
  • The Most Esteemed Feathered One posted an update 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    Due to financial difficulties, I was unable to purchase Freedom’s Fire, but I got my library to buy it and IT FINALLY CAME!!!!!!! I’m so excited!

    • @freed_and_redeemed
      I finished it! It was so good! Unpopular opinion on KP: Leon’s my favorite.💛

      • @theducktator Oh my goodness, that means so much!! (and don’t worry at all, I completely understand! Thank you for requesting it at your library!💜💜)
        and awww I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!!
        Sorry XD I’ve just been waiting for someone to say their favorite is Leon. What stuck out about him for you, if you don’t mind sharing? 🙂
