
  • RAE posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago

    @euodia-vision Love your location on your profile, lol!

    • @rae
      Why, thank you!!! Do you like Lord of the Rings?
      I love your pfp too! Horses are amazinggggg

      • Do I love lotr? They are my favorite movies and books! Tolkien is my favorite author! I literally did not like books until I read The Hobbit, and I only read that cuz my big brother kept talking about it. Since then, I watched the movies over and over again, plus read the books twice. After I finish school assigned reading, I plan to read them again.

        • @rae
          YUS GIRL!!! *high five*
          I’ve only read the books once, but rn I’m working through Lotr a second time. Buuuut, I’ve seen the movies like 8 times. 😂
          Do you like books or movies better? And do you like the hobbit or lord of the rings?

          • I like the books, cuz I appreciate good writing and that was the first book that I cried over only two words, “Aragorn dies” and I’ve never had another book do that to me. I’ve cried over those words twice!
            Lord of the Rings, it captures me and Strider was like a game changer for me. i loved his mysterious personality at first.

            • Awww! 😭 So like the part where it says Aragorn dies of old age?
              YES!!! I love Aragorn/Strider!!! Some of my fam thinks he’s weird but he’s my favorite Lotr character, besides Sam ofc.
