Daeus posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
@kate-flournoy @sierra-r @aratrea @that_writer_girl_99 @winter-rose
Hi guys,
I have a rather enormous announcement/request to make.
For a while now, I’ve been wanting to create my own e-course. I’ve had an idea for it too. I wanted to cover the “show don’t tell” rule. Now, to many people, that would seem like a crazy idea for a course, since…[Read more]
Really, really want to do this… I do need to be careful about how much time I realistically have, though. :/ What’s your planned schedule for this and when you’d need feedback by?
Ah, I should have mentioned that. My pace with this is going to be a little bit slow. I’ll try to write about a lesson a week. I only have my outline so far and a knowledge of the points I want to cover for each lesson. So this would be a gradual thing. I think honestly it might take me six months to get nailed down, though I might get ambitious…[Read more]
Got ya. I could give you feedback along the lines of #1 and #2 up through September 1st. After that, I may be able to give some sporadic feedback, but that will be completely dictated by my school schedule.
Okay, thanks. 😀 We’ll run with it.
Yes, yes, and yes again. When do I start?
I’m in. Absolutely. When do I start?
Haha. 😀 Great! Well, right now, if you want. This isn’t letting me post my original message, so I’ll try one piece at a time.
And here’s access to the course file. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzI8MlrraNgHekR6TWtEa2RTYW8?usp=sharing
I’ll try to do some lesson outlines this week. Maybe even today.
WOW. You’ve got a lot of categories. 😛 I love it.
Me too! This is awesome.
Ah, time is a tricky thing. Well, I’ll leave it up to you. Does it make sense for you to do this if you’ll only be able to cover the first (and admittedly simplest) part? If so, I’d be glad to have you. If you’re not so sure though, you could potentially be a beta viewer when this part’s done. Or you just ignore this course and have a good life. 😛
@kate-flournoy @that_writer_girl_99 @aratrea Part 1 has outlines for all the lessons if you’d like to go check them out. 🙂 I’m hoping to write out lesson one today.
@sierra-r Have you seen this yet?
Awesome! I’ll look them over today, probably later tonight. @daeus
@Daeus which one is part one…
Part 1 – emotion telling. Right at the top of my outline. There are four lessons listed under it.
Aha, thanks. Found it. 😉
Which lessons make up Part 1? Is there a doc somewhere that categorizes/lists all these lessons?
Here’s the outline https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W87kcWtV1azNc5zA34D9jQ3yNl-wbnGDgYOnxAhrs5k/edit
In parentheses at the top it says (part 1 – emotion telling) The four lessons under that are the ones that have outlines.