KP Book Review: The Woodcutter

KP Book Review: The Woodcutter

The Woodcutter is the keeper of the peace between the Faerie realms and the magical, human kingdoms. But all is not right in the Wood and the Twelve Kingdoms. A young woman with chipped glass slippers lies dead in the Wood, without even a bruise to indicate the cause...


I see the world two different ways. Day-old tea and dried petals, spilled and scattered. Broken mirrors, envelopes left unopened. Blotchy smudges of newspaper records, and the words that left paper cuts. Artificial flowers and smiles. Bloody battlefields and fractured...
Should a Christian Ghostwrite?

Should a Christian Ghostwrite?

Who do you suppose wrote this article? If you’re a loyal, observant reader of Kingdom Pen (as you should be) your answer will probably be: “Sierra Ret, obviously. It says so at the top.” But in the age of superfluous digital-content creation, a...