
  • Hello, sorry that this letter is coming in late, but I also have a question.
    It’s interesting that a villain (if not the main villain) act like a parent to a kid or hero character (if not the main hero). I’ve seen examples like this in Thanos to Gamora (from Avengers: Infinity War, although I’ve seen their father-daughter relationship through…[Read more]

  • Hello, it’s SeekeroftheTruth.
    I’m glad I got to read your replies and greetings. I think they’re actually helpful. I was wondering on what I should start on in order to get a story going, when it comes to using KingdomPen and/or Story Embers.
    I’ve been writing down some notes from one, two or three websites (or some), concerning on how to…[Read more]

  • Hi, Grace,

    What led me to the Kingdom of Pen, I can’t say that I’m too sure. I try to remember how I got to KingdomPen. But it was during a road trip for Dad that I happened upon it. I might’ve been trying to look for some fantasy prompts or maybe trying to find a Christian writing website (I can’t remember too well, I’m afraid). I became…[Read more]

  • Sorry about the empty reply if you’ve received it. It was an accident on my part.

  • Hi, Kathleen,

    I want to say that the main thing that made The Kingdom Series one of my favorite books is the Prince, the King’s Son. I can’t say that I’ve read all the books, but I did read Kingdom’s Reign. I’ve tried reading Kingdom’s Dawn and Kingdom’s Hope, but I haven’t gotten through the whole books. I did listen to the audiobook (dr…[Read more]

  • Hello, this is Jaydyn Gray.

    I want to be a writer, especially one that writes for Christ and gives messages through the stories. What I’d like to write is stories involved with genres, including Christian allegory/symbolism, fantasy, adventure, mystery, and maybe even horror (if possible; and I’ll need to find out how I can put horror in a…[Read more]
