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No, I’ve never been on one yet! Hopefully sometime soon I’ll get to go.
It’s true. And God definitely chooses people to send to the most dangerous areas of the world, and then he chooses people to go to less dangerous places that are in just as much need of Him. 🙂I mean, being a weird taco sounds kind of fun. Besides the fact that I can’t eat tacos now…but life goals, man. Life goals.
Wow! That takes guts. A lot of people would prefer to be sent somewhere safer. The cool thing about God is that He leads us and makes things clear to us, so we don’t have to worry about what life holds for us…because God holds it all. Have you ever been on a missions trip?
Nope, I really don’t know what country yet. I’d honestly love to travel all over. Where would you like to be a missionary?
That’s cool! Tagalog, huh. I’ve actually never heard of it! I can see how having those two different cultures would be strange. My dad is in the Army, so I’m used to that kind of life, and it’s weird talking with people who don’t understand it at all and trying to explain the differences.
Okay, yeah, I’ve done hooked bowing before. 😉
Jada, how long have you been playing?
Man, almost everybody seems to live out in the country…and have large families! What kind of coffee do you enjoy?
*clutches hand over heart* This deeply grieves me. They’ve…discovered…I’m…weird. But really, tomatoes and tacos do have a lot in common. Not only do they go excellently together, but they both start with T…
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
Rachel Lester.
Ah no!! That can definitely happen. We have some sort of bird or some crazy animal hopping our fence and taking bites out of ours. Sometimes it’s a little hole, and other times a huge chunk is missing and I really don’t know what to think. Ooh and rice. Rice is good for tacos. And, like tomatoes, in general.
I think it’s important to remember the context of passages in the Bible. The people of Israel were continually sinning against God without repentance. The men were captivated by sinful women. They intermarried with women from other nations who followed false gods and that really put the people of Israel into an oppressive state. They were swayed by the people they married who weren’t following God. If you read later on in Isaiah 3 it says: “The women of Zion are haughty, walking along with outstretched necks, flirting with their eyes, strutting along with swaying hips, with ornaments jingling on their ankles.” The women were obsessed with image, fine things, and sin and that led the men to do the same.
But women can be leaders who fear God, respect others, are quiet and not ‘flirting with their eyes’, wise, kind, and blessed by God.
Men are always looked upon as stronger and more capable of leading. Man was the first being on earth created by God. So it makes sense that kings would be on thrones rather than queens.
And, as to what Daeus said, he has a good point as well. God didn’t wish to give the people a king. He wanted them to rely on Him alone and not need an earthly ruler. But He also loves us and recognizes our sinful, human nature and He provides.Hopefully some of this makes sense. 🙂
Amanda, the other life goal is to follow Jesus Christ and love Him and do what He wants me to do. 🙂 Though, I don’t think He wants me to be a taco, so… I might have to get rid of the other one and pretend I never saw this thread. 😉
Tomatoes, anybody?? Fresh garden tomatoes on tacos are the bomb. Fresh garden tomatoes are the bomb, but with tacos… just yes. I’ve never had venison, I don’t think!
Wow, a hippo would be…interesting. 😉 A bit scary. Maybe you could play real life ‘Hungry Hungry Hippos’, though.
I found your book on Amazon! Now to buy and read it… 😀Ah! I love Captain America. He’s really underrated as far as character development goes. There’s a lot there that’s hard to catch. They’ve done an excellent job with him. And, honestly, Loki is another favorite of mine. I know, I know, he’s a bad guy…but Tom Hiddleston does a marvelous job. I’m also looking forward to Ant Man! Have you watched Agent Carter??
My superhero series is currently two books long. The first is self-published on Amazon (and a bit too early on there…). The second is going through revisions, and the third is being planned/kind of written/kind of floating around somewhere in my mind.
It was cool, but it was also embarrassing not actually being able to converse in Swahili as I haven’t practiced in a while. But it was nice knowing I was on track with pronunciation! I’d love to go to Africa. God has called me to the mission field. I don’t know what that’s going to look like, but I’m excited.
I think there’s around eight books in the series. I have them all, I believe, but I just have to get around to reading them.
I’ve worked on many other stories…but I’ve only actually finished two from my superhero series. Okay, I did finish the first draft of a historical fiction novel, but let’s not talk about that one at all. o_o
I remember one of my first books I started writing was called “Mirror” and it had elements /very/ similar to Wayne Thomas Batson’s ‘The Door Within’ series. And though obviously that could never be published, it’s one of my first works that inspired my love of writing.
I love country life. I’ve never lived in the countryside, but I belong there. 😉
Okay, vibrato is really fun, but sometimes it just doesn’t work and it’s frustrating and I wish it was like 100x better. YES playing fast and clear and not bow-bouncing is so difficult! Ay! Hooked bowing…I’m not familiar with that term. I’ve been ‘playing’ since I was in fourth grade and I don’t think I’ve heard that before–or, at least, not too much. Ah, relish the time you have before you start positions. I can’t even with them. They are so difficult I’ve thought about re-adding stickers to my fingerboard to help. But if you know them you can do so much more D’:
YES I KNOW, the same thing happens to me!!! Or sometimes I’ll mix up my French and Spanish words and it’s just…a jumble of who-knows-what.
A Ukrainian touch typing thing?? Whaaat? That sounds so cool. What is it?
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by