Monthly Prompts!!!

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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Heyo!! So!

      Have any of you ever heard of monthly prompts like whumptober or fluffuary or whatever?

      Well…I was thinking maybe we could try posting the monthly things here and if we want (only if we want this is a NO PRESSURE THING) and also if we need inspo or to write something a bit outside of our current projects, we can!


      It can be as long or short as you like! But OBVIOUSLY appropriate (and let ppl know at the beginning if there is anything they might be bothered with)

      So this next month (June) is called “Swoon” XD XD and it’s like for ships or sweet fluffy stuff so yea!

      (ALSO these can be AUs, ur WIP charries, literally whatever u want and again however long u want 😊 like a paragraph to a short story XD)


      Here are the prompts!

      Day 1: Meet Cute

      Day 2: Daydream

      Day 3: Feeling Their Pulse

      Day 4: Battle Couple

      Day 5: Heartbeat

      Day 6: First Sight (I.E. Love At First Sight, etc)

      Day 7: “I love you and all but…”

      Day 8: Hands

      Day 9: Fairy Tales

      Day 10: Falling Asleep On Their Shoulder

      Day 11: Soulmate AU

      Day 12: Forehead Touching

      Day 13: First Kiss

      Day 14: “How Do I Look?”

      Day 15: Masquerade

      Day 16: Old Couple

      Day 17: Holding Hands While Walking

      Day 18: Love Song

      Day 19: Holiday

      Day 20: First Date

      Day 21: Fake/Pretend Relationship

      Day 22: Sick/Illness

      Day 23: Cooking (Or Failing To)

      Day 24: Breakup

      Day 25: “Quit flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”

      Day 26: Proposal

      Day 27: The First “I Love You.”

      Day 28: Domestic

      Day 29: Dancing/Ballroom Dancing

      Day 30: Reunion/Finding Each Other


      Alternatives (For if you don’t like the prompts)

      1. Angry Confessions

      2. Hanahaki (I’ll explain this in a sec)

      3. Love Languages

      4. Pranks

      5. Dreams

      6. Gift Exchange

      7. Anniversary 



      *So hanahaki is a fictional disease I don’t know everything about it but it’s something about when someone loves someone else SO MUCH that they begging to cough up rose petals, and then roses. Soon they begin to cough up thorns also, which cut them and…well…yea, it’s not fun.


      The only way to cure it is either have the love returned or your ability to love removed somehow (from the one fic I read one time)


      anyway it’s kinda cool but I’m not reading up on it just cuz idk what it is all about sooo I’m just going off of what I know so far.






        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        I’m also thinking I can use these for actual scenes too… 🤔


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2210


          I love this!!!!!!! and romance is one of my favorite XD I will totally participate

          Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1308


            Oooo fun idea!

            I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @godlyfantasy12 Ooh, I love this idea!!! 😍 I’ll do it as much as I can/want…we’ll see how it goes XD

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 311


                This seems like a fun idea maybe since I have more time over the summer I can try it out.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2210

                  @godlyfantasy12 @folith-feolin @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision

                  so I just wrote a short story based on yesterday’s prompt. It’s actually based on my latest fanfiction

                  Boarding School | An Short Story

                  Rebecca tried on another outfit and sighed as she looked in the mirror. She had already tried on eight different sweaters and five skirts before that.

                  “Are you trying on another outfit?” Rebecca smiled as her best friend Edmund walked in.

                  “Does this one show my muscles?” Rebecca said as she turned her body to look in the mirror.

                  “Why do you care?”

                  “Because most girls are scared of messing up their hair, but no girl has muscles like these.” Rebecca and Edmund had signed up for experiments and had both gotten super serum. “I’m surprised Zola even let me do it,”

                  “I get the feeling that Zola doesn’t have any morals,” Edmund smiled at Rebecca. “And you look good with anything.”

                  Rebecca smiled, she and Edmund were only fourteen but they had grown up so fast. Mostly because they were forced to.

                  Edmund picked up a photo from Rebecca’s bedstand. “You look just like your mother,”

                  Rebecca looked at the image and a smile went across her face. Her mother was a gentle soul and was very polite, but she could be stubborn if needed. Rebecca had been blessed with her mother’s beautiful blond hair, whereas Bucky, her brother had gotten her dad’s brown hair.

                  “I miss her… I miss all of them.”

                  Edmund wrapped his arms around his best friend. Edmund had lost his brother Steve, and his parents. They had both lost so much and were now left with nothing but each other.

                  “When we get to boarding school we’ll get to wear the same outfit every day so there’ll be none of this,” Edmund said to cheer up Rebecca.

                  Rebecca laughed and then left the embrace to look in the mirror. “I’m surprised Zola was willing to let us go.”

                  “It’s what Bucky and Steve wanted for us,” Edmund said with a shrug.

                  “Yeah it was,” Rebecca smiled, she missed her brother but she was thankful for the memories.

                  Rebecca looked at Edmund, he and Steve had always looked similar besides their hair color, but then Steve had gotten the super serum, and Edmund had been left looking scrawny, but then he had gotten super serum too, and now they were back to looking the same.

                  “Are you finished packing?” Edmund gestured to the bags over by the corner of the room.

                  “Almost,” Rebecca took a seat on her bed.

                  Edmund took a seat next to her and grabbed her hand with a smile.


                  Edmund took another punch to the face, but he didn’t back down. Even with his super strength eight boys against him wasn’t an easy fight. Plus he couldn’t go his hardest or he might get in trouble.

                  “When will you give up?” One of the boys snickered.

                  Edmund had remembered Steve coming home over and over again just after a fight. He would have bruises and cuts yet he never stopped fighting for what was right, and neither would Edmund.

                  “I’ve never heard the term, give up,” Edmund said as he took a punch to the gut.

                  “Edmund!” Edmund recognized the voice, it was none other than Rebecca, his best friend.

                  “Hi there cutie,” One of the bullies said walking over to Rebecca.

                  “Excuse me,” Rebecca pushed her way past the boy.

                  The boy grabbed her arm and pulled her into a dancing pose. “What’s the rush,”

                  “The rush is you’re a jerk,” Rebecca tried to loosen her arm from the boy but he held on tight.

                  “That’s not very nice,” the boy put his head right into her face and tried to kiss her.

                  “Let go!” Rebecca slapped the boy knocking him to the ground. She then put her hands over her mouth in awe. But Edmund couldn’t help but let out a little laugh.

                  Edmund rushed over and then gave a threatening look to the other boys, who were getting ready to hurt Rebecca, but they all backed off.

                  The boy got up from the ground but Edmund punched him back down. “Haven’t you heard of being a gentleman?”

                  The boy took off running but looked back in fear.

                  “That’ll teach him,” Edmund said making sure Rebecca was okay.

                  “It better,” Rebecca looked up at Edmund. “Why were you fighting?”

                  “I was protecting another boy who was being bullied.”

                  “That sounds like you,” Rebecca smiled.

                  “That was some punch,” Edmund said with a chuckle.

                  “I learn from the best,”

                  “Thanks,” Edmund gave a sarcastic bow.

                  “I meant my brother,” Rebecca said with a wink.

                  “Very funny,”

                  “I have to head to class,” Rebecca said, walking away.


                  Rebecca turned to look at Edmund, they looked into each other’s eyes.


                  “I… Just wanted to say… that I’m lucky to have you as a best friend.” Edmund gave a smile to Rebecca.

                  Rebecca smiled, “I’m lucky too,” Rebecca gave Edmund a light kiss on the cheek.

                  They were best friends, but truthfully they both wanted to be more than that.

                  Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @smiley AWESOME!!

                    I just wrote mine for June 1st Prompt!!!

                    @freedomwriter76 @whalekeeper @euodia-vision @anyone idk who to tag cuz idk who really wants to read it??? X


                    Day 1: Meet Cute

                    MCs: Child Ara and Child November

                    “Meet Cute” (In when two future love interests first meet)



                    November stared wide-eyed at the immaculate, porcelain parlor-room, taking it in one amazed breath at a time. The window panes that allowed the natural light in were larger than even the trees he’d seen in the woods, and seemed to stretch for miles. Blue eyes glistened as he slowly spun, looking at the colorful etchings on each frame and base, glittering and gleaming.

                    It was like nothing he’d ever seen.

                    Then again…November hadn’t seen much in his young life. Not that he could remember anyway. All he knew were the dense forests and dark caverns he and his father had trekked through to reach this kingdom.

                    “November,” his father snapped, making the boy’s head jerk back to attention. “Focus. We aren’t here for sightseeing. We’re here to meet with the heads of this kingdom. Do you know what that means?” His father’s violet eyes met his.

                    November beamed, nodding wildly.


                    His nod slowed, morphing into a slow shake.

                    What did it mean…?

                    Riven sighed.

                    “The Royal Family decides if we will be allowed to stay here or not. Which means, you must be on your best behavior. Understood?”

                    “Yessir!” November giggled, tapping his foot excitedly. His father gave a slight shake of the head, running a hand through the boy’s wild mane of curls.

                    “Hold still.” He said, fixing the child’s collar. All the while, November found his eyes wandering, unable to hold to one fixed item. Riven grabbed him firmly by the shoulders, keeping him put. “November, I said hold still!”

                    “S-Sorry…” He looked down demurely, hands fiddling behind his back.

                    “You have to look at least somewhat presentable…” Riven muttered. He gave a sharp tug at one of November’s curls, but it refused to cooperate. “Nevermind,” he released the boy, turning back around.

                    November toed the floor. Small fingers weaved into his ginger locks, gently pulling them, trying to fix them in a way that would please his father.

                    His heart leapt as the large door in front of them opened, revealing two knights decked in shimmering armor, white and pristine. November gazed in awe as they opened the doors, revealing the relatively young family inside.

                    November blinked, a hand still in his curls. The young couple stepped in, practically glowing in the light of the room. Their clothes were crisp and clean, and definitely of the highest quality, and for some reason, though he wasn’t sure why, little November felt a bit…

                    Intimidated at the sight of the two.

                    The man had brown hair, and matching stubble. Strong and sturdy, he walked with the air of a king, that was for sure. Yet…his smile seemed to set the room at ease a bit, stilling some of the tension.

                    And the woman…well…November had never seen anyone so pretty! Her hair was a gorgeous, apple red. Long and flowing, reaching past her waist, and she wore an emerald green dress that shimmered as she walked-no, floated!- towards them.

                    “Ah, Light be to you! It is an honor to meet some new faces.”

                    Riven bowed suddenly, leaving young November watching with a confused face. The dark-haired man shot his son a shriveling look, but the boy was still just as confused.

                    “No need for that, friends!” The kingly man laughed. A jovial, happy laugh that lifted November’s heart. November smiled, wishing for a moment that his own father laughed like that. “Please, we deserve no such honor. Let that be reserved for the Light One.”

                    “Thank you, Your Highness.” Riven said, straightening once again, a small smile on his lips.

                    “Emyr is fine. This is my Queen, Sophiya.” The beautiful woman gave a small tip of her head, smiling.

                    “How do you do?” Her eyes slowly drifted to November, making the boy’s stomach twist a bit. Was he in trouble? Had he done something wrong? “You must be November,” Her face lit up a bit. November felt a sudden wave of shyness rush through him and he grabbed his father’s leg, rubbing the side of his face against it. “No need to be frightened, sweetheart. Tell me, how old are you?”

                    November looked up. Blinked.

                    He…He didn’t know.

                    How old was he?

                    “He’s going to be five soon.” Riven answered.

                    “Why, Blossom, he’s close to your age!” Emyr said, beaming. A few moments of silence ticked by before the king turned his head. “Blossom? Where are you?”

                    Sophiya followed her husband’s gaze before sighing. She shook her head, a small chuckle escaping. “I’ll go find her.” She gave her husband a small kiss on the cheek before exiting the room.

                    The king turned back to Riven, “You’ll have to excuse us, young children, you know?”

                    “Afraid I do,” Riven said, not looking at anyone in particular. November bowed his head, feeling a bit…ashamed.

                    The doors behind the king opened once again, revealing Sophiya, dragging a small figure in with her.

                    “But Ima, I wanna play with Safta! I don’t wanna meet no stuffy adults!”

                    “It’s any, and please,” Sophiya hushed her, “There’s someone here who I’m sure would love to meet you, Arabella.”

                    The girl, Arabella, huffed, face conforming into a pout as she obeyed. November peeked out from behind his father’s leg, spotting the girl who looked to be the same age and height as himself.

                    She had long hair, just like her mother, and the same skin and nose, but her eyes and the color of her hair were matching to the king’s; a deep chocolate brown. Her pigtails bobbed as she adjusted her sundress, eyes scanning the group.

                    They landed on November’s and widened, the pout on her face disappearing in an instant. She gasped.

                    “You’re like me!” She tumbled toward him, bending down as if inspecting the boy, even though they were practically the same height. November let out a small yelp, hiding further behind his father as the girl got closer.

                    “Easy, Bella…” Sophiya said gently. “Don’t scare him.”

                    “Hiya!” Arabella straightened, extending a hand, smiling wide. “I’m Arabella!”

                    November gave a small glance to his father before stepping out. “A-Ara-Arabella?” He stuttered.

                    “No silly! ARABELLA!” She giggled. “Not Ara-Arabella! You’re silly!”

                    November blushed. “S-Sorry…”

                    “Don’t be sorry! I kinda like it!”

                    Emyr turned back to Riven, “While the children play, why don’t we head to my study and discuss everything, hm?”

                    Riven nodded, “Yes, of course.” He turned to November, shooting him a small, stern look. “November, behave.”


                    “Arabella, don’t go far, alright,” Sophiya said. Arabella nodded, though the small smile on her face seemed to promise mischief. The adults began to converse between themselves, making their ways toward the study, leaving the children to themselves.

                    Arabella turned back to November, a sneaky look in her eye. She leaned in close, making November have to lean back unless he wanted their noses to be touching. “You wanna go have an adventure with me?”


                    “It’ll be fun! You’ll see!” She grabbed the little boy’s hand, tightly wrapping her fingers through his.

                    “W-Wait-B-But-!” Ara took off down a different door in the parlor, November stumbling behind to keep up. Her pigtails whipped behind her, nearly hitting the poor boy in the face a couple times. She giggled as they ran past maids and butlers, ducking down different corridors before reaching the outside of the castle. “I-I don’t think-!”

                    “Oh! I never got your name!” Arabella laughed, looking back as she ran, not tripping even once.

                    November blinked, staring at the girl’s beaming face, her bright eyes sparkling in the sunlight outside. Her smile was like nothing he’d ever seen before.


                    “November, huh? Well, November, I think this is the beginning of a Beautiful friendship!” She squealed and then giggled, doing a little skip as she ran.

                    November nearly fell as she did so, but he couldn’t help but laugh too at the rush of sheer joy Arabella exuded.

                    He smiled, dimples showing, and then laughed.





                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2210


                      I loveeee it

                      I didn’t really know what meet cute meant so I just thought of a cute short story XD but you did a way better job

                      Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        I have the one for today too!!

                        Warning…this one….is sad and a bit angsty….no trigger warnings, just a bit sad. Its also very short.

                        Day 2: Daydream

                        Ship: Novella

                        MCs: Arabella

                        “Daydream” (A series of pleasant and/or distracting thoughts.)

                        “How can I trust you after this?”

                        “I don’t know right now, alright?! I just…don’t know…”

                        “She’s dead! She’s dead, and nothing we say, nothing we do will ever…will ever bring her back…”

                        “There is nothing you can say that will make this better! There is no excuse in the world you could give!”

                        “Then maybe you should just go.”

                        Ara gasped, sitting straight up in her cot. Her fingers slid over the tear tracks on her face, but it did nothing to stop the next onslaught. Her breath hitched with every painful memory. Every gut-punching word. She sobbed, body feeling weak under the weight of what she’d done.

                        What she’d said…

                        Never had she regretted anything more…

                        Not even…

                        No…this…this was so much worse…

                        And now? What could she do?

                        It was too late.

                        She couldn’t take it all back…the words had been said. The damage had been done…

                        Now…all she was left with were the broken pieces…

                        She gasped in a breath, hands shaking. She opened them, revealing the two, small crystals seated in her palms; one a bright green and the other a dimming orange. Her chest wracked with another silent cry as she stared at them.

                        Two halves…

                        “Arabella?” Luna peeked in, lifting the edge of the curtain to her room. “I…I heard you crying. I suppose it’s a silly question but…Are you alright?”

                        Ara stared at the two crystals before squeezing her palms around them again. She closed her eyes, forcing the last of her tears out. Lifting her head, she gave a shaky smile, nodding.

                        “Yea…I’m fine…just…daydreaming.”



                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @smiley no u did good!!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3144

                              Subscribing 😉 Could have a lot of fun with this.

                              “Everything is a mountain”

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 842


                                Ill join!  I cant do everyday but I will try. This is so fun!

                                • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Allison.

                                "Would you kindly...?"

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2210


                                  What does feeling their pulse mean?

                                  Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

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