Active 7 years, 3 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 669
ClaireC replied to the topic Scrivener… in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@dekreel, somewhere between 40 and 60 dollars I think. You can use it free for thirty days first though.
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Hi, I'm Ari! in the forum Start HERE 6 years, 10 months ago
@Ariella-Newheart Welcome to KP! *throws paper clips at your shield* For the satisfying pinging noise and all.
Emma Flournoy posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago
Hullo peeps, I have a message from our historic forum doctor, @BlueJay, whom many of you remember but I can’t remember everyone who remembers her plus I’m only allowed ten tags so feel free to tag other people if you want. 😉
I email with her sometimes, hence the message. She says to tell you the forum doctor’s on vacation, and enjoying the hot…[Read more] -
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
@audrey-caylin. Thanks for the great advice. Good to know that that is a good technique, ’cause it’s essentially what I do for everything I write. 😀 I was just stalking you blog, btw, and it’s really great! 🙂
ClaireC replied to the topic Scrivener… in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@audrey-caylin, yep! Scrivener’s is great!
@jane-maree, hope you can make it!
ClaireC replied to the topic Scrivener… in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@jenwriter17, hee hee. 🙂 But it’s free!? I most certainly wouldn’t be going if it wasn’t.
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
BTW, @radically-surrendered, that makes two of us. 😉
ClaireC replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@rochellaine. I think ‘Go for it!’ But I do agree with @dekreel, that something for Keeper’s Corner could be better than a full-sized article. You’re right, I’m not sure if they’d publish something like a grammar article on the website itself, but we’ve had one on the email before. It was about whether the (.) or the (!) should inside or outside…[Read more]
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99, That’s really great advice, Elizabeth, and one of the things that so often get forgotten in any ministry. We get so caught up serving, we forget who and why we’re serving.
@radically-surrendered, This is really good advice, thank you! This is one of the things that has been reflected in my ‘blog brainstorming’ so far.…[Read more]
ClaireC started the topic Scrivener… in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi People. 🙂
Who here uses Scrivener?
‘Cause if you do, or if you want to, there’s a free live webinar on the 15th (or 16th if you’re an Australian and you have to deal with a time difference) of this month. K.M. Weiland’s promoting it, so it’s going to be good. 😉
Here’s the link for…[Read more]
ClaireC replied to the topic Writer's Corner #13 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@rochellaine, actually yes, that might be good. I didn’t think “I hath returned” sounded right, but I couldn’t figure out why.
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
Thanks, @gh24682468999, that’s great advice! 🙂 Also, what @rochellaine said. Before you but it in the signature, I was copy and pasting every time I tagged you. Now, no problems!
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
Thanks, @supermonkey42. 🙂
ClaireC replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@dekreel, Haha! That’s great! This is exactly what I did when I read @dragon-snapper‘s LOKD! 😀
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
@seekjustice, Thank you! 🙂 What’s the link to your blog?
ClaireC replied to the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
Thanks @rochellaine. 🙂
ClaireC started the topic New Blog in the forum Non-Fiction 6 years, 10 months ago
Hi All.
A friend of mine started a Christian website called ‘For the Faith’, and asked me to write articles for the ‘blog’ section.
So. A bunch of you have blogs, and I want advice! Neither of us have run a blog or website before, but I’ve read/followed a lot, and my sister has had one, so I have some idea how it all works. Also I know a lot of…[Read more]
ClaireC replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@skredder, @daughteroftheking, Thank you. 🙂
ClaireC replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
@epicaddie2, @ingridrd, Thanks guys! 🙂
ClaireC replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 10 months ago
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Also, @BlueJay said she’s been having a deficit of good ideas for writing lately, and if any of you have any spare good ideas she’d love them. She still gets emails when she’s tagged. Anything’s welcome, but especially ones more on the cute short story side of things. So just in case. 😉
Thanks for tagging me, Emma. How is she doing? I think about her sometimes (and wonder if she ever got my edits for her Golden Conch story?). Tell her hi for me! *waves*
Oh, you edited The Golden Conch too? I didn’t know that. That’s a fun one. 😀 I can ask her if she ever got the edits.
Yeah, I couldn’t remember for sure if you were around when she was but I was pretty sure. 😉
She’s doing well, as far as I know… She recently won best film/best actress awards for a short film she made for a film festival, so…[Read more]
Noice! Do you know if she’ll be coming back to Kingdom Pen sometime?
I don’t know. She said she’d love to sometime, but I don’t really know much about it. We can hope. 😉
Yep. 🙂
Here, her reply to you:
‘ I think so, but I will have to check. I’m still working on it, so if you want to send them through again, I’ll probably still use them. ‘
Okay, I will probably do that. 😉
@emma-flournoy BlueJay is Australian?! Huh! I didn’t know that…
Anyway, now that I know that she still gets emails… Can I pass a message to her?
Hiya, @bluejay! I’m Dekreel! 😀 We haven’t met yet, but I am aware of the circumstances, so oddly enough, I miss you! XD So, when you return, expect a greeting from me like we’d always known each…[Read more]
Thanks Dekreel. *grins* I’m sure she’s loving your enthusiastic response. Thanks for the story ideas too. 😉 I don’t know what she thinks of any of them, but if she says anything about ’em I’ll pass it on. 😉
BlueJay says ‘can’t wait until I get to meet you properly. ‘
Oh, that’s great @emma-flounoy! She was the first person to welcome me, and one of the best friends I’ve ever had here. Please say hi from me, and that I miss her. 🙂 Also I’m glad she’s enjoying the hot weather, ’cause I’m not. 😛
Heh, I don’t enjoy hot weather either. XD Happily for us it won’t be Summer for quite a bit yet over here.
I’ll definitely tell her. 😀
Thanks, girl. 😉 @emma-flournoy
She says: ‘ I’m missing you too. I’d be happy to email with you if you want. ‘ 😉
Oh good! We were going to exchange emails when she was here, but my mum was ‘thinking about it’ and we missed the opportunitiy. I’ll ask her again. 🙂 @bluejay @emma-flournoy
Sure thing, I will. 😀 Thanks.
@BLUEJAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesssss, you will get this message! I MISS YOU, girl! It’s hard being substitute doctor around here, especially since there’s so much ice cream going around.
Uh, writing ideas. Right. Do something about puppies. Maybe a man who’s deaf with a dog assistant. From the dog point of view?
Or a story about a…[Read more]
Woah. Um, @bluejay, I think @dragon-snapper just gave you the highest compliment possible for her to give.
An unmelted chair, AND phone, AND chocolate! Impressive!
Yeah, impressive. XD O.K., her message to you, Snapper:
@dragon-snapper *sinks gratefully into chair and types message on phone while eating chocolate* it’s a good life.
I really like the idea about the guide dog from it’s perspective.
I shall have to think about the pizza idea for a bit. 🙂
@Winter-Rose From BlueJay: ‘I like your ideas. Very cute. ‘
Aww, I was just thinking about her the other day. She was the first one who welcomed me when I came on here as a scared little elfling, and it was the warmest greeting ever. Say hello for me. We miss her.
I shall indeed.