By A.B. Swinborne
I was a daughter of the sun, ageless and ethereal. My very being was constructed from light, a light which I shone onto the edges of my world. A world I saw, but never touched. My rays reached them, giving them warmth and light, but I wanted to connect with it, wanted to be a part of it. Beyond my Maker, I was alone. It wasn’t enough to simply have Him, I wanted to be with them.
I ceased my frolic and set down my lyre. My hair, like spun gold, framed my pale face as I strode to the precipice, peering over the edge. I could see it down there. Dancing and laughing, the joy of the people on the world beneath me. I reached out my hand to them, letting my delicate fingers brush against the darkness of the starry sky. I could not reach it, I could never reach it.
. . . . .
My lips spread into a broad grin as I watched the people dance in the Sun Maiden’s light. I would be dark for a time, as her brilliance wasn’t aimed at me, but I did not mind. The beauty of the day was too wonderful a thing to mind.
I drew my silvery fingers through my unkempt gray hair, feeling the coolness of my own touch. My white eyes gleamed with unshed reflections of light. Supplying no light of my own, I reflected that which shone on me. I was honored that my Maker had deemed me worthy of such a task, for who was I to shine light in the darkness of night?
I folded my hands on the steel armor that my body was clad in, letting my fingers fall to rest on my knees. My gauntlets and helmet rested on the pearly dust beside my feet. Sunlight draped on them, and they sucked it in, preparing to shine the light once the darkness came.
I surveyed the beauty of the starry sky around me, my eyes landing on the Sun Maiden. Her glowing, golden hair was like spun gold, and her eyes like gems. She was dazzling. I watched her with an awed reverence as my armor sucked in more light.
I was a child of the moon, and she a daughter of the sun. Peering at her from across the expanse, I smiled, remembering a different time, as children, when our Father made us. At that time we would speak together, and she would cast her light more fully on me. It was more of a dream than a memory now, it was all so distant and vague in my mind.
Smiling softly to myself, I watched her radiance pour out, showering the world in her beauty.
. . . . .
I lowered my hand, the light pouring from my fingertips extinguishing. My task for the day was done, again. The people were retiring to their nightly rests, and I would retire to mine. I wished I could join them, the beings of the world. I watched as children were tucked in, so that the covers were under their chins, and as husbands kissed their wives before they too retired.
How I longed for it to be me, for it to be me who was held and adored. If only I were not the only one up here, if only I could be with them. I tore my eyes away, feeling my cheeks flush with long buried rage. I didn’t want to hold it in any longer!
“Maker!” I cried, my eyes darting to the cosmos above, and piercing the shadows with my light, “I refuse to continue this work unless I get to be with them! I don’t want to be light if it means I’m alone!” I could feel the tears spring into my eyes as my cry reverberated through the heavens. I heard His response as if from a distant place, growing further from me by the second.
“My child, I can cease to shine my light on you, but please hold on. You are not alone; I promise not only am I here, but another loves you. My daughter, if your light is taken you will turn to shadow.”
I blinked. I could be… freed. I should’ve thought; I should’ve realized that my Maker had never sounded so distant; I should have heeded His warning, but I didn’t.
“Then take Your accursed light! Let me be a part of the world!” As the words dripped from my tongue, I felt myself slip. Going down to the world, joining humanity and becoming a part of it.
. . . . .
I watched as sunlight faded out of existence, till the world was dark. I prepared to shine, the radiance I’d soaked in, oozing out of my armor and pouring forth its beauty. Picking up my helmet and gauntlets, I hurriedly slapped them on, their light began to shine forth.
“My child,” I suddenly froze, then dropped to one knee.
“My Father,” I whispered, feeling His presence fill me. He was so close.
“Your sister, the Sun Maiden, has given up her light,” I shot my head up, peering into the starry sky, trying to see Him, trying to hear Him laugh and say it was only a joke, but I knew it wasn’t. My Father would never joke about something that so shattered both His heart and mine. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, but I just knelt there, too stunned to do anything. Then another thought pushed its way into my mind…I was going to fade. The Sun Maiden reflected her light on me, but how long could I go on without it?
I felt my arms and legs begin to shake.
“Father, I’ll die! I need her light…I can not live without it!” Panic, rage, and terror slammed against my heart. My pulse quickened and my head felt light.
“My son, I have not come to bring you fear. I need your help. In order for her to live, for her to come back, I need you to shine, to reflect all the light you still have. She will fade into an abyss; though she doesn’t know it, she needs you. Without the light she has poured on you, she will not make it. My child, for her, please shine, though I know it will cost you.” My Father’s strong voice was shattering with emotion. I knew mine would’ve been no better. I longed to run to Him, to fall into His arms, but that wasn’t my task. I knew what I had to do to save my sister, and what it would cost.
Rising to my feet, I looked up to the stars. I loved the life I’d been given, and I’d always been content with it. I’d trusted my Father with everything, and I would trust Him with this.
I let my sister’s light pour from my body. I felt myself weaken; I didn’t know how long I’d have.
. . . . .
I felt my slippered feet drop down on the soft grass of moonlit Earth. I was glowing softly, but it was fading quickly. I wasn’t worried, but stepped with clear, precise movements toward the city.
Not all people slept with the coming of the moon, some were still awake. Some, such as writers, an odd bunch of people, had suddenly found their minds filled with thoughts and dreams, and were only now setting off to work.
My golden hair settled against my shoulders and back, bouncing slightly as I walked. The road before me seemed a wonderful thing, and I was excited to walk it. I was at last a part of the world.
The days passed in a type of blur, although I wasn’t aware it had been days. The sun didn’t shine, but the moon gleamed on. People noticed the change, but since I didn’t know them, I couldn’t understand their confusion, nor their language.
I was more faded now than ever I had been, I had no shine, I was simply dull, though didn't truly care. My dress had turned white, leaving behind its golden hues.
As I walked that night along the seashore, I peered up at the moon, my brother was up there, though I never saw him.
With a flash, the world suddenly plunged into a darkness, no light. I gasped, collapsing to the ground. My heart began to slow, and my skin grew ashen and clammy. I felt sweat trickle down my face. What was happening? I groped in the sand, trying to find something to reach for, something sure. But there was nothing.
Screams filled my mind, dancing in the air around me. Minutes seemed to tick by, and my heart grew so slow and weak I couldn’t move. At last the light returned, and the moon shone out, though it was dim and fading. I pushed myself to my feet, staring up with an open mouth toward the heavens. What had I done?
My brother could not live without my light, and I couldn’t exist without the sun’s radiance.
I peered down at my hands, black veins wove through my skin, turning my fingertips to ash. I shrieked and tried to rub it off, it only spread further. I was dying, as was my brother, because of my stupidity.
Dropping to my heels in the sand, I sobbed and felt my mouth form the only words I think of to say.
“My Ma-my Father, I’m sorry. I cannot ask you to take me back, but so I may die in peace please forgive me.” Tears trickled down my cheeks, splattering on my dress and blackening hands.
“My daughter,” His strong calm voice penetrated my thoughts, “I have not forsaken you. I want you. Simply ask and I will take you back. My child you are forgiven.”
I pressed my hands over my eyes, choking on the sobs that shook my body. He wanted me back! How could He still want me?
“If you can possibly still love me, then Father, I ask you to take me back!” I was so unworthy, and felt like a swine standing before a king as His presence washed over me. Then the feeling faded, and I felt only His love as I was pulled back to the heavens.
. . . . .
I dropped to the ground, my breath weak and my heart failing. The earth was growing darker, and the shadows coated the ground, spiraling and decaying all it touched.
As my last breaths shook my waning body, I saw the Sun Maiden’s light return as it coated the earth in its glory. A beautiful young woman, with hair of spun gold ran to me. She reached out her hand, and I forced a smile. She was too late to save me, but I had saved her.
With a last strained breath, pain racking through my body, my heart stopped and the world faded from being.
My white hands gleamed as I rose from my dead body. My sister sat over me, tears dripping down her cheeks. I reached out a hand down and brushed her cheeks, she couldn’t see me, nor feel me.
“You have done well, my son,” My Father’s voice said, closer than ever it had been, “now rest warrior, and come home.” I didn’t hesitate, casting my sister a final loving glance. I pushed up, joining my Father in a land beyond the stars.
A.B. Swinborne
A.B. Swinborne is a young writer and blogger. She has written numerous short stories, many of which are available on her blog, Story Anchor. Besides these, she has also written several full length stories such as the freebie for her email list, which is a historical fiction about a Jewish boy right before World War 1. These and other stories are focused on God and His glory. When she's not writing, Abigail can be found enjoying a good book or tending to her garden.