
  • whaley posted an update 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    @mineralizedwritings @livingwoodchronicles @freed_and_redeemed @loopylin @rae @godlyfantasy12 @esther-c

    Story time with Whaley!
    Haha well, my school day is delayed. I took a shower, put on my shampoo and soap. Then I faint. I end up on the floor, crawling out to rest on the mat because maybe the heat has something to do with it. I try to get up two times, and fall both times. Then I shriek for my sister, who gets me something to drink while I lie in soap suds contemplating how boring my life was.
    I survive. Unfortunately, I also had wet, semi-permanent pink dye in my hair…

    And it got everywhere.

    I have just realized how old people feel about pretty much anything.

    • I’m tOo YoUnG to DiE

    • Hehehe 🤭

    • You good now?? I’m laughing but also concerned

      • It was scary in the moment but I’m okay now 😅 I legit thought I wasn’t able to get up and call someone, and they would eventually find me unconscious. I had a towel on but… eehhh. 😂😂
        I get faint spells a lot but usually because my blood sugar is low. I had chocolate. Sooooo who knows why it happened.

    • @whalekeeper

      Lol 🤣😭
      Are you actually ok though? Like umm that’s concerning…
      Drinking enough water?

      I passed out once when I got out of bed but it’s because I’ve got this blood pressure thing called pots, it makes my vision black in when I stand, but if I eat enough salt it doesn’t happen.

      • Thx for the concern ❤ I’m not sure what’s wrong. I get the same vision problem because I am super tall and thin, and my circulation is really bad. Water could be it. I have a strong aversion to the stuff, which sounds ridiculous I know, but my mum thinks I have a phobia based on other things that have happened.

        • @whalekeeper

          Girl I’m sorry you’re not feeling good… you really need to take good care of yourself though! Your body needs food and water and stuff! If you’re passing out then something’s not right :/

          I know when I’m feeling kinda depressed I don’t eat as much or drink as much and all of my health suffers from it.

          • ❤ …I know. I’m scared to tell my parents, but I don’t really care about food or water. It’s probably depression and I need to get that handled.

            • 💛💛💛
              Yeah, it’s kinda a scary feeling to not care anymore. There have been multiple times this past month where I didn’t want to wake up and live, but had to force myself to anyways.

              My mom regularly asks me if I have eaten recently so I can’t slack.

              It’s not something you should have to handle yourself, nobody should have to and it’s nearly impossible imo if you are depressed. If you’re not able to make yourself eat and drink at relative intervals out of sheer willpower (Which tbh, noneone should have to do that lol) than you probably should tell you parents.

              Oh my, house on fire sounds like a stressfull experience. Ack, punched yourself in the face?! 😂 I’m sorry that’s a little funny XD <3

    • Okay though, I am forced to consider mortality in bOth the morning and tonight. Because I went to take on the garbage, and my neighbors’ house was smoking. Luckily it wasn’t actually a fire but I ran over there and was ready to yeet those children out the window.
      Then I punch myself in the face without trying.
      Why me?? 😭

    • @whalekeeper

      Seems you’ve had quite the the exciting day XD


      Forcing yourself to eat while depressed or anxious or extra texture sensitive is always, uh, fun. Luckily I also have a mom who annoys me about it, and I’ve never actually passed out.

      Should we all just get on here occasionally and annoy each other in all caps into actually eating and drinking water? Lol

      • Also I’ve found that using fun, colorful, or twisty straws tricks me into drinking more water. Or adding some kind of flavor to it. Still get dehydrated, though.

        But, if I ever get my hands on some edible glitter, I bet I’d be one of the most hydrated people on the planet.

    • @loopylin lol my mom is like that too!
      Sorry if I’m being annoying lol

      And yes we do need a drinking water club of some sort

    • @loopylin lol my mom is like that too!
      Sorry if I’m being annoying lol

      And yes we do need a drinking water club of some sort

    • Girl, sounds like you had a day😅

      • Alright, I’m gonna be on here telling everyone to drink water. Enough is enough😂
        LOL jkjk



        • And Girlies @whalekeeper and @mineralizedwritings
          if y’all are feeling depressed to where you don’t want to eat/drink or even wake up and live, y’all really do need to talk to someone.

          Take it from someone that knows people who have and a girl who’s dealt with depression herself a few times: keeping it to yourself is the worst mistake you can ever make.
          I’ve kept it to myself before and it led me to a very dark place where I believed the lies Satan sold to me. I thought nobody loved me and nobody would even care if I was dead.

          So pls, pls, pls don’t keep these depressive feelings to yourself. If you don’t want to talk to a parent, then talk to another trusted adult, pls a Christian that is visibly faithful to God, and let it out.

          You’re not alone and I promise that talking to someone else will help you feel better. Even if they can’t solve the problem, they can help by being there for you.

          Every season comes to an end, and this sadness will not last forever💕💕

          • Talking with people is definitely important, no matter who you are. It’s hard for me, but sometimes I show people through my actions and jokes instead because it’s easier. I am very thankful to have my parents, as well as a church family and various friends.
            Most of them know my distaste for self-care even though I avoid talking about it. I’ve had a guy friend at school notice me subtly going through lunch break without any food, and pelt me with his chips like “oh my goodness eat child, or I will resort to violence!”He’s usually a very calm person XD I think we all show our depression in different ways, and for me, it’s skipping food and denying myself things.
            It’s less about not having loving friends, and more about the situation I was born in. My mum has been sick ever since I was two years old. And with my dad working all day, and five siblings, we can’t have a normal schedule or other normal things because my mum’s health has to come first. It sounds like a basic disability without any drama, but trust me, the smallest change in hormones can ruin someone’s mood, their energy, even their ability to think. It’s a lot of sadness; a lot of relapses.
            Anyway, that’s not all to say that my situation is worse than everyone else’s. We all have our struggles. I especially don’t expect this community to help me through it, because we’re here for writing XD But thank you for the concern. *hearts*

            • And don’t worry, I’m not emotionally stirred up right now, just stating how things have been

            • This may be a writing community, but this is also a Christian community. As such, this place is also here for us to uplift and encourage one another in our faith <3

              Talking to people isn't easy for me either, and I hate being vulnerable, so I feel you there. I can never understand your situation, but pls know that I am here💕

              I may not understand everything you're going through, but I do understand that struggles are hard to overcome, and sadness is hard to fight back. I'm not on here telling you to be happy. Trust me, I've had people tell me to do that before and I low-key wanted to knock their teeth in😂
              Sadness is okay to feel. God doesn't expect you to be happy all the time and I don't either (and neither should you).
              Rather, God promises that he is 'near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit' (Psalm 34:18) and is only a prayer away. He's not afraid of your brokenness…your anger…your sadness…your questions. He's strong enough to take it, trust me, he really is.

              And girl, I'm here for you, but most of all, God is here for you. He understands your situation and your life more than I do…he understands it more than you do.
              The hardships of life strengthen our faith. Paul asked for the thorn in his side to be taken away, but it wasn't, so he had to learn how to lean on God and his grace instead. I don't have all the answers, neither do I pretend to, but I do want you to know that God understands your pain…he knows how much it hurts

              Love ya, girl💕💕💕
