
  • Ruee Hamster Huey posted an update 11 months, 1 week ago

    @savannah_grace2009 Hi girl! How’s it been? We haven’t chatted in a while.

    • @rae
      That means so much that you thought of me!!! <333
      sorry i kinda disappeared for a week…I've had a lot on my mind….
      Wellll I may or may not have gotten my heart broken…so I've been trying to deal with that and in the process I've been leaning into God more and strengthening my relationship with Him which is amazing! I've been trying to keep my grades up which requires a LOT of studying…but I have straight A's now and have been trying to maintain that so yeahhhh!
      I've been so exhausted it's crazyyyy!

      How have you been? I've been praying for you!

      • Uh, mostly writing for me. Had to quit stable working, and riding until Spring cuz of my health.
        Almost at 2500 words on my WIP.
        And my grades…considering I’m only functioning at 10% my norm, I…have already failed this semester.
        Yeah, not much more than no riding, failing school, taking 18+ pile a day and more threatening me and…well all around awfulness.
        Not to be a person always needing pity, but thanks for the prayers, I’ve really been needing them <333

        • @rae
          I’m sorry it’s been rough….I guess my advice would be to just lean into God. Trust me, it makes your life so much better! Remember that He has a plan for you even when you can’t see it.
          I just got sick…last night I threw up and had a 101 degree fever so that was nice….I’ve been in bed all day.
          How has your day been?

          • WAY too busy. Yesterday, we went on a school trip to my fav museum for hours and I watched over a little girl. Ate Chick-fill-A for lunch with some friends. It was soooo cute how my little Charge ate her waffle fries! Adorable!

            Got home, went to bed and stayed there for three hours, half-asleep. Get up, all disoriented and almost fall over. That last thing happens often now, and Mom gets really worried when I suddenly fall against a wall or something. I’m oddly not concerned at all.

            Then today we celebrated my Mom’s birthday. Tomorrow…another busy day…I’m just like, why?

            Anyways, I’ll be praying. Hope you get better soon! <333

          • @rae
            That is sooo cute! I have never eaten Chick-fill-A before…but it’s on my list of things I HAVE to do someday!
            Ugh…I’m sorry, that sounds awful…I’m still praying that God will heal you!
            I know how that feels…busy days are sooo exhausting!
            Thanks! I woke up this morning and feel so much better <3
