



Favorite Book(s) or Authors

Andrew Peterson, Brian Jacques, Gail Carson Levine, S. D. Smith, John Flanagan, Jeramey Kraatz, Jennifer A. Nielsen, Nancy LeSourd (Liberty Letters), Margaret McAllister (Mistmantle Chronicles), Jennifer Trafton (The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic) Jonathan Rogers, John R. Erickson, Louis Sachar (Holes), A A Milne (Once on a Time), Howard Pyle (Men of Iron), Frederick Marryat (The Children of the New Forest), Chuck Black (The Knights of Aarethtrae, The Starlore Legacy), Kenneth Grahame (The Reluctant Dragon), Trenton Lee Stewart (The Mysterious Benedict Society), E. B. White, Beverly Cleary, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Marie Mcswigan (Snow Treasure), Jean Craighead George (My Side of the Mountains Trilogy), Megan McDonald (Judy and Stink Moody), Esther Forbes (Johnny Tremain), Rush Limbaugh (Rush Revere), Dr. Seuss, Piet Prins (Scout: The Secret of the Swamp), C.S. Lewis, George McDonald, Lewis L'Amour, G. A. Henty, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Sun Tzu


Greetings stalker! It appears that you have come to try and find out all my deep dark secrets, plots, and about me, myself, and my treasure. If it’s the treasure you be looking for I’ll give you a little hint… I’m not going to tell you where it is BWAHAHAHA!!! *pulls on big black boots, straps on cutlass, and adds a fake beard* But if ye still won’t stop ye dirty little quest I recommend ye getting to know somethun about meself. Arrgh! First, me loves books. (Hint: look at all the book bindings in my room.) Second, me enjoys sword, knife, gun, bow, and spear fighting (Warning ⚠️: Don’t let me catch you looking at the book bindings or you might end up with a headache.) *pulls off me… errrr MY piratical garb* A couple of other things I like include, but are not limited to, military strategy, cats, making paper weapons, finding old coins, and playing volleyball. (Ya, that last one doesn’t really make much sense but it’s true.)
