Snapper posted an update 7 years ago
@aislinn-mollisong @dekreel @daeus @seekjustice @winter-rose @ethryndal @sam-kowal Hey Beta-readers! 😀
You all have helped me so much in the making of my novel. It’s come so soooo far in the last 6 months. Hopefully, with a couple more round of edits, I’ll be ready to send it off to agents, editors and publishing companies.
Because of that, I…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Self-Doubt… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@dekreel Amen, sister.
I wonder when I’ll stop doing that. Because I’m always doing it. Sometimes, I make myself higher than others, and sometimes I have to bury my head in a pillow.
*instead of petting you, offers you a non-melted chair*
Just remember, that God made you unique, special and loved. Writing does not become your identity. It’s…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Just a Bit… Dismal in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Wow… that is a hard life. 😛 One of my characters used to be like that… no wait, there still are some.(Of course! Once I edit those, but I’ll probably want people who’ve already read the first book. @dekreel You too)
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Song for my book in the forum Poetry Critiques 7 years ago
@Daeus Yay! *lemonade and cheesecake for all*
I definitely prefer “Awestruck to see that in dark the lights dance”.
Snapper replied to the topic Just a Bit… Dismal in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@daeus Thankee. *bows* Well, I tried incorporating small ‘good’ things and it’s been a lot let dismal lately. I think I just let Ike gnaw on dismal’ness’ for too long. XD
@sarah-anson I really like the italicized bit you said there. *nods* I agree. Thanks!
Hannah replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 7 years ago
@rochellaine oh yeah, if you could PM it…. I had a spelling error I tried correct then it didn’t repost… And it took me 20 minutes to type since I was using the phone. Yes I do have it saved on my non internet laptop. 😉
Also consider your self tagged to. 😄
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Song for my book in the forum Poetry Critiques 7 years ago
‘Most comely he smiled’ is better
And little Teedletiden he fashioned for the trees
For all of these a city, Letharill, he made
Its glory was established that it should never fade[ I’m unsure about the meter in these last three lines, especially lines 1 and 3.]Maybe instead: ‘And little Teedletiden he fashioned for trees
For all t…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Song for my book in the forum Poetry Critiques 7 years ago
@Daeus Thanks.
Well, you’d better come up with an epic soundtrack for it then. 😉
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Song for my book in the forum Poetry Critiques 7 years ago
@Daeus Oh hey, could I have it in a doc too? I was going to do it without one, but that sounds a much more efficient option.
I don’t write poetry, but I certainly appreciate good poetry, especially with good cadence. That’s my favorite part.
I read through it, and it’s beautiful, and I do have some metrical suggestions.
Also, I feel compelled…[Read more]
Snapper changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@sam-kowal *is honored that you think me a hero in dragondom*
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
To Stan: No, I’m still a dragon. I can still melt chairs. This is just the human me. Worry not, Stan. We’re still dragon friends. *offers you a melted chair*
To Sam: 😛 (XD Still a dragon. Once a dragon, always a dragon.) I wrote 1144, so I’m signing out now. 🙂 Good luck on your new book!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@sam-kowal *nods* XD
Turns to Stan: Why aren’t you talking to Sam? I thought you two were best buds?
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@sam-kowal *hands Stan cough medicine* Why, what’s wrong with him?
Snapper posted an update 7 years ago
@kate-flournoy @dekreel @hope @anyone else… Just letting you guys know that I change my name and profile picture, so if you can’t find Dragon Snapper, that’s where I am. XD 😛
Whoa. Mixed emotions. This is different5% of me is going: “Cool!”
Another 5% of me: “OMIWORD I KNOW HER NAME!”90% of me: “NoOoOoOoOO, I liked your dragon self! CHANGE BACK!!” *starts crying*
XD I’m keeping my name up, but you two win. I’m a dragon again. 😛 @sam-kowal @dekreel (I think I like it better too. LOL) I can’t change my profile picture without a revolt, can I?
I actually did not mean to sound that heartbroken XD I was moody when I wrote that. But fair enough XD
@dekreel XD Don’t worry about it. On here, I’m a dragon. It must stay that way forever. AND EVER!
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@sam-kowal Sweet! 😀 I should be on for another 20 minutes or so…
Snapper changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Snapper replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Snapper and
Gloria Oldenpinner are now friends 7 years ago
Snapper replied to the topic Facebook in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
@winter-rose Thanks! 😀
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@dragon-snapper No problem.
That just made me realize how awesome talking about it with other KeePers would be!
Have no fear, though. I will tell Stan to keep quiet as well
Sure thing.
*salutes* Gotcha. Sector One is officially kept under my hat.
@dragon-snapper Sure! I hope I haven’t bumbled about it too much already… I was really excited about it X)
@dekreel Nope! 😀 Definitely not too much. 😛
@winter-rose @ethryndal @daeus @sam-kowal Thanks guys!
@dekreel @winter-rose @ethryndal @daeus @sam-kowal
And back to this again. Sorry. *facepalm*
So I’ve decided that I will talk more about my book on the internet. Ya’ll can talk about it too, just no spoilers.
(I was afraid to do so before because I read an article, and although it was convincing @reaganramm and Hailey’s video was…[Read more]
@dragon-snapper 😛 Okay. Awesome