Snapper replied to the topic Facebook in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
Snapper started the topic Facebook in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
Alrighty, Kapeefers. I made meself a Facebook page (With my real name… *hides*) for the Silver Phoenix blog. But I’m wondering how to promote the facebook page to people other than myself and my friends on facebook… to people who aren’t my friends but people like you….
Or I guess the real question is, how do I use facebook as a writer…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dekreel XD Epic. I love the perfect fifths thing. 😛
Snapper replied to the topic Just a Bit… Dismal in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Oookay, that’s a lot to catch up on. XD
@introvert_girl Right. The emotions in my character should be strengthening them… I’ll try to keep that in mind…
@ethryndal This is for the third book in the trilogy, so I can understand why you’re not seeing it. I think one of the problems might be that I’m focusing too much on characters and not…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
Snapper replied to the topic Out of season NaNoWriMo update in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@hannah-c XD That’s hilarious though. (And thanks, but I have plenty to write about. 😛 )
I’m writing a science fiction trilogy right now. Working on the last book, then to editing. *headdesk* And thank you. 🙂
Snapper replied to the topic Question in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years ago
@hannah-c YES! It sound hilarious, actually. 😛
Snapper replied to the topic A Year Ago… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@that_writer_girl_99 Woooohoooo! KP-versary (almost) Congratulations! 😀
I’m so glad you’ve been on here, Elizabeth! You’re cheery, fun and so helpful. I look forward to the coming years! 🙂
Snapper replied to the topic Why do you write? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@pickupyourpenandwrite How funny! I just posted about this this morning on my blog. XD
Why I Write -
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@Dekreel This is great. XD And I agree with @ClaireC, the small installments are nice; makes it easier to read and in one sitting. 😉
@PerfectFifths If you really could cut in perfect fifths that would be quite a feat.
Snapper started the topic Just a Bit… Dismal in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Alrighty, guys…
I could use some help on this front. I’ve learned pretty well over the past few months how to show and not tell, but I actually am using that too much.
Don’t get me wrong. Always show over tell, but my problem is that I’m focusing way too much on the emotion. And Ike… Zelaya, they’ve all gone dismal.
How do I refocus my…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Out of season NaNoWriMo update in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@hannah-c HANNAAAAHH! Hi and welcome back!
Ooh, yikes, I’m so glad you’re okay. 🙂
Comical autobiography… that sounds hilarious. 😛 Is it about you?
Up to?
Up to much mischief, my dear friend…
I finished my third novel, working on the fourth now. Also started a blog, the link of which you can find down there in ze signature.
I also…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@sam-kowal *cracks knuckles* @daeus I had to tag you too. XD
Challenge accepted. Raspberries. Go.
Frozen Raspberry
And the gray of night,
Shivering hands.
No light.
I couldn’t fight,
I couldn’t write…
A question…
A question for the sky.
Of this evil infection?
Why the gray,
Does…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@jenwriter17 Me too. Catch you later!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@skredder That’s great! 😀 Might see you later then!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@jenwriter17 Oh that’s right. You said that just up there… *facepalm* I must be blind or something. 😛
Anyway, I’m working on copying these accumulated sticky-notes ideas into a notebook, then I’m going to write my novel. 🙂
@skredder Welcome!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@jenwriter17 Yay! What are you working on?
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@jenwriter17 You still there?
Hannah replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@rochellaine Amen!!
Snapper replied to the topic Hiya KeePers!! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
I also like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien, although I haven’t read them in a LONG time.
Oh, and D.G. Snapper X)
@dekreel You just put me next to C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. O.O <3
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