
  • whaley posted an update 1 week ago

    Guys, I’m not sure what to think about this. But according to my blood tests, I’m severely low on several vitamins and minerals. Super iron-deficient. And they might decide to inject me with the stuff, because I’m so weak without it. My body has slowed blood flow and brain function so it can focus on vitals.
    Combined with some other things, this is probably causing a lot of brain fog. This can result in ADD symptoms, memory problems, dissociating at random times. Which means… I would actually be a lot more focused if I had the iron. I’d be quicker, smarter, stronger.
    Like… whaaaaaat??
    I’m super hyper-focused sometimes. People say I have awesome mental processing skills. And you’re saying I’m not functioning on 100%??
    I don’t mean to brag about my skills, I really don’t. It’s just… I’ve felt so unequipped for so long to do my homework. My focus stinks. It’s like my brain is locked behind a huge, technologically advanced metal gate, and I don’t know the code.
    I really hope I get an injection. They only do it for severe cases. But I don’t really care if I puke a lot. Dude, this would be so helpful.
    Anyway. Uh… I guess this is a happy post. I just wanted to say this somewhere. I’ve got a diagnosis and things are looking up.

    • whaley replied 1 week ago

      It’s just been easy to pretend everything is normal, because I have enough surface-level intelligence to keep up with everything academic. So we’ve only discovered this now. That’s what boggles my mind.

    • whaley replied 1 week ago

      @loopylin @mineralizedwritings Sorry, I just wanted to tell somebody, and I don’t know who to tag. XD

      • Wow, that’s such a cool discovery! I’m iron deficient too but not a lot so I just take the pills. I hope something good comes if this for you and good luck! How has your week been?

      • Loopy replied 1 week ago

        That’s great that you know what’s going on!

    • whaley replied 6 days ago

      Sorry, notifs are laggy XD
      @mineralizedwritings Thanks! My week has been okay. I get tired of schoolwork fast, but I’m trying to get some stuff done. I also have random bouts of art, so if you check out the Art for All chat, I have some stuff there from yesterday. 🙂 How have you been holding up?
      @loopylin Yeah, I’m glad to figure out something! My parents looked over the results and immediately froze my BJJ account, some of my extra goals, etc. so we can get this dealt with.
