
  • whaley posted an update 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    @savannah_grace2009 (I don’t know why I’m hiding this update with another update, but I don’t feel like shouting things from the hills. XD)
    I have been diagnosed with moderate major depression, one point shy of severe. I have recovered a lot since then, but I thought you would like to know, since you gave something similar to Liv. You are free to ask any questions, if the answers make you feel more confident about your story or anything else. <3

    • Awww I’m sorry girlie *hugs*
      I’ll pray for you <3
      Thank you so much!!!!
      Is it okay if every now and then I bounce scenes off of you so you can check if they're accurate? I worry about being too dramatic or unrealistic especially with mental health like this…
      I don't have any questions as of now but I'll let you know if I do!!! Thanks Whaley, you're awesomeeee <3333

    • Thank you, Sara <3 I’m doing pretty well so I don’t want to worry people.. :]
      Yes, you can totally shoot scenes in my direction! I actually really appreciate stories with the condition represented in it, especially because I had it for more than a year and can relate to all the stuff. There’s a character in Stormlight Archive that has a special place in my heart for that reason.
      *Gets all flustered* You pulled the long heart emoji on me… I don’t know how to react to that… lol. <33333333
