
  • The Ducktator posted an update 4 days, 9 hours ago

    @whalekeeper @freed_and_redeemed @hybridlore You live in the south right? Are you okay? I’ve heard the hurricane damage down there is terrible.

    • Yes, my whole family is ok! Most everyone I know lost power and still doesn’t have it (they’re saying it won’t be until at least Saturday, but it could be earlier) but we just went out of town. No one I know was hurt or anything but plenty of people had trees fall and I know a couple who have car or house damage. Thank you for asking! I hope everyone else is doing ok too ❤️.

      • I’m glad you’re okay! I’m praying for the area. I hope your power comes back soon.💙

        • Thank you! We are actually in Indiana right now because my family is looking to move here. You live somewhere in Indiana, right? How do you like it? We are thinking about moving outside of Indianapolis.

          • We live in the outskirts of Indianapolis. It’s pretty nice, and there are a lot of trees, but it’s flat and we don’t get nearly enough snow for my liking. Probably more than in the South though. The Indy public library is great, but I think you have to pay for membership if you aren’t in Indianapolis. If you have younger siblings, the Indianapolis children’s museum is awesome, and the Fort Benjamin State Park, and Eagle Creek Park are great places to visit. I like it here. 😃 Have fun house hunting!

            • Oh, cool! Yeah, we have usually no snow at all where we are now. Awesome! We might end up paying for membership depending on the price, I’m sure they have a great online system too haha. Thanks!

    • Doing fine here! I do not live in the mountains (I’m close but not actually there), and that’s where most of the damage landed. Had a bucket load of rain this week and my vacation is cancelled. But thank goodness none of my friends got stuck. Thanks for the concern <3

      • So glad you’re safe! 💙Sorry about your vacation though. We are going to Georgia in a couple weeks, and while our trip is still happening, it’s going to take an hour longer than planned because some of the roads we were going to take are completely gone. 😬
