherium @theducktator @loopylin @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @lightoverdarkness6 @grcr @anyone-else
Just thought I’d give y’all a writing update💜
I’m around halfway through the final edit for Book #2 in the Broken and Redeemed trilogy, the story that picks up the story a little bit after where Freedom’s Fire leaves off. This story is better than Freedom’s Fire (simply bc my writing is better, I think😆), but will also be a heavy book. I’ve cried writing this novel more than I’ve cried writing anything before. If how I’ve felt is any indication, Book #2 will break you, but (I hope) it will also heal you in whatever way God sees fit to use it. Book #2 has reminded me why I write and why Leon/Riker are such special characters to me, and why their story takes precedence over every other novel idea I have. I can’t wait until I get to share this novel with y’all, and though Book #2 isn’t for the faint of heart, I hope it will bless everyone that reads it as much as it has blessed me.
Oh, and Book #3 may or may not have a full (BASIC) plotline👀
So there’s your little writing update if you were curious✨✨✨
Awesome!! Thank you for the update! It’s good to hear that things are going well, even if there have been many tears involved (that just means its a good book, right?). Hope your characters aren’t giving you too much pain. XD
@koshka Thank you! :3 And yes, many tears involved XD (but yesss. I personally love books that make me cry😆). Pffffffft they always are: it’s just a given by this point🙄 I’d say Leon more than Riker in Book #2 tho, but then again, they’ve both broken me🫠
Thank you so much for the update!
Oh now I really can’t wait! Reading the impactful stories is so, so good. I’ve written a few of those books that really make me cry, but it’s often those books that end up having the most beautiful message and I am the most excited to let others read. So I really can’t wait! Do you have a tentative release date or maybe an idea of when it might be out? (that you’re willing to share?)
@ellette-giselle I’m so glad you’re excited!! :3 And I’m certainly hoping it’s impactful💜
Hmmmm…no exact release date, as everything depends on getting some final steps done, including (but not limited to): finalizing a blurb/cover, getting it up on Amazon and getting a proof copy to look over (which the copy could take up to 2 weeks for me to get it (I think) once I’m at that step, and if things don’t look right I’ll have to rework some things), some marketing, and eventual publishing.
If all goes well, I’m hoping for a Spring 2025 release, but we’ll see. I would say Summer 2025 at the latest if things have to be a little delayed😊
I’m so excited!!!!!!
I’m also looking at a spring 2025 release for the first book in my Saga! We’ll have to see who gets their book out first!
@ellette-giselle Ooh exciting!!
Oh my gosh Freedom!!! That’s awesome girl!! I’m so excited for you!!
And tysm for keeping us updated, I’ll be praying that the publishing and editing process goes smoothly. 🤍 I’m planning on getting Freedom’s Fire this month or for Christmas, I’m SO excited to read it🤩
And I’m so excited to read book 2 but also so not prepared, I’ve already cried so much over the scenes you’ve posted😭😭
@lightoverdarkness6 TYSM GIRLY!!!! 💜💜💜💜
Ty for the prayers <3 AHHH I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ IT!!!!!!
yesssss, it's a roller coaster that's for sure😭
Awesome!! I’m so excited for you!!! I can’t wait!! ✨
I’m not sure if you’ve answered this before, but I was wondering why you chose self-publishing over traditional? I have nothing against it of course, I’m just curious. 😊
@esther-c Tysm, girl! <3
I went with self-publishing for a few reasons.
1. To have complete control over my novels, what I'm writing, etc.
2. To get more of an income from it (publishers take a LOT of the money when you publish your book simply bc of the agreement and the fact that they do most of the work).
3. Often, publishers make you sign a contract (unless you only do one for a single book) that has where you have to write a certain amount of books within a certain amount of time, and with the busyness of life and me being in school, that was just a no from the very start.
Hope that answers your question! 💜😊
Ok, interesting! Yeah, that does answer my question! 😊 I’ve considered self-publishing, but I think I’m gonna go with traditional. At least that’s what I’ve been thinking about and drawn to lately. Your reasoning totally makes sense though! <3
OH! And I wanted to let you know, I talked to someone who’s done publishing through Amazon and she says that you an get replacement copies if they mess up the formatting and send out the messed up books to people. I’m not exactly sure all the details and how that works with shipping or refunds, but I can talk to her again and get the info for you if you’re interested! Because I know a lot of us who ordered books got some with goofy formatting that was Amazon’s fault💀
@esther-c Best of luck to you with traditional publishing!💜
and wellllllll Amazon messed up the formatting for the actual document, so a replacement would (first come out of my pocket, Amazon doesn’t pay for replacements) but would be just as messed up anyhow simply bc the document itself was messed up because I didn’t know that Amazon’s paid publishing thing is pretty much a scam💀
I’m doing Book #2 myself tho and will be sure to get a proof copy before publishing😉
Thanks girl!! 🩷
Ughhh, that’s annoying 💀 But I suppose you live and learn. 🤷🏻♀️ At least you know for next time. :))
I’m so excited!!! And somewhat concerned for your poor characters. 😬 What are you doing to them?!
@theducktator Yay!!!! heh heh heh
they’ll be finnneeeeee