Active 8 years, 6 months ago- Rank: Wise Jester
- Total Posts: 79
Daeus started the topic For all who love speculative fiction in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi friends,
I’m excited to announce that on October 2nd KP will hosting a panel discussion dedicated to the topic of speculative fiction!
Yes, fantasy, sci-fi, the stuff we love. I hope you’ll be there. 😀 😀 😀
Here’s the link.…[Read more]
Josiah DeGraaf started the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
Hey all!
It is my pleasure to introduce you all to the new Kingdom Pen site–now faster /and/ mobile-friendly. 😀
As you may notice, it looks quite different. And while I think I’ve caught all the bugs, there may still be some that have evaded my eagle-eye. So if you find something, drop us a note here or email us at kingdompenmag@gmail.com.…[Read more]
Rolena Hatfield started the topic A KeePer Announcement! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 9 months ago
Hear ye, hear ye!
This announcement is to draw all of you wonderful KeePer’s attention to a few changes here on the forum.
Because we care about everyone of you, may I first bring your attention to our updated forum guidelines.
They’re simply more specific for the benefit of it’s users. For, what kingdom can flourish without a clear law to…[Read more] -
Rolena Hatfield started the topic A KeePer Announcement! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 9 months ago
Hear ye, hear ye!
This announcement is to draw all of you wonderful KeePer’s attention to a few changes here on the forum.
Because we care about everyone of you, may I first bring your attention to our updated forum guidelines.
They’re simply more specific for the benefit of it’s users. For, what kingdom can flourish without a clear law to…[Read more] -
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Favorites? in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 9 months ago
Hey people. *tips hat grinningly*
There’s this book I just read called Eats, Shoots and Leaves, by Lynn Truss. It’s non-fiction—about punctuation. But it’s not a long or dull read at all, and is funny and very informative/helpful. Especially for people like writers who’d use punctuation more than usual. 😉
The only objection would be: it has a…[
Leumeister replied to the topic Aquila in the forum Sci-Fi 7 years, 9 months ago
Hello everybody tagged below!
I’ve got a bunch of unfinished drafts of stories (plus the finished draft for the Pilot for Aquila) and I was wondering if any of you would like to alpha-read some of them (and, perhaps, beta-read the finished draft). I need input on what I’m working on because I’ve got some stories I’m stuck on.
So, for those of…[Read more]
Anne of Lothlorien started the topic My Attempt in the forum Poetry 7 years, 9 months ago
So, I read some of the poems y’all suggested. (I loved the Wreck of the Hesperus). And I tried one of my own. It’s a bit silly, and I don’t like the ‘magic’ and ‘tragic’ rhyme at all, but for lack of a better one, I left it. Maybe someone can help me change it? But how do you all like it?
The Faerie Child
Anne of Lothlorien started the topic My Brother Wants Y'all's Opinion in the forum Film 7 years, 9 months ago
Hey there.
My brother is an animator. A movie maker. And this summer he is venturing out on another project, and he has made me his co-collaborator or something like that. So he asked me to ask y’all about it and if you like it and stuff.
So… here’s the basic plot. I’m still a bit fuzzy on it and it may not be one hundred percent accurate,…[Read more] -
Northerner started the topic Who here is thinking of entering Rooglewood's Five Poisoned Apples contest? in the forum 7 years, 9 months ago
It’s the last one they’re doing, and I’ve heard (though I can’t track down the rumour far enough to know for sure whether it’s true) that every submission gets feedback this time.
If you are, tell us about your…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Beginners' Tips For Writing Science Fiction in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 10 months ago
Yep. @Kina-Lamb
Daeus replied to the topic A True Story in the forum Non-Fiction 7 years, 10 months ago
Just a min. *snatches list* Here we…[Read more]
Cloudy started the topic Discord Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 10 months ago
This is an invitation link to a discord group. This group is exclusive to people from KP. Please don’t invite anyone who isn’t in Kp. It will or could be used for chatting (more quickly) about stories in real time, and stuff. I’m not saying get rid of KP, considering this looks like it’s going to do away with the forum…[Read more]
Northerner started the topic Thank you, KP! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 10 months ago
This weekend I saw a girl who I’m certain is a writer, though I never talked to her (I’m trying to get contact information for someone who might know her, so I can ask for her contact information in a slightly less creepy way than otherwise, but that’s another story), and she reminded me how much of my writing life I spent alone.
I started…[Read more]
Anne of Lothlorien replied to the topic The Legend of King Daeus in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 10 months ago
Please someone, anyone, I implore you on bended knee… draw Josiah the Wiser, sporting his scraggly coarse tarantula beard, with a frog (grinning evilly) on his head. Anyone who can draw, please try… if you need references, just look at his avatar, or watch the Stereotype videos
Anne of Lothlorien replied to the topic Character Art Exchange in the forum Art 7 years, 11 months ago
Okay, can someone put the picture they drew of Daeus’s Teedletidum’s actually on here, cause I can’t follow the link and I’m dying to see them.
Here, see if anyone wants to draw this person…
He’s an older teen, about eighteen or nineteen. His hair is longer, but not like shoulder length long or anything, just shaggy and long. Like Hiccup. And…[Read more]
Corissa Maiden of Praise replied to the topic Ah, Just One More Thing in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Hey everyone! Just one more call throughout the Kingdom (along with the splendiferous help of @Daeus‘s tag) to see if any other KeePers will be at the Best of British Science and Bible Conference at the Creation Museum next Friday and Saturday! Just because I’ve not had time to be on here doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you all, and I look…[Read more]
ClaireC replied to the topic Finished! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Just letting you all know, that I have gotten your replies, and love them all!
I will get back to you if I have time, but for now know that your responses are appreciated. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)…[Read more] -
Mark Kamibaya replied to the topic Favorite Movies in the forum Film 7 years, 11 months ago
@daeus @kate-flournoy @emma-flournoy @graciekry @his-instrument @jess @clairec @the-happy-bookaholic @dragon-snapper @timothy-young @warrioroftherealm @winter-rose @ingridrd @aysia-serene @adry_grace @belegteleri @hope @overcomer @vanna @faithdk @jadamae @hislittlerose @hannah-krynicki @writefury @hannah-olsen @dbhgodreigns @wordfitlyspoken @hannah…[Read more]
Mark Kamibaya replied to the topic Favorite Movies in the forum Film 7 years, 11 months ago
@daeus @kate-flournoy @emma-flournoy @graciekry @his-instrument @jess @clairec @the-happy-bookaholic @dragon-snapper @timothy-young @warrioroftherealm @winter-rose @ingridrd @aysia-serene @adry_grace @belegteleri @hope @overcomer @vanna @faithdk @jadamae @hislittlerose @hannah-krynicki @writefury @hannah-olsen @dbhgodreigns @wordfitlyspoken @hannah…[Read more]
ClaireC replied to the topic Finished! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
@…[Read more] - Load More