photobloggergal replied to the topic My book! (And yes I'm finally back!!) in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 2 months ago
Aw thanks @alia! And thank you @jenwriter17! Yes it is on Goodreads! <3
Heyyy @dekreel! It’s nice to be back! 🙂
photobloggergal started the topic My book! (And yes I'm finally back!!) in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 3 months ago
Hey everyone! I (@photobloggergal) am back!! I haven’t been on here in about a year, and I am so sorry for leaving! So I’m back. And I have exciting news! I published my first book!
Back in August actually… xD But here it is:
I am so excited to be a published…[Read more]
photobloggergal changed their profile picture 7 years, 2 months ago
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 2 months ago
@sam-kowal. Ugg! I did it again. Sorry for not getting back to you! :p
I’m sorry to hear that Emily and Shannon are going to be gone for awhile. I’ll miss ’em! 🙁That’s a cool name! In our family, all of us have unique-ish names. For instance, my little sister is named Marija with a j, except it’s silent. I think it’s how you spell it in Dutch…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic Has Anyone Published A Kindle Book in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi @daeus! Thanks for getting back to me. I don’t have Scrivener, though I really want to splurge and get it! 🙂 I’ve heard it makes writing life so much easier! We’re working on the editing (my parents, who are old journalists) right now through good ol’ Mac Word. 😉
We’re planning on publishing it through Amazon, yes. Any tips on making that…[Read more]
photobloggergal and
Hope Ann are now friends 7 years, 2 months ago
photobloggergal started the topic Has Anyone Published A Kindle Book in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone,
Was just wondering if anyone’s ever published a Kindle book on Amazon, and what are your tips for making it easier? I’m planning on (trying) to publish a book at least before April. Thanks! 🙂
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 2 months ago
I am so so so so so so sorry I have not replied back to you!! Eekkkkkk, it’s been forever! I formally apologize from disappearing from KP- my past 2 months have been crazy! :0
So how was your Christmas break? Mine was good, besides getting sick 3 times over it, including the flu… 🙁
My Christmas was good too! I’d never heard of anyone…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 3 months ago
Sorry getting back to you is a little late… Christmas has me at my best and my worst LOL!! 🙂For Christmas we’re going to our aunt and uncle’s house since they just moved to Ohio an hour away from us! It’s such a blessing to have them closer than 8 hours or more, since they lived in Illinois before, and Kansas before that!! :0
I’m…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi @emily! Sorry it’s taking me so long to write back to you! 😛
My grandfather’s funeral was Friday, and it’s really hard 🙁 But we’re blessed to know that we’re going to see him one day soon! 🙂
Since the past couple weeks have been crazy, we haven’t even began to decorate for Christmas. Hopefully we’ll have it up by the end of this week…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@sam-kowal! Haha, totally get the photographer memo! I’ll also be like, “Yeah, look at this 50mm lens I just got!” and my older brother will be like. “Um… cool?” 🙂
Just wondering, is Sam your full name? Wasn’t sure if it was short for something. Like I sometimes go by Dassah short for Hadassah. Aren’t nicknames great? 🙂
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@emily. Aww, thanks Emily. Really appreciate you praying for us! It’s amazing how many people I’ve never met in real life are praying for us! Especially my dear blog readers <3 🙂 🙁
I’ve never read the Ascendance Trilogy, but I’ll look it up on our library website! Do you like to read an actual book or a digital? (like on Kindle Paperwhite…[Read more]
photobloggergal and
Sam Kowal are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@sam-kowal! Hi! Nice to meet you 🙂 🙂 🙂
I love photography! My lenses are: 75-300 zoom, 50mm, and 18-55! Almost the exact same as your brother’s! I’ve been looking into more advanced lenses lately, but they’re SO expensive! I guess I’ll just have to wait for Black Friday sales and stuff LOL 😉
Thanks! I really like looking at that spiderweb…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@dekreel! I posted a video to my YouTube channel just for you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuqT3SQZcVs
Also, HOW DID I NEVER HEAR ABOUT SONYA @dekreel?? She’s sooo amazing! @emily! Check her out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/playerpianovideos/featured
Okay @emily– your family is SO SO SO talented! Wow, your violin/banjo playing was a…[Read more]
Joy and
photobloggergal are now friends 7 years, 4 months ago
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@dekreel! Haha, well I’d love too! I’m hoping to get a video up on how to get good photos on my blog through YouTube up soon during Thanksgiving Break, so I’ll link to it if you want!
Here’s a link to a post on my blog too if you want to see that! Photography just comes naturally to me; I think it was passed down from my photographer father!!…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
It’s so cool you have such a spread out family! Your oldest brother is 40??! That’s crazy, since my Mom is that age!!!!! :0 (but totally cool!)
I’d love to see the video! Sure, I’d love the link 😉
The Piano Gal (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCes_WkfXPmwfz1rwP-AF68Q) is a teenaged girl who plays the piano BEAUTIFULLY and has met all…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@delightinlife! Hi there! 🙂 <3
Yes! I am in Aladdin this year! I’m in the ensemble, but I have a few solo lines, and I play another small part of the thief that eventually tosses the bread to Aladdin! 🙂
That’s SO cool that you were in Aladdin! I haven’t really been in many other shows except our Church’s nativity plays. I was Mary two years…[Read more]
photobloggergal replied to the topic I need a character's name! + other stuff ;D in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@dekreel! Aww, thank you! I love photography! My camera (I actually borrow my Dad’s, but it’s sorta “willed down” to me know LOL) is a Canon Rebel T2i!
Love your pictures! What kinda of camera do you use again?
Thanks <3
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