With the change of time comes the change of books.
In the last hundred years, countless of monumental books have been written. Learning from the successes and failures of their predecessors, it feels like stories have really taken on a new life in the past hundred years.
However, have stories lost something with their change?
Some may say the stories today lack depth and the prose is unmatched to the prose in old classic novels.
Well, in the second month of The Library of Lost Memories, we are going to be exploring...
Recent Stories
The journey continues on as we enter the second month of the contest.
The idea is pretty much the same as last month, but instead of studying stories over a hundred years old, we are studying stories written within a hundred years.
Here's a little example of what that looks like:
1. Take a book you love (or hate it doesn't matter) less than a hundred years old
2. Choose a certain aspect of the book, like the a character(s), the world, writing style, cultural impact, etc.
3. Write and submit an article on it!
This is a chance to learn more about the stories of recent times and learn from their successes and failures to improve our own writing.
If you want access to submission guidelines, a mini article writing guide, and other article prompts, click here!
It will be journey of writing awesome articles so much easier.
Here is a quick video where I cover exactly what this theme of the month entails and an example of what kind of article we are writing this month:
Step-by-Step Directions
For submitting an article for this theme of the contest
1. Click HERE to sign up to receive this and future month's article prompts, a mini article writing guide, and submission guidelines
2. Open the email from KP with Google doc Link
3. Click the link and choose an article from the list you'd like to write
4. Research and write your article following the KP Guidelines
7. Send your article to Kingdompensubmission@gmail.com along with your bio, and an optional profile picture (Deadline For May's Theme of the Month: May 30th)
8. If your article is accepted, apply Google Doc edits within a week after edits are suggested
9. Celebrate and look forward to the day your article will be published!
Here's a little FAQ for any questions you might have!
Is there a certain amount of articles you need to submit to participate in the contest?
Not at all! You can submit as many or as little articles you'd like. They will all count towards the contest.
When does the contest close?
July 1st, 2022. So you have April, May, and June to write and get accepted for publishing.
Does the theme of the month mean the month the articles are written, or the month the article are published?
The month the articles are written!
So right now it's April and the theme of the month is Memories of Old. This means you write your articles related to the topic of Memories of Old in the month of April.
And if the article you wrote gets accepted, it will be published the following month.
Do I have to write an article based on the article prompts provided?
Not at all! They are just there to help you out a bit if you are unsure what to write about.
If you have article ideas you want to write about that aren't on the article prompt sheet, go ahead and write and submit them! Just be sure to follow the KP article guidelines on the submissions page!
How do I know if my article will be published?
Within 48 hours, you will receive an email saying that we got your article and it's under review!
And within a week, you will get another email saying whether or not your article is approved for edits and publishing.
If you are accepted, there will be suggestions and comments on your google doc page with edits that need to be applied.
Once you apply the edits, you will get one last email saying the date your article will be published!
And that's it! I look forward to seeing what new articles you cook up for the second month of the contest, and I hope you have a fantastic time writing about your favorite stories.