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  • #181395
    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1072

      Hi y’all!

      I have been reading y’all’s stuff on here for years and I have to say, it’s amazing! Y’all write so well and I have found the articles so, so helpful! So, thank you!

      My name is Ellette. I write Novels and Short stories, (I do some songs and poems, but they are generally for my story) I write fiction in a wide range of time periods, from Medieval to future. I write because I love it, but also because I have found a sad lack of pure, Godly books that point readers toward Christ and toward something bigger then themselves.

      I just published my Debut Novel, Fateful Night, and am closing in on the release date for my next book.

      I’m so excited to be here and finally meet y’all!

      Your sister in Christ,

      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 648


        Welcome to KP, Ellette!

        I’m Janessa, known around here as Trailblazer. I write mainly in the historical fiction or contemporary fiction genres, but I’ve written a couple mysteries as well. I did some journalism during my senior year of high school and enjoyed that, too. I’ve always loved writing stories, but in more recent years I’ve also written partly for the same reason you mentioned- struggling to find pure, Godly books on the shelves.

        Other than writing (and reading, but I think that goes along with writing without needing to be said), I enjoy photography, and hiking and traveling with my family.

        What is your novel about? That’s so exciting that you published!

        A couple other get-to-know-you questions:

        What other hobbies do you enjoy?

        What is something God has been teaching you lately?

        "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

        Ellette Giselle
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1072

          HI Jenessa, It’s so good to meet you!

          My Novel, Fateful Night, is a communist country defection attempt story. I made up the country, but it was basically a mix of China and the USSR. The story follows for young adults. Viktor and his wife Natalia, and Viktor’s little brother and sister, Leonid and Katerina. They are professional dancers and have lived in the government owned ballet boarding school for most of their lives. The year the story opens is the year they have reached the place of lead dancers in the school and will be sent abroad on their first performance trip. It is on that trip that they discover everything they have ever known and believed is a lie. Caught between a student who is ready to risk anything to be free and a teacher who is a stanch supporter to the government regime, the four must find out the truth, evade the secret police, and come to terms with the fact that they have lived a lie. They begin a search for true freedom and peace, but must learn that such things cannot be found at the hands of men, before it’s to late.

          I did a short little documentary on their life before the story begins. I’ll put the link here in case you are interested. I would actually love feedback on it since I have not shown it to anyone before. (Except for my brother, and he just said “cool”. He is a guy of few words.) Here’s the link.


          The hobbies I enjoy are hanging out with friends, writing, reading, drawing, graphic design, soccer, adventuring, getting lost, hunting around in antique stores, Scottish folk dancing, sewing, cooking, and baking.

          Hmmm, well one thing God has been teaching me lately is the importance of contentment. I long to be married and raise a whole houseful of children!! (All boys if I had my way). With all of my closest friends married and starting their own families, it’s hard to be the only one not doing that. All my peers are causal dating, but my parents and I have decided to do biblical courtship and wait for the young man God brings me as my husband. It’s hard when the friends I admire are married, and my peers are all pared up, leaving me the only single in the bunch. However, God has been teaching me that if I can’t find joy now, I will never find joy in being married and raising a family.

          So yeah, that would be the main one.

          Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3554

            Hi! I’m Ruth!

            I like to write science fiction fantasy and fantasy. My current WIP is called Guardian Angels, a space story. I have so far not published any piece of my writing, but do have plans to in the near future.

            And questions….

            Do you prefer to write short stories or novels?

            What is the most relatable writer’s meme you’ve ever found?

            Out of all your characters, who is your favorite and who is your favorite to write?


            Have you ever had the same foot stepped on seven different times by seven different horses?

            “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2449


              Hello, Ellette! Your name is so pretty! And Fateful Night sounds so cool.

              I’m Bridget, a homeschooled Christian writer. I like to read, draw, listen to music, play piano, do karate, and drink chocolate chai.
              Here are a few questions for you:

              What’s your favorite book/series (or top five, if one’s too hard)?

              What kind of drawing do you do? What drawing utensils/programs do you use?

              If you could travel back in time to see ONE event (not including any Biblical events) what would you pick?

              I’ll see you around! 👋

              Home is where your massive, overflowing collection of LEGO bricks is.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 648


                I’m not an expert on film/videography, but I loved that documentary! Hearing more of the backstory piqued my interest more than just reading a summary. I don’t know if I can really give much more feedback than that because I’m not really familiar with creating that type of thing.

                (Except for my brother, and he just said “cool”. He is a guy of few words.)

                Lol sounds like my brothers too! Although when it comes to my stories, they usually have more critiques than anything else, so I stopped showing them my writing.

                However, God has been teaching me that if I can’t find joy now, I will never find joy in being married and raising a family.

                I love that! I’m reaching the point where I’m seeing more and more of my peers entering relationships, getting married, and starting families, and I’ve never even been on a date. I would love to get married someday, too, and although I’m not doing courtship, per se, I don’t view dating in the same way most people do. I’m not going to date unless I’m really serious about it, and I want to use the time that I’m single to intentionally grow my relationship with God, build relational skills with people, work on my heart and character, and prepare for marriage one day. I won’t get these years of my life back, and I want to make the most of them!

                "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1072

                  Hi everyone!!

                  I prefer novels because i have to use self control to end short stories. lol. Plus, I love the depth you can get with novels.

                  Ok, probably this one:

                  In the Beginning, God said; “Let there be grammar” and there was grammar.
                  Then there were grammar issues, and they was bad.

                  Or maybe:

                  That awkward moment when spellcheck looks at you and says: “I got nothin’ man.”(That happens to me a lot. Spelling is my weak point.)

                  Hmmm, that’s hard. I would probably have to say Aaron Dalvarian, though Prince Friedrich was really fun too.


                  Not by seven different horses, but I’ve definitely had my foot stepped on several times by horses, and run over by bike, and fourwheelers…….

                  Aw, thanks Bridget! My name is old Anglo Saxon! I love old stuff and medieval stuff, so I think it’s perfect!

                  Man! that is hard! I once read a quote that said: “Asking a reader their favorite book is the same as asking a mother her favorite child.” lol.If I had top chose, I would have to say Narnia, LOTR, the Dolphin Ring Cycle, The 100 Cupboards, and the Crown and Covenant series.

                  I mostly use pencil and colored pencil. I don’t like pens because you can’t get a lot of soft colors and shading, and I get mad at paint because it’s not detailed enough! (at least, I can’t make it detailed.) lol. I have done a little digital art here and there on random programs. It’s hard to do, but I think i have gotten the hang of it. I illustrate my stories, characters from books and movies, and quotes.

                  Ugh. That’s hard. Maybe…… ummmm….. I don’t know! OK, this sounds really strange, but I think I would like to see a Christian on trial during the Roman empire. I don’t think I would be able to see them die though. Now before y’all think I’m crazy, I LOVE to read the stories of the early Christian martyrs. Their faith and courage inspires me so much!! Oh what I wouldn’t give to watch one of them stand strong and speak through the Holy Spirit to a court of men bent on taking their life! It would be breathtaking!


                  Thank you Jenessa! I’m so glad that you liked it!


                  Oh I’m glad that someone understand what I mean! A lot of girl’s look at me crosseyed when I tell them I have never been on a date, nor kissed a guy, nor even had a long one-on-one conversation with one! lol. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

                  Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1142


                    Hi there, Ellette! Greetings from the land of Burne!

                    I’m -GRCR-! I’m a fiction fantasy-ish writer, an avid artist and animator, a journalist for my fictional newspaper, and a character lover/creator that has over three hundred. I enjoy researching countries and cultures, and I love listening to music and imagining my characters singing the songs.

                    Welcome to KP! 😁


                    Published, eh? That’s awesome!

                    Your novel sounds really interesting!! 💛💛 Just wondering, how long did it take you to write it?


                    Here are some extra questions from me!!

                    • What’s your favorite language, and why?
                    • If you were going to write an entirely original and new book, what would you create first: the world or the characters?
                    • And, what song (or band) will always remind you of last year?

                    Hope you enjoy KP, and I’ll see you around! 🙃

                    Fin knew. Riker knew.
                    Fin wasn’t afraid. Riker was terrified.

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1072

                      It took me four days to write Fateful Night, but editing took several months!!

                      Hmmm, my favorite language would be elvish, but if that doesn’t count then Welsh because it is so like elvish, or French because it’s the language everyone learned in the olden days, and I have read a lot of it in ww2 resistance books.

                      I would actually create the key plot points and the reason why I wanted to write the book along with the message. after that I would work on characters and then world, though they would probably overlap each other depending on which I had ideas for first.

                      Hmm, probably James Horner because I used his music to write Fateful Night to and I did that l;ast year and published my book last year, and that was pretty awesome. Or Down With The Ship by enter the haggis because that was the song we danced the Scottish folk dance Posties to at my friend’s grad party.

                      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 648


                        Oh I’m glad that someone understand what I mean! A lot of girl’s look at me crosseyed when I tell them I have never been on a date, nor kissed a guy, nor even had a long one-on-one conversation with one! lol. It’s good to know I’m not alone.

                        Yeah one of my guy coworkers asked me one time if I had a boyfriend, and he was genuinely shocked when I said no. I still don’t know why he asked me that question, because he wasn’t interested in me, but whatever.

                        Have you ever read the book When Dreams Come True by Eric and Leslie Ludy? It’s one of my favorite books ever, and watching their God-written love story unfold is so beautiful!

                        "Real love is for your good, not for your comfort." -Justin Whitmel Earley

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1404


                          Hi! It’s nice to meet you!

                          I’m hybridlore or Hybrid on here, a homeschooled rising junior in high school, and I write mostly science fiction-ish type things with a sprinkling of fantasy.

                          Congratulations on publishing!! That is so exciting!!

                          What are you working on right now, if your WIP was just published?

                          If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life… What would you pick?

                          “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped

                          Linus Smallprint
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 395


                            Hello there! Welcome to Kingdom Pen!

                            You can call me Linus Smallprint. I am also a web developer/designer trying to get into software development. As a hobby, I am also an artist my skills are beyond pencil drawings and learning digital art and maybe watercolour as well. Since I have an account on this website, you can probably guess I am a writer. I am currently working on a fantasy trilogy called The Narrow Path Trilogy, a series about redemption, glorifying God over one’s self,  the trials of the narrow path of faith, and encouragement to continue down it anyway.

                            Fateful Night sounds interesting. I wonder how the protagonists’ dancing skills will aid them in their journey. How do they feel about being separated from their parents? From what you have given us in your story, I guess that they have been fed some sort of lie so that they are not bitter about the agents taking them and seem to believe that their communist society is good. What is this second book you have mentioned about?

                            Some more fun questions:

                            1. What movie and/or book could you quote the most?
                            2. What are your favourite things to draw?
                            3. What is your favourite flavour of ice cream? (And why, if you know.)

                            See you around!


                            The Ducktator
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 723


                              Greetings! I am The Ducktator, also known as Abigail, ruler of a vast ducktatorship. I am 15, homeschooled, and a Christian writer of fantasy, romance, and other random harder to classify WIPs. I love reading, dancing, and birding, and I am obsessed with ducks and anything duck related.

                              Fateful Night sounds interesting. I love reading about dancers. And I definitely agree with your position on dating. I’m only 15, but I had a NINE year old look at me in shock when I told her I’d never dated. She told me she had 3 exes.😬 Anyway, I have questions!

                              Real Christmas trees or fake?

                              Favorite kind of pancake?

                              If you could have a fantastical pet, what would it be?

                              Favorite bird?

                              If you could go out to lunch with a fictional character, who would it be and why?

                              Communist jokes aren’t funny unless everyone gets them.

                              Ellette Giselle
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1072

                                Sorry everyone! I didn’t mean to bail, but I had to run an errand with my dad!

                                Oh my goodness! When Dreams Come True is one of my very favorites!!! I own all of Leslie and Eric’s books! They are so amazing!

                                Well, I’m working on the final draft of my next book, The Space Between Us. Editing the second draft of the first and second books in my trilogy Flames of Hope. The Books are Let There Be Light and The Veil of Night. I am just about to start another book about two young men during Nero’s reign in the Roman Empire.

                                Oh man, I don’t think I can answer that. hmm, maybe white rice because you can do a lot with it.


                                OK, in answer to Linus’ question, Viktor, Leonid, and Katerina were upset about the separation. However, they hardly saw their parents to begin with because of the amount they had to work just to survive. Viktor cared for his little siblings and so they took it less hard then had they been separated from each other. Natalia was given to the government by her high ranking parents. She was taken care of by people her parents hired to teach and watch her, so she never really knew them.No, they aren’t bitter because they have no idea that they should/could be. You see, that sort of thing is a part of life for them. It would be the same as one of us having to get a license before we drive. We aren’t bitter about that because it’s just a way of life. You know what I mean?

                                The other book I am working on, The Space Between Us, is about a war between two kingdoms. The heirs of the kingdoms marry each other and the request of the Lord protector and king. Thus they end the war, but they believe that they can be married politically, keep away from each other, and everything will be fine. Of course, it’s not. As one of the characters says “You cannot distort what God has created and expect it to work the way it is supposed to.” Anyhow, the Prince becomes a believer, and now he must learn to love his bride the way Christ loved the church, even though she shows no love in return. Christine must learn to trust, love, and obey her husband as the church obeys Christ. I really enjoyed the plot of that one. And of course, the stakes get higher when you add a character trying to drive a wedge between them in order top usurp the throne.

                                Hmm, the book I could quote the most would have to be Scottish Seas, or The Forbidden Child. The movie I could quote the most would probably be The Swan Princess or the three Captain America’s 

                                My favorite things to draw would be people! I love drawing people!

                                My favorite Ice Cream changes, actually. The reason is because I eat to much of my favorite and have to change. Right now it’s anything with chocolate because it isn’t super sweet and that’s refreshing. I also like Vanilla or cookies and cream.

                                OK, now for Abigail’s questions.

                                I like real Christmas trees, but I’m super allergic to evergreens, so I’ll have to go with fake.

                                My favorite kind would have to be good old plane with maple syrup and butter.

                                Fantastical pet? Definitely a flying horse! Those things are awesome! I love horses, and flying creatures, so it’s the best of both!

                                My favorite bird is probably blue birds or falcons.

                                Oh man! So hard! OK, maybe……. maybe Duncan or Angus McKieth from the King and Covenant series. They were so brave and ha such strong faith. I would love to talk to them and ask about the battles, their lives, their friends, and how they felt when certain things happened.

                                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 305


                                  Hello and welcome!! My name is TheShadow (or Shadow for short). I play a bit of piano, draw, read, bake on the weekends, and write in my spare time. My favorite book genres are action/adventure, fantasy, and mysteries (as long as they are well written). I also have a little obsession with cats and knights lol.

                                  Your novel sounds fascinating, and congrats on publishing!!

                                  Alright, question time:

                                  Do you have any favorite movies/tv shows, and if so which ones?

                                  Do you prefer beaches or mountains, or something else entirely?

                                  Who are your favorite fictional characters and why?

                                  And finally, who are your favorite people in the Bible?

                                  Nice to meet you, and welcome again!!

                                  "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

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