Kefa changed their profile picture 2 weeks, 6 days ago
Kefa replied to the topic The Purple Eyed | My Current WIP in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks, 6 days ago
You can definitely keep me updated!
I don’t want to tag anyone who isn’t interested… so I’m not gonna tag anyone on this topic at all. And I hate tagging!
Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have tagged anyone…😓… uhhh… maybe I can get off with a warning? because it was y first time making a WIP topic…? 😣
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks, 6 days ago
Okay! I will tell you! Then it will make sense! There are many different races in TKOK, the normal humans, but then there are also animal humanoid races, like the Paradalis, Arraia (UH-HIGH-UH), Eidechse. (I-DECK-SUH) and many others! Only the non-human races can become fallens, how to become a fallen is simple, there are two ways of…[Read more]
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks, 6 days ago
What kind of virus has taken over the world?
Okay, so it is not you everyday flu, as you can imagine! It infects you, but makes you go crazy, it grows this black stuff onto your body, and makes you more powerful but you can’t control it. It is kind of alive in a way, where it wires into your brain, and looks through it, then based on…[Read more]
Kefa replied to the topic The Library of Writing Prompts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
lol lol
Kefa replied to the topic The Library of Writing Prompts in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
I have seen a video where someone did that 😂
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
sorry, it is late at night 😬
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
oh, yeah, lol! Here are the roles of the character!
Pretzel: He is mainly the side protagonist, he is trying to help end the infection that is spreading through the world, he helps the protagonist move forward, and supports the team! How the disease affected him: STATUS, infection ineffective on social and physical states, affects mental…[Read more]
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
Here is a scene I have! Please do not immediately judge Rapha, she has been through a lot.
When they returned, the Keepers were now arguing on how Nissi shouldn’t have married early.
“So you are saying love is no reason to marry?” Nissi raised his voice.
“Love is a fine reason to marry for the people of the kingdom! But for people in power, s…
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
I will try my best. *slowly backs away*
Which one of your works is Carrot Cake from?
Okay I will tell you! P.I.-C.A.F.E
It stands for: Pretzel.Iris.Carrot Cake. Alex. Fern. Ellis. Those are the main characters from my WIP. (Kinda inspired by f.r.i.e.n.d.s… I have never watched it before, just the name alone)
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
Oh trust me, I am fine… Carrot Cake on the other hand… nah, she is not okay…
What the–
I would edit that post but I think it is way too funny that I tried to tag you with your username. Anyway, @the_lost-journal
Look up XD
Lol, yeah! Kommen mistake. (Ik it is spelled with a “C” But “K” is better.) Do you want to know about any of my WIPs?
Kefa replied to the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
Kefa started the topic The potato army WIP. in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 weeks ago
Welcome one and all! This is where I shall share about ALL of my work in progresses! I have quit a few!
Anyway, here my WIPs I have:
The Kingdom of Kaimor (fantasy/sword and sorcery)
A Cellar’s tales, WIP name (group of horror stories, that are connected)
That other WIP, still doesn’t have a name 😅 The one about the immortal girl. (Historical…[Read more]
Kefa replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 weeks ago
And of course, we should reconcile ourselves with our fellow man, especially those we have wronged, but man cannot forgive sin, only God, and by extension those He’s given authority that He might work through them.
Oops, I raised that wrong. I meant they go one on one, like, of course I ask for forgiveness from someone I wronged, b…[Read more]
Kefa replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 3 weeks ago
YAY! I like fire too!!!!
Kefa replied to the topic Character Name Help in the forum Characters 3 weeks ago
What can I say? You know me.
Is there such things as knowing someone too well? LOL!
Maybe look up words meaning carrot in various languages, that might work.
That would work!
Kefa replied to the topic Denomination Q and A in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 weeks ago
I think we just have different definitions of sacraments.
I think so 😂
Great! If you could point me to where you talk about it, that would be awesome:)
oop, uhh, I will make a topic for it!!!!!!!!!
So it’s weird because we absolutely have the analog of reconciliation, where we repent and confess to a Bishop (one of a…
Kefa replied to the topic Character Name Help in the forum Characters 3 weeks ago
Pyro’s cousin?
I knew you would say that 😂
I looked up “names meaning “carrot” but couldn’t find anything.
There should be more people named CARROT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kefa replied to the topic Character Name Help in the forum Characters 3 weeks ago
I like it
GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME! And yes, it is Uh-hah-va
is there a certain style/ethnicity of names you’re going for? Do you want them to be real names or fantasy names?
Kind of a mix! Sort of where the characters names seem more magical and made up, but are real names! Like here are some I like: Ruth, Rosemary, Emmanuel, S…[Read more]
SLAYING SARAAAA ✨✨ replied to the topic NEW and IMPROVED WIP!!!!! in the forum Novel Critique Requests 3 weeks ago
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