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Aw thanks @alia! And thank you @jenwriter17! Yes it is on Goodreads! <3
Heyyy @dekreel! It’s nice to be back! 🙂
@sam-kowal. Ugg! I did it again. Sorry for not getting back to you! :p
I’m sorry to hear that Emily and Shannon are going to be gone for awhile. I’ll miss ’em! 🙁That’s a cool name! In our family, all of us have unique-ish names. For instance, my little sister is named Marija with a j, except it’s silent. I think it’s how you spell it in Dutch or Russian or something 😉
So, Stan’s your on-the-internet friend dragon? That’s fun. 🙂
Hi @daeus! Thanks for getting back to me. I don’t have Scrivener, though I really want to splurge and get it! 🙂 I’ve heard it makes writing life so much easier! We’re working on the editing (my parents, who are old journalists) right now through good ol’ Mac Word. 😉
We’re planning on publishing it through Amazon, yes. Any tips on making that easy? My Mom has published a book using Lulu and Amazon both, but I do want to help in doing that, not make her do all the work 😉
I am so so so so so so sorry I have not replied back to you!! Eekkkkkk, it’s been forever! I formally apologize from disappearing from KP- my past 2 months have been crazy! :0
So how was your Christmas break? Mine was good, besides getting sick 3 times over it, including the flu… 🙁
My Christmas was good too! I’d never heard of anyone not celebrating Christmas, but my family definitely does put the Christ in Christmas. We don’t get TOO many presents either 🙂
Yes! I’m writing a book called, “Unexpected Surprises,” (tho I feel like I needs I different title) and it’s about a man who’s wife died 2 months before due to cancer and he has to take care of his 7 children, ages ranging from 2-16. Later in the book, he meets a woman who lost her husband a year before, and she has three kids. They’ll eventually get married. After working on it for probably five weeks now, I think I’m on chapter 6. I usually go much much faster than that, but I have been so busy!!! :p
I also wrote four books over the summer, two novels, one half novel, and a short story. I am actually getting a book (my 1st novel) published on Amazon Kindle soon, and I am sooo so excited!! It’s called, “The Summer of Eleanor Maglina,” and my plan is to have it published before April 😀
Oh, and that question I asked a while back in November, about finding a baby on the doorstep? I finished that book. What’s driving me crazy right now is trying to REMEMBER what I named the baby!! But she’s a girl, and the couple are named Tara & Charles. They just got married, went to Paris for their honeymoon, and then moves to NYC for Charles’ job in a videography company. They find the baby girl on New Year’s Eve, and they eventually adopt her. The day they adopt here is the very last chapter, and that’s right when Tara tells Charles she’s pregnant! Then the book ends. 🙂 I admit it. I’m a cliffhanger 😀
Oh! I haven’t read any of the trilogies you mentioned, but I’ll look them up on Kindle! They sound fun. My favorite books are classics mostly. Secret Garden, Little Women, and I also love the Moody Family series by Sarah Maxwell. (I got the rest of the series for Christmas, and read them in like, a week! :D)
As I said, so sorry I haven’t gotten back to you until now! I hope you’re healthy and happy. 🙂
Sorry getting back to you is a little late… Christmas has me at my best and my worst LOL!! 🙂For Christmas we’re going to our aunt and uncle’s house since they just moved to Ohio an hour away from us! It’s such a blessing to have them closer than 8 hours or more, since they lived in Illinois before, and Kansas before that!! :0
I’m absolutley dying for Christmas to get here! At first when Christmas season came, I didn’t feel excited. My grandfather had just passed away, I was heartbroken and miserable, and I felt “too old” for it. But now that it’s SEVEN days away it’s like… “AIIEEEEE!!! PRESENTS!!” Lol. Okay, not JUST presents. His Birthday too ;D
What have you been up too? What do you want for Christmas? Oh, and I would like to send you a Christmas card, is there anyway you could give me your address? 🙂
Have a blessed day!! <3
Hi @emily! Sorry it’s taking me so long to write back to you! 😛
My grandfather’s funeral was Friday, and it’s really hard 🙁 But we’re blessed to know that we’re going to see him one day soon! 🙂
Since the past couple weeks have been crazy, we haven’t even began to decorate for Christmas. Hopefully we’ll have it up by the end of this week though 🙂
I am looking forward to Christmas very much! Though it’ll be hard for us without my Grandfather, especially my Grandma, it’ll be such a blessing with all of the family and presents and knowing the Jesus is the Reason for the Season! 🙂
Also, this Friday is our friend’s annual Christmas sort-of talent show. Everyone gets to participate, and my brother and I are doing a duet on their piano. 🙂
I love listening to audio dramas! I especially LOVED Little Women audio drama ( and we listen to Adventures in Odyssey almost every night. Have you heard of it? (
Oh! And I love Jonathan Park! We don’t listen to it very often, but it’s great, isn’t it? 🙂
What are you doing for Christmas? 🙂
@sam-kowal! Haha, totally get the photographer memo! I’ll also be like, “Yeah, look at this 50mm lens I just got!” and my older brother will be like. “Um… cool?” 🙂
Just wondering, is Sam your full name? Wasn’t sure if it was short for something. Like I sometimes go by Dassah short for Hadassah. Aren’t nicknames great? 🙂
@emily. Aww, thanks Emily. Really appreciate you praying for us! It’s amazing how many people I’ve never met in real life are praying for us! Especially my dear blog readers <3 🙂 🙁
I’ve never read the Ascendance Trilogy, but I’ll look it up on our library website! Do you like to read an actual book or a digital? (like on Kindle Paperwhite etc.)
Since we have so many little ones it’s hard for us to do long car trips, but this past summer we did go to Illinois for my cousin’s wedding. We have a car movie player so we binge watched Little House on the Prairie and some Tim Hawkins. Have you ever heard of him? He’s a clean Christian comedian and HILARIOUS!! 🙂 Other than that, we usually read, color, and the little guys play little games. 🙂
How about you? I’m not a great car reader, I usually get sick though. I’m pretty content looking out the window as well.
What have you been up too?
The funeral for my grandfather is this Friday. <3 <3 <3
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
@sam-kowal! Hi! Nice to meet you 🙂 🙂 🙂
I love photography! My lenses are: 75-300 zoom, 50mm, and 18-55! Almost the exact same as your brother’s! I’ve been looking into more advanced lenses lately, but they’re SO expensive! I guess I’ll just have to wait for Black Friday sales and stuff LOL 😉
Thanks! I really like looking at that spiderweb pic! Isn’t it funny how we awe over our own photos? 🙂
@dekreel! I posted a video to my YouTube channel just for you!
Also, HOW DID I NEVER HEAR ABOUT SONYA @dekreel?? She’s sooo amazing! @emily! Check her out here:
Okay @emily- your family is SO SO SO talented! Wow, your violin/banjo playing was amazzzzzing. Literally… you guys should be at the Country Music Festival as an artist 😉
I’ve only seen the first Narnia movie. 😛 But I want to see the 2nd. My fav. book is the Magician’s Nephew, but then again, I haven’t read them all. I definitely haven’t read them in order anyways 😛
The book sounds interesting! I’ll look into it 🙂
Names?? YES!! I have this hugggge list of name combinations, twin names, fantasy names, big family name themes, last names, girls names, boys names, etc. etc. etc. 🙂
My favorite names are: Savannah, Willow, and Violet for girls though I think. I don’t know about boys names. I’m not so good with those, but I do like: Jason, Justin, and Carver. 🙂
Name combinations I’m not so good at, but here goes: Savannah Grace, Reene Hope, Kara Lily, etc. etc. 🙂
How about you?
<3 <3 <3
@dekreel! Haha, well I’d love too! I’m hoping to get a video up on how to get good photos on my blog through YouTube up soon during Thanksgiving Break, so I’ll link to it if you want!
Here’s a link to a post on my blog too if you want to see that! Photography just comes naturally to me; I think it was passed down from my photographer father!! 🙂
It’s so cool you have such a spread out family! Your oldest brother is 40??! That’s crazy, since my Mom is that age!!!!! :0 (but totally cool!)
I’d love to see the video! Sure, I’d love the link 😉
The Piano Gal ( is a teenaged girl who plays the piano BEAUTIFULLY and has met all kinds of famous people! She’s such an inspiration! Plus she’s homeschooled 😉
My fav. thing to sew is probably napkins. I know that sounds easy, and it is, but I really enjoy making them for people and selling them as a business 😉
I love Narnia too! I haven’t seen all the movies though. Have you ever heard of the book, “If the Magic Fits,” by Susan Maupin Schmid? It’s awesome!
Also a very good Christian book for young ladies is, “Stepping Heavenward,” which I’ve already read 3 times this year LOL 😉<3 <3 <3
@delightinlife! Hi there! 🙂 <3
Yes! I am in Aladdin this year! I’m in the ensemble, but I have a few solo lines, and I play another small part of the thief that eventually tosses the bread to Aladdin! 🙂
That’s SO cool that you were in Aladdin! I haven’t really been in many other shows except our Church’s nativity plays. I was Mary two years ago, and then landed the part of Mary again this year! 🙂
Here’s one of my most favorite pictures I’ve ever taken- isn’t it pretty?:
<3 <3 <3
@dekreel! Aww, thank you! I love photography! My camera (I actually borrow my Dad’s, but it’s sorta “willed down” to me know LOL) is a Canon Rebel T2i!
Love your pictures! What kinda of camera do you use again?
Thanks <3
@dekreel! I LOVE photography! It’s practically my life. 🙂
My fav. things to take photos of are babies and little kids, but I do LOVE nature as well! Black and white is great! I have a photography blog @, if you’d like to look. All of my siblings are on there too 🙂
Here’s one of my most recent ones <3 🙂
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by