Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Lol no worries about the non-specifics.
That’s good! My little nephew is almost 14 months now, and running and tripping around all over, and he calls me “Mumum” all the time, cuz it’s the only word he can say XD (My Aunt name is “Auntie Cece” 😊)
I do complain far more than I should! And especially about those kinds of things! They just seem…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
ahhhh, yes indeed! I thought it might be you!
Oh wow! Mended is amazing!! I love that one too! I’m currently listening to In the Stars as I write this, and I’m liking it a lot!!
Oh Elfwing’s writing is incredible! she’s managed to write one of the few things I actually like reading!
(Also oh my goodness, In the Stars definitely…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Hm… it’s hard to get anything specific in my head! It hink I’d like to know just some things that you think are cool and why, and also if there are common misconceptions about Catholicism that most people believe that aren’t true.
Wow! So many siblings! I love it tho! I love giant families XD And that’s exciting about the oldest! One…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Ah, I thought that may be the reason behind it! I am not catholic, but I have a few catholic friends, and know a bit about it. I’d love to hear more about it if you ever think of anything about Catholicism to tell!
Also, that makes a lot of sense! (If you want to share) how many in your family? I’m the fourth of 6 kids, but the two younger ones…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Hello, @mkfairygirl!
I think we may have met very briefly and indirectly already! (but that may have been another Katherine!) I was editing Elfwing’s book! Are you an editor for her work?
Yay! I will always take high-fives! Also I’m glad you like the meaning behind my name! 🙂
Favorite song… wow! I love music so much that I cannot say a…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
Oh dear me! I did not realize you had answered! Forgive my tardiness!!
Oh wow! That stable is close!
I dream every night. Well, at least it’s very rare that I don’t dream. I don’t mind it too much, but aobut 50%of my dreams are either off-putting or nightmares, so… XD
Yep, ants totally count! And I never even thought of Dolphins, but…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
I absolutely love horses! I volunteer at a stable one day a week, and it’s awesome! so many things to learn!
yesssss, mornings are great! Most mornings at least. (do you dream much?)
Awwwww your dragons sound adorable!
awww, I’m sorry your cat disappeared! We had to give away a cat I had had for about 6 years when we moved away, and I was very…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
That sounds fantabulous! I think it would be so fun to live on a hobby farm! I want peacocks someday (although, they’re loud). and I do really want a horse someday (although, they’re expensive) XD
That’s very interesting and kinda cool! I know I’ve picked up on some of my friends’ mannerisms for sure! And the characters of books I read a little…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 10 months ago
So sorry for the late reply! I fear most my correspondents have been frightfully neglected these past few days…
Ooooo I would love to live on a hobby farm! What animals do you have?
Aww, thank you. Most the time I don’t feel like a very wonderful person lol
More about myself… hmmm…
My mind functions in little boxes! Whenever I…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Thank you!
Okay good! I’m glad I’m not the only one out there who hasn’t read them!
HAHAHA! Elfwing had mentioned something about a pineapple question… I wondered when it would come.
As far as the actual question: I don’t mind it. It’s not my favorite, but I do enjoy it. I have nothing against those who say yea or nay XD
When it…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Yeah that could be it!
Ooooo, yet again sounds like an amazing idea!
Hahaha! You don’t talk too much! I actually feel most comfortable with talkative people, I think, because my friends have mostly been that my entire life!
lol even if it’s not a thing, you could make it a thing! In the writing world, there are no bounds. And, as I like to say,…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
@issawriter7, sorry for the super random comment, but I love how your name is spelled! Very unique.
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Oh hey! I’m always happy to hear of another person learning Latin, @madelyn! Nice to know of people outside my class who are learning it.
I have…. *crawls into hole for shame* not read any of the LOTR/Tolkien books at all. Mom has read the Hobbit to us, and I’ve listened to the Theatrical Drama production of the Hobbit, but I… haven’t read…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Thank you! 🙂 It is indeed, and I absolutely love it so very much! I am an out-of-doors kind of gal!
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Hmm, interesting.
Yes, that’s kind of what it is around here. You were able to describe it much better than I! “Disinterest”! My parents aren’t hostile to it at all, which is nice, because I’ve heard of actually quite a few writing friends whose parents don’t really approve, especially of the fantasy genre. That has got to be discouraging when it…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
No worries! It’s all good!
Yes, I tend to write when I have nowhere to put my emotions lol (And I have a lot of them!)
Hmm… I don’t know if you would call it unsupportive. Definitely they don’t read my work or anything, but that is partially my fault. (Although, I don’t think anyone of them would want to read it anyway…) They don’t look down…[Read more]
Unsung replied to the topic Greetings; I am a Jesus-follower in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Lol, yes, I forgot to mention I would use someone else for the photoshoot; I would be the photographer and director XD
(That’s cool!) Yeah, that’s fun! and a lot of forums, too! I love writing so much! 😀
Unsung replied to the topic I technically count as new in the forum Start HERE 2 years, 11 months ago
Lol that’s great!
I can do artwork somewhat, but I’m not the greatest at it! The photoshoot I could do, but I’d have to make the costumes and all that, and I’m broke lol
Hmmm… goooood question. I really like any form or art I can get my hands on really. I enjoy diamond paintings very much! (If you haven’t heard of them, it’s like a…[Read more]
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