Ruee Hamster Huey posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago
This may sound stupid to you, but who in the Galaxies is Bucky?!! I keep seeing his name everywhere. I figured I’d ask you since I saw your forum signature.
Signed, an ignorant Ru.
*comes running in*
I know I am not Light but I can’t ignore this question. 😂
I feel like Bucky has become the official mascot of KP. But Bucky is a character from Marvel that at least half of us adore. 😆 (i.e. me, Light, @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings and somewhat @smiley)
He’s Min’s pfp and cover image, my cover image, and freedom’s pfp at least once a week (😆)
LOL i get it. When I first came to kp I didn’t watch marvel (it was too graphic growing up) but everyone was writing fanfics and @freedomwriter76 would not stop telling me how great the captain America series was… so yeah. Eventually I watched it. Bucky is like the ‘writers favorite broken boi’ but from the marvel cinematic universe. So yeah we all really like him, my pfp is a drawing I did of him and my cover image is a moodboard freedom made. We just… all reaally like him 🤩 it gets embarrassing
You’re not embarrassed about it XD it’s all my sister makes fun of me for now 🤣😭 I let her though so it’s all good
and yes @rae we know not everyone likes Marvel and wouldn’t want you to feel left out 🙂 if you ever want to ask us questions about it feel free, but we understand if it’s not your thing <3
Okay so uh… I he’s from the MCU I like him, he’s not my favorite XD
I’m a Wanda fan and I adore Pietro Maximoff
*Sighs* the disappointment when you realize a fictional character isn’t real
*Looks at Freedom* he’s good, but is he the best…?
My brother also makes fun of my fangirling over the MCU characters
but they’re all so broken and wonderful
*whispers* Miley did you really just ask that question..?
I know I was feeling brave XD
Uh…tis was NOT what I was expecting when I posted this…It’s fine, I’ve only ever watched the first Captain America and clips of Tony Stark and here and there stuff from Guardians of the Galaxy And I like what I see…it’s just I haven’t really gotten that INTO it.
Lotr grabbed me and pulled me in on the first chapter.
Starship Trooper and the Moon is a Harsh Mistress did too. But Marvel…you are like Star Wars, you interest me but you haven’t taken me into your world, yet.
I’m always been the odd one who either likes to stand in my crowd of friends or step out and let the world see me as different, REALLY different.
*cough cough* agreed
Don’t worry, I don’t attack people (usually, but your safe) if Tolkien isn’t you and you read or tried to read his work and am not just saying it, you are pardoned from my courts. :).
Ahh, I totally get that!!! Lotr and really all of Tolkien’s writing has been my love ever since I first read the books! I wasn’t expecting Marvel to grab me that much since it was so different from Middle-earth life, but boy did it surprise me! 😂
And I’ve been one of those people trying to get @freedomwriter76 to read Tolkien but once she tried it she found it just wasn’t for her!
My family recently started watching the harry potter movies and I was expecting to love it, but I don’t. I don’t know what it is about it but it’s just boring. I don’t get how it’s so popular when, in my opinion, Lotr and Marvel are so much better.
But all that to say, I agree with you. 😆