By Reagan Ramm
Kingdom Pen has come a long way. I first heard about it a little over a year ago when it was just starting out and only had 30 subscribers. A friend of mine mentioned to me that Eli King had started an eMagazine for encouraging young authors to write for Christ. I was like, “He did what? That’s incredible!” I never would have thought of starting such a thing, or that creating a legitimate magazine was even possible. Probably because my subconscious would have told me it wouldn’t work, or I couldn’t do it, or it wouldn’t do any good. If Eli had these same doubts, they didn’t hold him back. He was confident God was telling him to start an eMagazine for teens, and that’s what he did.
I jumped on board three issues into it. When Eli began to tell me about the publication and his vision, I was instantly inspired and wanted to join him. My sister, Rachel Ramm, and her award winning artistic talents also joined the project, and then together with our committed writers, we set out to see what God would do.
It’s hard to believe that was already a year ago. So much has changed and God has blessed Kingdom Pen so much. Our subscriber base has increased by over 1,000%, and the list of people who have contributed and helped to make Kingdom Pen improve has also grown substantially. There are so many people we could thank. Some of you, we don’t even know. Some of you have been with us from the beginning—even before I joined—and some of you are just joining us. All of your support has been invaluable. All the positive feedback you have given us has been very encouraging, and has us excited about the future.
Of course, we wouldn’t have made it anywhere had it not been God’s will, and we thank Him first and foremost. Also, any positive impact Kingdom Pen has been able have on our readers is also the result of God, and we feel—with God’s continued aid—that there is still a lot more good that Kingdom Pen can do.
We have a lot of ideas as far as the future of KP is concerned. In the writing department, we plan on acquiring many more author interviews, and holding more writing contests. We also plan on creating a catalogue of novel and movie reviews to be made available to our subscribers. Additionally, a Kingdom Pen forum is another tool we would like to make available to our subscribers, and we’d also like to make printed versions of the magazine available as well. However, our ideas are not constrained to just the Kingdom Pen e-magazine and website.
Media shapes our culture. Our culture shapes society—us. If we are going to change society, if we are going to be able to overturn Roe v Wade and defend the institution of marriage, it won’t be done by winning the presidency. It will be done on an individual basis–changing the hearts and minds of people. If the culture is what shapes people, and the media shapes the culture, then we need to be flooding the culture with all kinds of Christian media. Not fluffy sentimental media, not media that is secular hiding under a Christian label, but real and true God-honoring content.
Of course, only God can change hearts; however, God uses us–His disciples—to carry out His will on Earth. This is called, “Advancing the kingdom of heaven.”
Right now, Kingdom Pen strictly deals with writing, but we’d like to change that. Over time, we’d like to branch out into other media outlets, especially filmmaking and music production and publication–creating a Youtube channel, and a record label, each for the purpose of encouraging young creative Christians to pursue their God given talents with zeal and determination.
More and more I am finding how all of the creative arts—the humanities—are connected. What is filmmaking but another way to tell a story? In the future, Kingdom Pen would be thrilled to hold short film contests, publish tips on filmmaking and production, and help encourage aspiring Christian filmmakers. After all, film is arguably the premiere form of art in our culture today, but music is another one.
As I dabble in music production, I’ve been amazed to find out how similar it is writing a novel. You need to have a hook, a climactic ending, and pleasant surprises throughout, but the whole entity must be tied together and follow a pattern—just like a novel. Kingdom Pen, Lord willing, would like to start a record label to publish and market the music of young Christian artists, in order to be a potential launching pad for those pursuing music.
These are a few of the dreams we have here at Kingdom Pen, but none of them will come true if you don’t make them your dreams too. We need your help! We can’t even begin to think about branching out if we don’t have the support of our subscribers. Moving out into other media markets won’t be possible unless Kingdom Pen continues to grow. We need more subscribers, and more people a part of the Kingdom Pen community.
We are calling for another 1,000% growth spurt—3,000 total subscribers. Once we reach 3,000, we feel we can begin to pursue expanding Kingdom Pen. But this can only happen with your help. Are our ideas something you want? If so, spread the word! Tell anyone you think would be interested. Let’s get to 3,000!
Only you can make Kingdom Pen great.
Sounds awesome!! I’ll get to work on recruiting 🙂
Very inspiring! I’ll do my best to reach out to the creative people that I know. Let us know when you reach the 3000 mark.
Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to make an announcement once we reach 3,000. I’ll make progress reports along the way too. We have a little over 400 subscribers now, so we still have a ways to go. 🙂
– Reagan Ramm