Hannah replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@catwing … I think if I successfully create a poem from that I will have set a record. 😂……….. This is gonna be tough. 😬
@rochellaine haha yeah.. hmm… Wellll… It’ll probably a few days just for warning. 😂
Hannah replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@catwing @winter-rose just to be clear. I AM NOT leaving. Shannon and Emily are. Shannon messaged me to tell me a few things we’d talked about and asked me to tell anyone who asked/tagged them.
I’ll still be around though not as often as before. 😉😊
Snapper posted an update 7 years ago
@ethryndal I’ve been watching Lord of the Rings lately, and whenever I see Galadriel, I expect her to say something sarcastic… XD
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@daeus XD Yeah, I guess it was kind of sudden. Haha! Yeah, Danielle the Dragon isn’t exactly working, is it?
*looks at you skeptically*
*waits five minutes*
Hmm, I guess I won’t burn you in a ball of flame…
*melts chair instead*
Exactly! Da is a great way to start off a name. 😛I wonder… do you think @the-real-kapeefer will let me win…[Read more]
Hannah replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
*Pops in* @catwing , Shannon and Emily have decided for various reasons to leave KP forum. *Pops out.*
Hannah replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@catwing *blinks in rapid confusion* soon my poetry prompt is potatoes squash pudding???🤔😂
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@that_writer_girl_99 XD You’re the second person who’s said that to me tonight. 😛
@winter-rose @catwing I’m signing out now. I wrote 1303 words. 😀 Good luck with the rest of your night!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
We’re all crazy here…. @that_writer_Girl_99 *que Daniel* HI I’M A KAPEEFER!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@winter-rose I’m listening to Tron: Legacy music. But I am writing science fiction so… I don’t know. This soundtrack is epic, even for electronic.
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@winter-rose Awww, thank you! I’m rather fond of my name too. 😀 😀 😀
@that_writer_girl_99 Thanks! *is happy*
@catwing XD Haha!
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic A Year Ago… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@That_Writer_Girl_99 My pleasure. XD
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@catwing I’m writing a very pivotal scene. Ooh, airplane crashes! 😀
@that_writer_girl_99 *glances at tail* Yep, I’m growing it out. XD (The name? Lol)
@winter-rose HI!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@catwing I’m on.
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@perfectfifths Well, I’m older now. And I made myself a facebook page to build a writer platform. I don’t want my reader base to be built on two different names. So I’m sticking with Danielle. It’ll be easier when I’m an adult writer.
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@daeus I’m still grinning at your reaction. XD
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@catwing You’re welcome for nothing. 😛
Nice one! XD
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@daeus 😛 Yeah, that’s my real name. 😀 Danielle. (Goodness, it’s weird to write that on here after a year and half of deliberately not.) SURPRISE! 😀
I’m assuming you’re surprised? 😛
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic A Year Ago… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@That_Writer_Girl_99 Yay!!! Congratulations, and may you reap the goodness of KP for many more years. 😉 D’ye remember our first conversation? It was regarding Luke Skywalker and whether or not he’s whiny. XD
Snapper posted an update 7 years ago
Yeah, that name… that’s my name. 😛 The real one.
Snapper's profile was updated 7 years ago
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HA! HAHAHAH!!! This is the third time someone’s told me this, and words cannot express the sheer emotion that floods my soul every time.
*pumps fist* My villainous master plan is already beginning to take effect.
(And is… is that… is that your name? *hugs the dear sweet Danielle kid*)
@ethryndal *claps* Bravo! You redefine green elves, and I melt chairs. 😛
(Yep, I’m Danielle. 🙂 That’s me name. *stunned* Did an INTJ just hug me? 😛
Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it. Sometimes INTJs have an identity crisis. It takes them all of 0.05 seconds to remember who they are and that they don’t hug people.
You do realize how strange this is for me though, right? Is this what if felt like when you learned that my real name WASN’T Ethryndal? *hyperventilates on the floor* What is life…[Read more]
It was pretty weird, I’ll admit. I was like… wait. Huh? Is that her real name, or is that her pen name, or is that… ??? XD
*pats shoulder but does not dare hug you* Worry not, melon (is that the elvish word for friend??) at least I’m still a dragon.
*melts chair*
True, very true. And no matter how many names you may have, you will always be a Kid as well. 😀
(And yes, your elvish is mostly correct. Mellon actually has two ‘L’s, but I’ll overlook it THIS ONCE… 😛 See how merciful I am?)
😐 That’s me. The wonderful, wild Kid. XD If we ever meet in person (which we have to do, anyway. You’re in Maryland, right?) then I’ll call you Galadriel and you’ll call me Kid. *watches building explode in dragon fire and glitter*
(I never claimed to be fluent… Melons are tasty though.)
*is in awe of the mighty, merciful @ethryndal )
THAT WOULD BE SO EPIC. *envisions all the explosions* The dragon and the elf. We wouldn’t have any gifs to throw at each other though… I suppose we’d have to improvise. And yes, I’m in Maryland. I applaud your skills of observation. Is it too much to ask what state thou makest THY residence in?
(You have no idea how much it bugs me that…[Read more]
*hides beneath 10 days* Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to this. I’ve been seriously busy.
YES I KNOW IT WOULD BE SO AMAZING!! I make my residence in the slightly more southern state of Virginia.