Timothy Young replied to the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 6 months ago
Well this is a pretty fun change. I really liked the old one, but the startling bright green is very endearing as well. 🙂
Good job to the design team.
Timothy Young replied to the topic Theme/History not mixing. in the forum Historical 7 years, 9 months ago
Thank you to everyone! These were all really helpful and have given me a lot to work through! 🙂
@sleepwalkingmk. That is something that I had not considered! Thanks. I should have thought of that from their angle. It would probably fix the theme, or at least make a start towards it.@kate-flournoy. I will be keeping the two cents. They…[Read more]
Timothy Young started the topic Theme/History not mixing. in the forum Historical 7 years, 9 months ago
Ok, so I am going through the KP Theme Mastery course and working through my various books, trying to resuscitate them, and it has been really fun. However, I have come across a problem. In one of my books I cover the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572) and I am rather unsure what to do with it thematically.
A quick historical context. For…[Read more]
Timothy Young replied to the topic The Antihero in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
I would disagree about Balaam and say he is more of a tragic character, starting off seemingly reasonably well, and then going off the deep-end. However, I would be interested to hear why you think he is an anti-hero type.
I would say Joab is closer to an anti-hero. But that is just my opinion
Timothy Young replied to the topic A writing idea. in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 3 months ago
The ideas are definitely hard to treat fairly… But then not all ideas are equal. 🙂
I just tried it with a short story with a group of seven people each one offering three things they wanted in the story. I would say it is nearly impossible to come to twenty-one things that are quite that random, with a pre-existing story…[Read more]
Timothy Young started the topic A writing idea. in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi guys.
So presumably as authors we are all creative. Just the same, a problem I have had is writing something creative, that my intended readers will enjoy.
I got this idea from a sort of corollary idea. So you may have heard about some websites where entrepreneurs present their ideas, but as they lack money, they can’t really afford to…[Read more]
Timothy Young replied to the topic Favorite Movies in the forum Film 8 years, 5 months ago
Favorite movies… Well, How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a favorite of mine. Nice music, basically sound script, nice visuals, emotional without embarrassing me, and one of the few more recently made animations that I can still rematch without yawning too badly. 🙂
Well that’s my first. 🙂
Timothy Young replied to the topic New Game! in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 5 months ago
I cannot recall if I mentioned this or not, but 1 is incorrect. Unless we count written characters… 🙂
Timothy Young replied to the topic New Game! in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 6 months ago
Timothy Young replied to the topic Writers' Corner 2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 6 months ago
I might keep going, but I have a bit over 300 words written. Thank you very much @bluejay.
Timothy Young replied to the topic Writers' Corner 2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 6 months ago
Suits me well. Starting as of now. 10:54. 🙂
Timothy Young replied to the topic Writers' Corner 2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 6 months ago
@bluejay, when exactly is tonight? Night Time in America, Australia or Africa? I am open for the Australia and Africa, but American night time is bit too late for me… 🙂
But sure. I could use some outside stimulus to stay writing. 🙂
BlueJay and
Timothy Young are now friends 8 years, 6 months ago
Timothy Young replied to the topic Why We Do This in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 7 months ago
I write because I am distracted,
I write because I care,I write out of boredom,
I write because I have too,
I write because I can,
Sometimes I write for sport,
Other times I write in sweat of despair,
But finally I write for the Kingdom,
To aid the wheat and pluck the tare.(Clearly I am not that good with poetry, but better there then working…[Read more]
Timothy Young replied to the topic Aliens, in the forum Sci-Fi 8 years, 9 months ago
@daeus, Oh… I had not read my first paragraph in that light… I was trying to write it as more of an apology for bringing up the topic, which clearly is not too active in the forum. However, in hindsight, ouch, my post is very poorly written for that goal.
Really just three major questions. 1, why are there so few Christian Sci-fi books,…[Read more]
Timothy Young started the topic Aliens, in the forum Sci-Fi 8 years, 9 months ago
Ok, so I am considering working on a blog, and one of the topics I want to talk about, is science fiction, from a Christian’s perspective.
Before working on this for my last week of college break, I would like to hear your guys opinions.
Timothy Young replied to the topic Hi, from the Deeper South in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 9 months ago
@jadamae, A Search for A Secret, is actually one of his better books. I really enjoyed that one. I did not enjoy All But Lost. It really, really crawled.
Timothy Young replied to the topic Hi, from the Deeper South in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 9 months ago
@his-instrument, facts about Africa… Particularly, South Africa. South Africa has eleven official languages, one of which is English. Therefore no one needs to learn another language. We have other languages, but they are unspoken ;).
We work mostly in schools, though my dad will preach anywhere that will take him. Before I went to…[Read more]
Timothy Young replied to the topic Hi, from the Deeper South in the forum Start HERE 8 years, 9 months ago
@gretald, Henty has some very good books, Top three (my opinion 🙂 ) “In Freedom’s Cause” ‘By Pike and Dike’ “The Cat of Bubastes.” “By Right of Conquest,” ‘Knight of the White Cross,’ “Lion of the North,” ‘Lion of St. Mark’ being very near competitors.
@rolena-hatfield, 29 more books? I might have miscounted then… I was only aware of four…[Read more]
Timothy Young replied to the topic Where do you live? in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 9 months ago
Hey, President Obama does not have six wives does he? 🙂 President Zuma has had six. Though I think he has four now. He also built a mansion that cost 246 Million rand, of money that was not his for the taking… (Granted a rand is now rather weak to the dollar, but its the thought that counts). We also have the most expensive cabinet in…[Read more]
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